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Functional help of EOS apps for business central


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EOS Solutions

EX001 Accruals and Simulated General Ledger

Thanks to the Accruals and Simulated General Ledger App (SGL) it is possible to post (for both sales and purchase) simulated entries linked to the chart of accounts, but in parallel general ledger accounts. These records have no impact on the general journal and VAT. Normally these simulations are used to generate interim financial statements, because they allow to simulate rectification and closing entries, which otherwise could only be carried out at the end of the year with the closing of the financial year

EX002 DocFinance connector

DocFinance (DCF) Eos Solutions App allows data exchange with DocFinance treasury management system

EX003 Data Security

Data Security app adds mandatory Fields, validation rules, record status, colors and workflow to data in your ERP

EX004 EOS Administration Library

Functions and utilities for administrative tasks regarding apps by EOS Solutions

EX005 Bank Files for Italy

The Bank Files for Italy app (CBI) contains features to import files from Banks into Business Central and allow Business Central to export files to the Bank following SEPA and CBI directives

EX006 Combine Warehouse Shipment

The Combine Warehouse Shipment (CWS) Eos Solutions app allows you to combine shipments based on grouping criteria defined in the setup

EX006.02 Combine warehouse shipment for P365

Create shipments combining orders according to grouping criteria.

EX008 Advanced Customer Vendor Statements for Italy

Advanced Customer Vendor Statements App offers features to display/print customers’ and vendors’ aging. From Customers / Vendors List go to Actions->Customer/Vendor aging.

EX009 Advanced Document Reporting

Advanced Document Reporting App allows you to create and print up to 20 different types of documents using only 5 reports. For the same document it is also possible to define different layouts, by editing the document header, the footer, the report title. It also extends the standard functionality of sending e-mail documents

EX009.16 Advanced Document Reporting for P365

Manage job data on italian reports of your own projects in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX010 Commissions

The App Commissions (CMS) is used to manage and calculate sales commissions for salespeople

EX011 Enasarco FIRR and FISC

The Enasarco Foundation ( provides the social security and assistance of salespersons and trade representatives

EX012 Due dates management for Italy

The Eos Solutions Due Dates Management for Italy app allows you to change the due dates of customer / vendor accounting entries, allowing you to manage the agreed installment plan

EX014 Billing Note

Billing note management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

EX015 Historical ECB Exchange Rates

The Historical ECB Exchange Rates app provides direct access to the European Central Bank (ECB) Exchange rates service within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

EX016 Open Banking

EX018 Electronic VAT Settlement for Italy

The App allows you to manage the completion and the submission, to tax Authority, of the document for the periodic VAT settlement for Companies that operate in Italy

EX019 Advanced Intrastat for Italy

The Advanced Intrastat for Italy App allows you to manage the process of compiling the Intrastat model, which is the declaration that reports the intra-community sales and purchase transactions made by a VAT number holder in a given period of time.

EX020 VAT Management for Italy

Vat exemptions and plafond with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

EX022 General Ledger Application

The General Ledger Application app allows you to link the G/L Entries of the Journal one at a time. Moreover it is possible to connect already posted G/L Entries, all at once.

EX023 EMA Extended Management Accounting

The Extended Management Accounting Eos Solutions app extends the functionality of Cost Accounting and enables the implementation of customer/item profitability analysis

EX025 Customer Vendor Compensation

The Customer Vendor Compensation App for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows you to select lines from two lists of accounting items to compensate

EX027 EMA Budget allocation

The “EMA Budget Allocation” App, certified for Microsoft Dynamics BC, extends the cost accounting features that can be implemented through the “EMA - Extended Management Accounting” App it allows you to manage allocations and determine the tariffs of production work center, based on budget data (entered into Cost Accounting Budget).

