WIP Calculation

The calculation functions are available on the toolbar within the job:

And in the dashboard Project WIP Cockpit:

Simulated WIP calculation

It is possible to post the WIP in simulated accounting during the year, and in general accounting at the end of the year.

You can detect WIP in simulated accounting during the year, and in general accounting at the end of the year.

Firstly, it is always necessary to detect provisional WIP entries: by launching the provisional WIP report, the calculations are performed based on the selections set.

The system will store the calculated WIP values in the Project WIP entries.

Once you have verified that the calculated amounts are correct, you can bring them into simulated accounting through the following report:

For the purposes of correct recording of periodic skills in simulation, using the same report it is possible to reverse by enabling the “Reversal only” field.

The “Reversal date” field allows you to indicate a different reversal date.

You can then proceed with the simulated detection of the following period, repeating the same steps.

The Project WIP G/C Entries will be periodically marked as reversed, since the system calculation logic is Year to date.

This report also allows you to write in compressed mode, by enabling the “Compress” flag.

G/L WIP Calculation

The same report can be used at the end of the year for the detection in general accounting at 31/12:

And reverse on 01/01:

Since you want to avoid having too many entries in G/L, you can launch the report with the ‘Compress’ flag:

With this flag, the accounting entries generated on the batch will be merged per coge account.

JOB post WIP to G/L

It is also possible to calculate the WIP and record it directly in G/L, without going through the journal batches. To do this, simply launch the Job Post WIP to G/L report:

This report follows the operation of the standard BC report for calculating WIP.

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