EX041 Close Documents Without Invoicing

The Eos Solutions Close Documents Without Invoicing app allows you to post purchase and sales orders without creating the related invoice or ledger entries.

Quick Guide

1Set the Reason codes and the posting criteria
2Post a sales order with reason code correspondent to "Do not invoice"
3The system will not create the related invoice


The Eos Solutions’ Close Documents Without Invoicing (CDW) app allows you to:

  • Generate system Shipments and Sales Returns, Receipts and Purchase Return Shipments that do not require the issuance of the related Invoice or Credit Note document
  • Generate sales and purchase documents that, even in the presence of “Item” Type lines, do not move the stock and the value of the item itself
  • Generate sales documents that do not feed the various tables related to “Ledger entry” (non-administrative documents).


Press ALT + Q and digit “CDW” for a list of the features involved:

Reason codes

On the Reason Codes page, in the field “Posting Policy” choose the options:

blankfor the related reason code, the system will post the invoice and the ledger entries
No Invoicing and Ledger Entriesfor the related reason code, the system will post neither the invoice nor the ledger entries
No Ledger Entriesfor the related reason code, the system will post the invoice, but not the ledger entries

Sales order creation

We open the Sales Order List-> New and create a new order.

Example 1

We choose not to register the invoice, nor the ledger entries. We enter the fields

  • Reason Code
  • Posting Policy

The posting will not create the invoice nor the ledger entries and the starting order will be canceled.

Example 2

By choosing the document Reason NO LEDG, when creating an order and posting the posted sales invoice will be created:

From the List, pressing Invoice->Navigate we do not find posted entries:

Close Document Batches (CDW)

The page shows the batches on which registrations can be made:

Close Document Journal (CDW)

It is possible to close the lines directly from the journal:

We select a batch and then from Actions-> Get lines we import, for example, a sales shipment not yet invoiced. In the “Q.ty to close” field we enter the quantity to be invoiced, while in the “Reason Code” field we choose the reason (and the posting policy) to be applied to the posting, for example NO LEDG.

On the page Close Documents Entries (CDW) we can see the entry relating to the posting and from Actions-> Navigate it is possible to check the details.


Some features of this app require a subscription.

The subscription can be activated from Subscription control panel page or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

In details:

  • FREE-TRIAL-DEMO version: it’s automatically activated at first request and gives full access to all features. This trial expires after 20 days from the activation

  • FULL VERSION: it’s possibile to buy a full version that will last for 12 months following the wizard and accessing to the EOS AppStore.

See www.eos-solutions.it website for more information.

Close Documents Without Invoicing - Setup

Setting Up Close Documents Invoicing

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