The CONAI app from Eos Solutions allows compliance with regulations regarding the recovery of steel, aluminum, cardboard, wood, plastic, glass packaging

Quick Guide

1Enter the CONAI setup
2Create documents that involve packaging management
3Print the document with the caption "CONAI"


The CONAI app from Eos Solutions allows compliance with regulations regarding the recovery of steel, aluminum, cardboard, wood, plastic, glass packaging.

CONAI, the National Packaging Consortium (http://www.conai.org/), is a private non-profit consortium. It is a system forming the response from private companies to a problem of collective interest, i.e. the environment, in accordance with the guidelines and objectives set by the political system.

800,000 companies which produce or use packaging have joined the Consortium System.

CONAI collaborates with Municipalities according to specific agreements governed by the ANCI-CONAI National Framework Agreement and serves as a guarantee to citizens that any materials from separate waste collections are fully used through proper recovery and recycling processes. Any companies that join the Consortium pay a compulsory Contribution which serves as a form of financing allowing CONAI to support separate waste collection and packaging waste recycling.

Conai System

Obliged entities

On the basis of current legislation (Article 221 of Legislative Decree 152/2006), the manufacturing and user companies are responsible for the correct and effective environmental management of the packaging and packaging waste generated by the consumption of their products and for this they participate in the National Packaging Consortium.

Manufacturers: the producers and importers of raw materials for packaging, manufacturers and importers of semi-transformers intended for packaging, empty packaging manufacturers, importers, dealers of empty packaging.

Users: the purchasers-fillers of empty packaging, the importers of “full packaging” (ie of packaged goods), the self-producers (who produce / repair packaging to pack their own goods), the merchants of full packaging (buyers- retailers of packaged goods), merchants of empty packaging (who buy in Italy and resell this packaging without carrying out any transformation).

By joining CONAI, the manifacturer / user is required to pay the CAC (Conai Environmental Contribution), differentiated by type of packaging placed on the market.


Press ALT + Q and digit “CONAI” for a summary of the features involved:


Some features of this app require a subscription.

The subscription can be activated from Subscription control panel page or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

In details:

  • FREE-TRIAL-DEMO version: it’s automatically activated at first request and gives full access to all features. This trial expires after 20 days from the activation

  • FULL VERSION: it’s possibile to buy a full version that will last for 12 months following the wizard and accessing to the EOS AppStore.

See www.eos-solutions.it website for more information.

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