Dual Unit of Measure - FAQ

Is there a default secondary unit of measure? ? No, for each item the item unit of measure and the quantity per unit of measure must be defined and then set as the secondary unit of measure.

If I enable the second unit of measure in a company, is it mandatory to specify it for all items ?

No, enabling the second unit of measure is necessary to make the fields visible to manage the second unit of measure. The secondary quantity will be tracked only for items that have the Secondary Unit of Measure Code field compiled. To make the compilation of this field mandatory for certain types of items, you can install the app EX003 Data Security.

Where do I define the rounding precision to use ? The app uses the Rounding Type and Rounding Precision defined for the unit of measure (BC standard). Dual Unit Of Measure - Setup

The Quantity Rounding Precision value in the item units of measure is not used by the app and it is recommended not to set it.

Using the Default calculation method, what happens if the primary quantity is used (e.g. shipped) completely but the secondary quantity is not ? When a positive movement is no longer open, the secondary residual quantity is automatically reset to zero.

Using the Default calculation method, what happens if the secondary quantity is used (e.g. shipped) completely but the primary quantity is not ? The residual quantity check follows the standard BC logic, so only the residual quantity expressed in the main unit of measure is checked. There is no block if you declare a secondary quantity to be shipped/consumed that is greater than the residual secondary quantity, as long as there are open movements with sufficient residual (main) quantity to record the negative movement.

Can I extract the physical inventory on a certain date using the Calculate inventory for Serial/Lot No. function?

The app does not provide for the extraction of the phys. inventory at a certain date. The inventory calculated by the system must represent the current snapshot of the warehouse stock, which I then eventually correct based on deviations between the physical quantity and the calculated quantity. Calculating the balance at a certain date exposes me to the risk of correcting a quantity that at the workdate would already be aligned with the physical stock.

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