EX028 Product Configurator

The Eos Solutions Product Configurator (CFG) app allows, on sales side, to manage product configuration both through the generation of item codes and through the generation of variants

EX028.01 Product Configurator for Manufacturing

Product Configurator for Manufacturing app allows you to create routings and production BOMs with work centers, run times, and BOM’s components that vary according to the value of the characteristics

EX029 Empties Management

Eos Solutions Empties Management (EPM) app allows you to manage empties (pallets, packages, load carrier) based on order lines after defining the packaging materials

EX030 Handling Units Management

The Handling Units Management Eos Solutions app allows you to manage load units (pallets, boxes, etc.) to be assigned to documents in order to make shipments


The CONAI app from Eos Solutions allows compliance with regulations regarding the recovery of steel, aluminum, cardboard, wood, plastic, glass packaging

EX032 Extended Bank Reconciliation

The Eos Solutions Extended Bank Reconciliation (EBR) app integrates the standard functionalities already present in Business Central by adding further functionalities within the already foreseen process

EX033 Azure Secret Expiration

The Azure Secret Expiration (AZE) app allows you to monitor the expiration of Azure secrets within a specific tenant, as well as the expiration of additional manually entered tokens or certificates. If it expires soon, the app will send a notification via email.

EX034 Advanced Cash Flow

The Advanced Cash Flow (CSF) APP extends the functionality of Business Central basic module, allowing you to define the due dates of sales / purchase orders using the defined payment terms based on the planned shipment dates of the order header / order lines or using the defined payment terms based on the planned invoicing dates of the invoicing plan connected to the order (EOS App “IPL”) showing the customer exposure in a separate cashflow account line based on the open ledger due dates.

EX035 Bulk VIES VAT Number Check

Thanks to the app Bulk VIES VAT Number Check (EX035) you can validate the VAT numbers of economic operators registered in the European Union for cross-border transactions of goods and services

EX036 Withholding Tax Certificazioni Uniche For Italy

The Withholding Tax Certificazioni Uniche For Italy (ECU) Eos Solutions app allows you to process and send the file Certificazioni Uniche. It also allows you to print it on the official form provided by the Tax Authority.

EX037 Detailed Document Discounts

The Eos Solutions Detailed Document Discounts app allows you to insert header and line discounts in sales and purchase documents

EX038 Transport Cost

Eos Transport cost app enable calculation of shipment costs in advance and later the reconciliation of expexted costs with actual costs.

EX039 Factoring and Invoice Discounting for Italy

Factoring and Invoice Discounting for Italy management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

EX040 Show Comments On Documents

The Show Comments on Documents app from Eos Solutions allows to enter comments on a Customer / Vendor card and to choose on which document you need them to appear

EX041 Close Documents Without Invoicing

The Eos Solutions Close Documents Without Invoicing app allows you to post purchase and sales orders without creating the related invoice or ledger entries.

EX042 Invoicing Plan

The Invoicing Plan Eos Solutions app helps the business to create and manage customized payment plans (e.g. 30% in advance, 30% on half delivery, 40% on final delivery).

EX043 Sales Free Goods

The Eos Solutions Sales Free Goods app allows you to invoicing for free gifts with or without vat recourse in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX045 Advanced Dimensions Management

Set filters on the G/L Account Dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

EX046 Purchase Request

The Eos Solutions Purchase Request app allows you to manage purchase requests of goods / services in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX046.05 Purchase Request for P365

Manage purchase requests from employees in own projects in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX047 Over- and Under-Delivery Quantities

The App Over- and Under-Delivery Quantities allows you to manage tolerance on the quantities of goods, in excess or shortage, to ship or to load. The feature is implemented for both purchase and sales orders, and it is active also in warehouse management

EX048 Delivery Reminders

The Delivery Reminders (PDR) app allows you to track overdue deliveries, automatically create reminders and notify vendors of reminders

EX049 Sales and purchase Promotions for WholeSales

The Eos Solutions Sales and purchase Promotions for WholeSales app allows the large-scale distribution to manage and apply discounts depending on customer hierarchy levels/groups and to setup promotion plans.

