EX066 Document Classes

The Document Classes (CDL) feature allows you to setup an additional Document class code for documents assigning specific Serial No. and dedicated reason codes, this is not sold as specific app but is part of all the apps that are based con the common data layer library

Quick Guide

1Enter the Common Data Layer setup
2Create new documents by choosing the Type / Class combination
3Enter specific reason codes
4Manage your document by classes


The Eos Solutions Document Classes (CDL) app allows you to:

  • Define Serial No. specific for Document Type - Document Class combinations
  • Enter and apply dedicated Reasons, through which you can also perform non-invoicing of documents and / or manage non-administrative documents.
Document Class management is present in the Common Data Layer library . This library is installed at the same time as updating other EOS Apps and does not require any subscription. The use of the Document Classes is subject to enabling the specific setup and requires a dedicated set of permissions


Press ALT + Q and digit “CDL” for a list of the features involved:

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