EX075 Sales & Purchase Bonus

Allows the creation and management of bonus and rebates contracts for customers and vendors.

Quick Guide

1After setting up the setup
2Create contracts and contract conditions
3Have the system calculate bonus allocations
4Proceed to settlement


The Sales and Purchase Bonus (SPB) app allows you to

  • Create contracts and contract conditions for individual customers or hierarchical groups
  • Calculate the amount of bonuses to be paid to your customers or recognised by your suppliers
  • Verify settlement amounts via a reconciliation tool
  • Allocate costs for the recognition of accruing bonuses
  • Manage a periodic forecast of bonuses

The Sales and Purchase Bonus app makes it possible to schedule the calculation of bonuses outside working hours so as not to block the company’s operations during the process.

You can utilise the flexibility of contract logics for the management of recognition thresholds and/or differences in turnover based on history.

Calculation errors are reduced through the use of the reconciliation dashboard of movements to be settled and invoices/credit notes to be issued/received.


Some features of this app require a subscription.

The subscription can be activated from Subscription control panel page or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

In details:

  • FREE-TRIAL-DEMO version: it’s automatically activated at first request and gives full access to all features. This trial expires after 20 days from the activation

  • FULL VERSION: it’s possibile to buy a full version that will last for 12 months following the wizard and accessing to the EOS AppStore.

See www.eos-solutions.it website for more information.


Carry out setup

Create contracts

Set contract lines

Calculate ledger entries

Launch the calculation of ledger entries

Calculate allocations

Carry out the calculation of allocations


Carry out the settlement

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