W.hse Shipment and Invoicing

Sales orders 1005 and 1006 for Customer 20000 and same shipping address are billed to 2 different “Bill-to Customer Nr.":

The “Bill-to Customer Nr.” field is not a combination criterion, so orders 1005 and 1006 will bi combined in a unique CWS shipment

According to the setup:


For the Customer 10000 an invoice is generated and posted. For the Customer 20000 a temporary invoice is created.

Whse Shipment

2 different groups are created:

-1 for orders 1001 and 1002 of Customer 10000

-1 for orders 1005 and 1006 for Customer 20000

They are shipped to the same address.

Whse Shipment Posting

The system request confirmation for invoicing (posting), because the option is enabled for Customer 10000:

Then the following message appears:

Number of source invoices created 2: invoices for customer 20000

Number of source invoices created and posted 1: invoice for customer 10000

W.hse shipment posting: 2 CWS shipments are created: 1 for customer 10000 and 1 for customer 20000.

Invoicing info are not displayed because they refer to different “Bill-to” Customers.

Navigate invoices:

On the CWS card, from Navigate->Shipment->Invoices it is possible to view the related invoices:

  • CWS shipment - Customer 10000: 1 posted invoice:

  • CWS shipment - Customer 20000: 2 invoice to be posted:

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