Scheda Tecnica di Prodotto

On the Product Technical Specs (PTS) page you can see a list of technical specifications cards:

From New a new card is created.

The card has a similar structure to header + lines.

At the top, the General and Product tabs show general information. At the bottom, the Attributes tabs show the technical specifications. Once the card has been completed press Release.


From Technical Specifications->Archive Document it is possible to archive the card by adding a note:

The archived cards can be accessed via the “No. of Archived Versions” field or by opening the Technical Specs Archive page .

From Technical specifications-> Copy specifications it is possible to duplicate a card.

Source Specifications No.Specifies the number of the technical specifications that you want to copy the data from.
Target Specifications No.Specifies the number of the new technical specifications, where you want to copy the data to. To generate the new technical specifications number from a serial number, fill in the Target No. Series field instead.
Target No. SeriesSpecifies the number series that is used to assign a number to the new technical specifications.
Number of CopiesDetermine how many copies of the card you want to create
General InformationEnable this option if you want to copy the general information
AttributesEnable this option if you want to copy the attributes
AttachmentsEnable this option if you want to copy the attachments
Links and NotesEnable this option if you want to copy links and the notes


When a new tab is created the system, thanks to the template selected in setup, will report on the lines the different Attributes or Groups of attributes that will have to be valued:

Information such as whether or not to print the attribute is also inherited from the template. This information may still be changed.

From Manage->Delete line you can delete attributes if you don’t need them:


By pressing Print/Send you can print the card or create a PDF file:

By choosing Print you can choose in which language to print the card:


From Technical Specs->Attachments you can upload attachments (only those in PDF will be printed).

You can choose to manage attachments with DocSolutions.

PDF Attachment printing example:


From Technical Specs->Items you can link the technical specs card to one ore more items (new or already in the system).

Press Actions->Link Item:

and choose which item/items to link to.

You can remove the link by pressing Remove Item.

After making the connection, on the Item card from Actions->Item->Technical specifications will appear the technical specs related to:

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