Setup connection from DocFinance to BC

Tipo installazioneOnPremSaaS
Protocollohttp or https, depending on whether SSL is enabled on the BC service. If the flag is at true, you need to enter https
HostThe ip of the server on which BC is
PortaSpecified within the configuration of the BC service
AutenticazioneBasic (OAuth2 optional, for settings Username, Password, KeySecret, TenantID, ClientID follow SAAS column)OAuth2
TimeoutMaximum waiting time in seconds for which DocFinance will wait for a response from BC
Nome utenteBC user that we will use for the connection between DocFinance and BCE-mail address of the user that we will use for the connection between DocFinance and BC
PasswordWebService access key of the BC user that we will use for the connection between DocFinance and BCNot available
EnvironmentNameName of the BC service to which the connection will be madeName of the environment in SaaS that you will connect to
API Publisher/Group/VersionAvailable on the DocFinance setup in the connection group
CompanyIDAvailable on the DocFinance setup in the connection group
TenantIDNot availableAvailable on the DocFinance setup in the connection group
ClientIDNot availableObtained by the procedure available in Installation requirements
Percorso di backup degli scambiFolder on which calls made by DocFinance to BC and their contents are saved, useful for debugging in case of problems

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