
File System connection setup

Once you have decided what storage type you want to use and you have configured (see specific help section for each kind of storage) type ALT+Q (search) and digit “Service Configuration (EAL)”

CodeChose a code that is significant I.E DCS_CUSAGR
TypeSelect the storage type you are going to use (highlighted in orange options are suitables)
EndPoint URIInsert the https uri of the storage service
Configuration detailsInsert all the api key - secret that are required for this storage type

An administrator is needed to login and grant permission to DocSolutions app. in Azure

DocSolutions Table Setup (DCS)

In DocSolutions (DCS) Table Setup, the default setups must be loaded from Actions-> Load Default:

The system offers us the defaults to load, choose “DocSolution for File System”.

Libraries Setup

From Edit, open the Document Library(s) you wish to enable, e.g. “Customer”:

Filesystem TypeChose the same type as in the previous setup
Service Config CodeSelect the same code that you defined before I.E. DCS_CUSAGR
Folder Pattern CodeSelect the default existing one
Filename Pattern CodeSelect the default existing one

Folder pattern

From the drop-down menu on the Folder Pattern Code field, choose “Select from full list” and from Manage-> Edit you can view/modify the document storage path:

CodeFilename pattern code
Typespecify whether the pattern will be used for Folders Files
Root Folderpath where the files will be saved. In the example they will be placed in the DocSolutions sub folder which is contained in the Documents folder
Enabledyou can create the setup card and enable or disable it as needed
TipoIndicate the Line Type. It can be: Text, Field, Primary Key, No. Series, Table Name, Table No., Original Name E.g.:

If you write:

the uploaded files will be saved in Documents \ DocSolutions, in a further folder “Customer”, in a further subfolder “Customer No.".

By pressing Test (Read/Write) we check that the connections are working:

Filename pattern

In the same way, from the drop-down menu on the Filename Pattern Code field, we select “Select from full list” and from Manage-> Edit we can view/modify the name to be assigned to the documents:


From the Library card-> Permissions we define which User Group, User or Permission set can read / write files in a specific location:

Mapping This feature is not available for DocSolutions for File System. For metadata management evaluate Docsolutions for Sharepoint

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