
Items: Tracking is mandatory for SIAN items. “Exclude from SIAN” checkbox let disable SIAN management for specific Items. I.E: labels and caps products type must not be managed with the SIAN.

The SIAN is expecting to manage the coding of the items through two free coding codes: defined as Primary and Secondary Code.

Fields composing the codes are: Category, Classification, Act Certification, Physical State, Color, Organic, DOP/IGP, Vineyard, Date of DOP Certificate, No. of DOP Certificate, E-Bacchus, Subzone, Year, Origin of Grapes, Provenience, Wine Growing Zone, Batch Code, Mass.

In addition to these checks, it is necessary to add the verification of enological practices. By enological practices we mean: Countries of Origin, Traditional Terms, Enological Practices (Manipulations), Varieties.

In each entries of an item it is possible to access to the Lot Information Sheet to see which is the associated SIAN code and possibly change a series of attributes and obtain a new SIAN code.

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