EX091 Product Technical Specifications

The Eos Solutions Product Technical Specifications (PTS) app allows you to Save additional information related to one or more articles, manage translations (to be able to print multi-language technical specifications), attach documents and images, print or create a PDF file and more

Quick Guide

1Set the Attribute Groups
2Apply the default template
3Create technical specs cards for items


The Eos Solutions Product Technical Specifications (PTS) app allows you to:

  • Save additional information related to one or more articles

  • Manage translations (to be able to print multi-language technical specifications)

  • Attach documents and images

  • Print or create a PDF file

Product Technical Specifications - SUMMARY
Press ALT + Q and digit “PTS” for a list of the features involved:


Some features of this app require a subscription.

The subscription can be activated from Subscription control panel page or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

In details:

  • FREE-TRIAL-DEMO version: it’s automatically activated at first request and gives full access to all features. This trial expires after 20 days from the activation

  • FULL VERSION: it’s possibile to buy a full version that will last for 12 months following the wizard and accessing to the EOS AppStore.

See www.eos-solutions.it website for more information.

Product Technical Specifications - Setup

Setting Up product technical specifications

Product Technical Specifications - Scheda Tecnica di Prodotto

Create the technical item cards by inserting the attributes categorized in setup

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