EX018 Electronic VAT Settlement for Italy

The App allows you to manage the completion and the submission, to tax Authority, of the document for the periodic VAT settlement for Companies that operate in Italy

Quick Guide

1Fill in the setup with the Company information
2Setup specific VAT setup to be summarized in VP fields or not, if necessary
3Make the system calculate VAT amounts
4Save and check the XML file

Electronic VAT Settlement For Italy (EVS)

The App allows you to manage the completion and the submission, to tax Authority, of the document for the periodic VAT settlement for Companies that operate in Italy.

Regulation on the Communication of data of invoices issued and received was amended by Law Decree dated 16 October 2017, no. 148, annexed to Budget Law 2018 (“Tax Decree”), by Budget Law 2018 (Law dated 27 December 2017, no. 205) and by the Act of the Director of the Revenue Agency of 5 February 2018 no. 29190/2018.

Pursuant to art. 21 of Law Decree no. 78/2010, on a quarterly basis, VAT taxable persons must transmit electronically, to the Tax Agency, the data of invoices and credit notes issued, as well as of Customs bills.

Such data must be contained in an XML file created following the technical requirements fixed by the Revenue Agency.


Some features of this app require a subscription.

The subscription can be activated from Subscription control panel page or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

In details:

  • FREE-TRIAL-DEMO version: it’s automatically activated at first request and gives full access to all features. This trial expires after 20 days from the activation

  • FULL VERSION: it’s possibile to buy a full version that will last for 12 months following the wizard and accessing to the EOS AppStore.

See www.eos-solutions.it website for more information.

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