Packaging Instructions

In order to use the “Suggest Line For Packing” function, you must fill in a setup in “Packaging Instructions”. This setup provides the system with the information to create the packaging for each different item:

No.Packaging instructions No.
DisabledYou can enable or disable the row after creation.
PriorityYou can prioritize the row by indicating numeric values. The highest has top priority.
Item Category Code / Item No. / Variant CodeIndicate the item or the item category code or item variant.
Unit of Measure CodeInsert the unit of measure of the packed item, f.e. box.
Source TypeYou can choose between Customer/ Vendor /Salesperson and optionally select a Number and a Posting Group.
DefaultSpecify the instruction as default for the item and source combination.
Packaging Material No.Insert the packaging material used to pack the item.
Load Carrier No.Insert the load carrier used to pack the item.
Qty. per Packaging MaterialQuantity per packaging material (e.g. 20 pcs per box). If the instruction does not specify a packaging material but only a load carrier, the quantity per load carrier is intended.
No. of LayersNumber of layers in which the packaging materials are arranged inside the load carrier. If the instruction does not contain a packaging material, indicate the number of layers in which the items are arranged in the load carrier.
Qty. per LayerNumber of packaging material for each layer of the load carrier. Use only if the instruction contains both packaging material and a load carrier, otherwise set to 1.
Suggest handling unitsSpecifies which handling units are created during suggestion of the packing list for this instruction.
Secondary unit of measure codeSpecifies a secondary unit of measure that is calculated in addition to the default quantities.
Secondary unit of measure factorSpecifies a secondary unit of measure factor that is calculated in addition to the default quantities.
MandatoryWhen set, then a packaging must be specified on the shipment

For example, entering a sales line for item 1000 with quantity 20 with the following packaging instructions:

  • Packaging material BOX01.
  • Load carrier PALLET01.
  • Quantity 4. This means that in each BOX01 there are 4 units of item 1000.
  • Nr. of layers 2. Load carrier PALLET01 has two layers.
  • Quantity for layer 2. That means that for each layer there are 2 BOX01. for a total of 4 BOX01.

I get the following packing list calculation:

  • 2 PALLET01.
  • 5 BOX01.
  • 20 units of item 1000.
  • The first PALLET01 is complete and therefore contains 4 BOX01 and 16 units of item 1000.
  • The second PALLET01 instead contains the remaining, that is 1 BOX01 with 4 units of item 1000.

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