
You can perform the setup of the PMM app through the “Plant Maintenance Setup (PMM)” page.


Machine No. SeriesSpecifies the series number of the machine.
Maintenance Point No. SeriesSpecifies the series number of the maintenance point.
Work Request No. SeriesSpecifies the series number of the work request.
Default Maintenance Work TypeSpecifies the default maintenance work type.
Create Absence EntriesSpecifies whether to create absence entries if the maintenance stops the production.
Req. Wksh. Template NameSpecifies the requisition worksheet template name.
Req. Wksh. Batch NameSpecifies the requisition worksheet batch name.
Maintenance Cycle No. SeriesSpecifies the series number of the maintenance cycle.
Default Work Req. StatusSpecifies the initial status of the new work request created from a maintenance point.


Schedule Work Request CreationSpecifies whether automatic creation of work requests is enabled through the job queue.


Job No. MandatorySpecifies whether the Job No. and Job Task No. fields are mandatory on maintenance points.
Post Job EntriesSpecifies whether job entries should be automatically posted.
Job Journal Template NameSpecifies the journal template name.
Job Journal Batch NameSpecifies the journal batch name.


Use Work Req. Cycle PostingSpecifies whether to suggest values to be posted using work request cycle entries.
Change Work Request Status On Cycle CompletedSpecifies whether to change the status of the work request when the maintenance cycle is completed.
Work Request Status On Cycle CompletedSpecifies the work request status to set when the maintenance cycle is completed.
Use Work Request Description As Activity Description In Journal PostingSpecifies whether to use the work request description as activity description in post activity.
Allocate Cycle To ResourceSpecifies whether to allocate work request cycles to resources when refreshing the work request.
Delete Capacity Need On Cycle CompletedAllows to automatically delete the required capacity at the end of the cycle of a work request.
Calculate Cap. Need On ReleaseAllows to automatically calculate the capacity required when a work request is released.

Power PMM

Default Language CodeSpecifies the default language to use with Power PMM.
Default ThemeSpecifies the default theme to use with Power PMM.
Attachment ProviderSpecifies the attachments provider to use with Power PMM.


Initialize DefaultsInitializes the setup with default values. Creates and initializes serial numbers, posting setup and creates job queue entry to perform scheduled creation of work requests.
Fault AreasConfigure the fault areas.
Fault Sub AreasConfigure the fault sub areas.
SymptomsConfigure the symptoms.
FaultsConfigure the faults.
Fault ReasonsConfigure the fault reasons.
ResolutionsConfigure the resolutions.
TranslationsConfigure the caption translations used by Power PMM.

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