EX050 Extended Combine Shipment

The Extended Combine Shipment app, after making a specific setup, allows to indicate how to group documents, to whom to issue the invoices, how often to invoice

EX051 Dual Unit of Measure

The Eos Solutions Dual Unit of Measure (DUM) app allows to manage Document and entries posting double unit of measure (I.E. KG and PCS)

EX052 Intercompany Accounting Eliminations

The Intercompany Accounting Eliminations (IAE) App extends the functionality of the BC basic module for the generation of the Consolidated Financial Statements,

EX053 Inventory Valuation and Costing

Eos Solutions’ Inventory Valuation and Costing (IVC) app allows you to implement inventory valuation “scenarios” using different costing configurations

EX054 EFRAG Compliant ESG Disclosure for SME

EED is solution aims to guarantee the possibility for an SME to comply with the EFRAG principles being issued.

EX055 Packing List

Eos Solutions Packing List (PCK) app, allows the creation of a packing list connected to Sales Orders, Warehouse Shipments, Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders, Return Shipments, Warehouse Receipts

EX056 Inventory with Serial and Lot Number

Entering inventory counts in BC in the case of lot / serial no. tracking requires a long time. Eos Solutions Inventory with Serial and Lot Number (ISL) app allows you to have the lot and serial number directly showed in the Inventory Journal page.

EX059 MDI Master Data Intercompany

The Eos Solutions Master Data Intercompany app allows you to replicate data from any table between different companies, whether that data is in the same database or in different databases (as long as they are connected to each other via WebService)

EX060 Plant Maintenance

The Plant Maintenance (PMM) app from Eos Solutions allows you to carry out the maintenance of the company’s plants.

EX061 Product Quality Assurance

The Product Quality Assurance (PQA) Eos Solutions app allows you to manage all the activities necessary to carry out quality control of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products during their loading, production and shipment of goods.

EX062 Zero Amount Invoices

The Zero Amount Invoice application allows the system to block the entry or alert in case of zero lines/total amount in the invoice.

EX063 Electronic Invoice for Italy

Eos Solutions Electronic invoice for Italy App allows you to execute the e-invoicing process for sales, purchases and self-billing

EX064 Bulk Email to customers and vendors

The Bulk Email to Customers and Vendors App allows you to send massive e-mail to Customers, Vendors, Contacts

EX065 Posted Data Administration Tool

Posted Data Administration Tool app was created to modify data on any table of Dynamics 365 Business Central. Data modification can be applied on single record or massively on selected records

EX066 Document Classes

The Document Classes (CDL) feature allows you to setup an additional Document class code for documents assigning specific Serial No. and dedicated reason codes, this is not sold as specific app but is part of all the apps that are based con the common data layer library

EX067 Custom Defined Fields

The Custom Defined Fields app allows you to enter over 30 customizable fields in different cards, without involving a programmer and without a development license (Business Central OnPremise version)

EX069.01 DocSolutions for File System

DocSolutions for File system (DCS) app enable integration with azure or local file storages. This allows keeping documents and media files in order linked to E.r.P records without increasing the database dimension

EX069.02 DocSolutions for ARXivar Next

DocSolutions For ArxivarNext (ARX) Eos Solutions app enables integration with ArxivarNext, an online Content Management System (CMS), that allows the creation, distribution, and storage of documents in the Cloud

EX069.03 DocSolutions for Sharepoint

DocSolutions for Sharepoint (DCS) Eos Solutions app enables integration with Sharepoint OnLine, an online Content Management System (CMS), that allows the creation, distribution, and storage of documents in the Cloud

EX070 MES Manufacturing execution system

The MES Manufacturing Execution System (MES) app by Eos Solutions allows the insertion into the system of the quantities produced and the times used, directly from workstations in the department

EX071 Inventory Register

The Eos Solutions Inventory Register app (IVP) allows you to print the Inventory Register

EX072 GDPR Toolset

Thanks to the GDPR Toolset app you can manage Data discovery in BC, Data reporting (The right to be informed-Articles 12, 13, 14) and Data exporting (Csv) (The right to data portability-Article 20).Also Data erasure (The right to be forgotten), Data rectification (The right to rectification-Article 16) , Master data blocking (The right to restrict processing-Article 18) and GDPR request Log (Records of processing activities-Article 30) are supported

EX073 Compress Journal Entries

The Compress Journal Entries app helps you to manage long imported or generated Journals reducing the total number of lines creating orders and quotes directly from the purchase requests, archiving closed purchase requests, grouping several requests into one, differentiating the requests by category

EX074 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

EDI makes it possible to manage sending and receiving of documents via various EDI protocols.

