Dual UOM for Handling Units

The EX051.04 Dual UOM for Handling Units app, that extends the EX030 Handling Units Management app and the EX055 Packing List, allows the use of Handling Units and Packing list with the dual unit of measure. The main features added are:

  • Management in dual unit of measure of all the contents of handling units.
  • Integration of all registrations allowing the creation of handling units: item journal, shipments, receipts, transfers, warehouse documents, etc.
  • Tracking, Warehouse Picks, Warehouse Put away, etc.
  • Creation and management of handling units.
  • Creation and management of packing list.

Please Note Here are some important information about the app:

  • Movements in secondary unit of measure of handling units are not subject to inventory control which is provided only for the main unit of measure.
  • The packaging instructions have not been implemented with the dual unit of measure. The generation of the packing list from the packaging instructions also calculates the quantity in secondary units of measure and does so based on the conversion factor provided in the item (qty. for unit of measure).
  • The packing list reports have not been implemented with the dual unit of measure.

Handling Units

The handling units display and allow the posting of content in dual unit of measure:

Item Journal

Item journal entries allow the creation of handling units with double units of measure:

Warehouse Receipt

Starting from a warehouse receipt and accessing the packing list function, it is possible to assign quantities in dual units of measure:

The handling unit created contains the information in dual unit of measure:

Warehouse Shipment

Starting from a warehouse shipment and accessing the packing list function, it is possible to assign an existing handling unit. The assignment also set the second unit of measure quantity:

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