VAT number check

The check action is on pages:

  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Contacts

From ‘Actions’->VIES Check VAT Reg. No. the check can be executed: -single> selecting a line in Customers/Vendors/Contacts lists or executing action from within of the specific card. -massive> selecting more lines in Customers/Vendors/Contacts lists.

VAT Registration Check Entries

In VAT Registration Check Entries is possible to verify entries.

Account TypeSpecificy account type
Account No.Specifica account number
Country/Region CodeCorresponds to field Code in table Countries
VAT Registration No.VAT number on Customer/Vendor/Contact card.
StatusOptions are: Non verified, Valid, Not valid
Account NameName on card
Verified NameName returned from check
Account streetAddress on card
Verified streetAddress returned from check
Account PostcodePostcode on card
Verified PostcodePostcode returned from check
Account CityCity on card
Verified CityCity returned from check
Verified DateCheck date
User IDUser who executed check

Checking from Customer/Vendor/Contact card, the standard log is also generated. On card there are two flowfields:

Clicking, will be possible to visualize the notification status.

Validation setup

In Validation Setup it’s possible to set the check status of the VAT number to notify, in addition to filters for Customers/Vendors/Contacts and related notification users groups.

Job queue entries

From Job Queue - Customer, Job Queue - Vendor, Job Queue - Contacts it’s possible to schedule the check, once table at time.

Nome file Link


In Parameter String you must specify the table ID to process.

Data Security functions for block or warning message

In EDS Functions of Data Security app there are specific functions that allow to block/alert against the result about the VAT number check.

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