EX075 Sales & Purchase Bonus

Allows the creation and management of bonus and rebates contracts for customers and vendors.

EX076 Manufacturing base toolkit

Eos Solutions Manufacturing base toolkit (MBT) app allows to Temporarily close production orders, Create production orders with reference to the starting sales order, Link the reversal output entry to the original capacity entry, in order to reverse the components consumed in backflush and more

EX078 Bulk PEC Email to customers for Italy

The Bulk PEC Email to customers for Italy app allows you to send massive e-mail to Customers


The Eos Solutions EOS Wine app allows to make quick and simplified registrations of winery and bottling operations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.


The Eos Solutions EOS Wine SIAN app allows the registration and transmission of wine operations and related data to the SIAN (the Italian National Agricultural Information System) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX085 Manufacturing masterdata management

Eos Solutions Manufacturing masterdata management (MMM) app allows to manage equipment and personnel and massively calculate and modify components/items of production BOMs or production orders

EX086 Manufacturing planning

Eos Solutions Manufacturing Planning (MPL) app allows you to schedule specific operations for Work Centers or Machine Centers. The operations shown on the Sequence Planning page can be set by various filter criterias. In addition the app allows you to choose if you want to monitor the operations related to planned / firm planned orders or also released orders

EX088 EOS Power Business Intelligence connector

The EOS Power Business Intelligence Connector app by Eos Solutions allows you to connect PowerBI to Business Central by structuring and organizing the data so that they can be read and interpreted by the Kumavision PowerBI Sales Activator app

EX089 Power WMS

Eos Power WMS app allows to have better management of all logistics processes with real time information

EX090.04 Engineering to order

The Engineering to order app helps to manage discrete manufacturing projects, optimizing the management of plants and construction sites.In addition, Engineering to Order app helps you to manage jobs from order through production to invoices

EX091 Product Technical Specifications

The Eos Solutions Product Technical Specifications (PTS) app allows you to Save additional information related to one or more articles, manage translations (to be able to print multi-language technical specifications), attach documents and images, print or create a PDF file and more

EX092 Delivery Route Planner

The Delivery Route Planner (DRP) app allows to manage delivery routes for documents such as Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Posted Sales Shipments., Warehouse Receipts., Transfer Orders

EX095.01 EOS Project365 for Italy

Project365 helps companies, which operate in sectors as diverse as service and repair, IT, equipment rental, engineering, consulting, and architecture make the most of their resources and drive success

EX095.02 EOS Employee absence P365

Thanks to the P365 Employee Absence it is possible to manage all types of absence and the request approval.

EX095.03 P365 Expenses

Manage expenses with Project 365 for Italy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX095.04 EOS WIP in Simulated GL for P365

Manage Work in Progress (WIP) for projects with Project365 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

EX103 Power MES

Power MES provides effective supervision and control of production activities in real time, improving the efficiency and quality of the production process. A MES system provides a complete and detailed picture of the entire production process, allowing each stage of production to be monitored and managed in real time. In essence, Power MES helps companies improve production efficiency and quality, reducing production times, minimizing errors and optimizing the use of available resources.

EX60.02 Power PMM

EOS Power Plant Maintenance Management combines Microsoft Power App and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business to provide users with the best user experience and usability to plan and execute ordinary and extraordinary interventions for machines and plants in real time.

Getting started with EOS Apps

How to install, start a trial and check active subscriptions and connection to Eos online services

What's new EOS Apps

Main changes in apps and features

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