Conai - Sales Use Cases


Sales invoice

We open a Sales Invoice, generated from a sales order, for Customer 10000, for item 1000, quantity 100:

We post the shipment and then the invoice:

From the posted invoice it is possible to access the CONAI details:

Delete Invoice Linesdeletes the CONAI lines previously entered in the Invoice
Grouped / Detailedshows the details of CONAI contributions for each invoice line
Restore Weightsif the weights, or the weights of the materials have been changed, the Suggest action recalculates and proposes the correct weights and amounts

From Invoice-> Navigate you can access the CONAI entries:

Other use cases to which CONAI can be applied:

1. Sales Order + Shipment + Std. Cumulative invoice

2. Direct sales invoice

3. Sales order + Shipment + Sales invoice with ‘Get shipment lines’

Sales shipments that contain ONLY CONAI lines

In the CONAI Setup the field “CONAI LInes Shipments Nos.” refers to a Shipments numerator linked to the lines generated by the functionality CONAI Packages”, in case of sales invoicing.

If “Shipment on Invoice” in Payables & Receivables Setup is enabled:

and CONAI lines have been generated in the sales invoice, the system will issue a Sales Shipment with the Series no. set in CONAI Lines Shipments Nos., for CONAI lines. Examples of shipments generated following the posting of the sales invoice with CONAI lines:

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