Work Request

You can manage machine work requests through the “Work Requests (PMM)” page.


No.Specifies the work request number.
Machine No.Specifies the machine.
Maintenance Point No.Specifies the maintenance point.
Maintenance TypeSpecifies the type of maintenance according to the UNI 10147 standard.
DescriptionSpecifies the description.
Fault Detection DateTimeSpecifies the fault detection date and time.
Planned Starting DateSpecifies the planned starting date.
Planned Starting TimeSpecifies the planned starting time.
Posting DateSpecifies the posting date.
Resource No.Specifies the resource assigned to the work request.
Resource Group No.Specifies the resource group assigned to the work request.
Resource Unit of MeasureSpecifies the base unit of measure for the selected resource.
Predicted Maintenance TimeSpecifies the predicted maintenance time.
Actual Maintenance TimeSpecifies the actual maintenance time..
Maintenance Type CodeSpecifies the maintenance type. (Classification)
Maintenance Work Type CodeSpecifies the maintenance work type. (Classification)
Stop ProductionSpecifies if the production is stopped. (Information only)
External MaintenanceSpecifies if the maintenance is external.
Vendor No.Specifies the vendor.
PrioritySpecifies the priority.
StatusSpecifies the status. When the status is Released, Finished, To Approve and Canceled, the following fields will no longer be editable on work requests: Planned Starting Date, Planned Starting Time, Resource No., Resource Group No., Maintenance Cycle No., Maintenance Cycle Version, Cycle Lines.
Contract Reference No.Specifies the contract reference number.
Closing NoteSpecifies the closing notes.
From Work RequestSpecifies the parent work request.
Maintenance Cycle No.Specifies the maintenance cycle no..
Maintenance Cycle VersionSpecifies the version of the maintenance cycle.


Fault Area CodeSpecifies the value of the “Fault Area Code” field.
Fault Sub Area CodeSpecifies the value of the “Fault Sub Area Code” field.
Symptom CodeSpecifies the value of the “Symptom Code” field.
Fault CodeSpecifies the value of the “Fault Code” field.
Fault Reason CodeSpecifies the value of the “Fault Reason Code” field.
Resolution CodeSpecifies the value of the “Resolution Code” field.


PositionSpecifies the value of the “Position” field.
Parameter No.Specifies the value of the “Parameter No.” field.
TypeSpecifies the value of the “Type” field.
Type No.Specifies the value of the “Type No.” field.
DescriptionSpecifies the value of the “Description” field.
Description 2Specifies the value of the “Description 2” field.
Control ResultSpecifies the value of the “Control Result” field.
Resolution CodeSpecifies the value of the “Resolution Code” field.
ExecutedSpecifies the value of the “Executed” field.
Maintenance DurationSpecifies the value of the “Maintenance Duration” field.’
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the value of the “Unit of Measure Code” field.
Cap. Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the value of the “Capacity Unit of Measure Code” field.
Vendor No.Specifies the value of the “Vendor No.” field.
Reason CodeSpecifies the value of the “Reason Code” field.
CommentSpecifies the value of the “Comment” field.
Starting Date-TimeSpecifies the value of the “Starting Date-Time” field.
Ending Date-TimeSpecifies the value of the “Ending Date-Time” field.
Next Operation No.Specifies the value of the “Next Operation No.” field.
Previous Operation No.Specifies the value of the “Previous Operation No.” field.
Operation StatusSpecifies the status of the maintenance activity.
Operation DurationSpecifies the duration of the maintenance activity.

Data Information

Contains information about the creation date and the name of the user who created or made the last change.


Change Status

Allows to change the work request status.


Finalize the document or journal by posting the amounts and quantities to the related accounts in your company books.

Update Cycle

Update the lines with the the maintenance cycle specified in the work request.

Refresh Work Request

Refresh the work request cycle schedule.

Purchase Lines

Allows to view or edit the purchase lines of the work request.


Allows to view or edit the comments of the work request.

Spare Sparts

Allows to view or edit the spare parts of the work request.


Allows to view or edit the PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) of the work request.

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