Setup contract lines

From the customer bonus list select a card by clicking on the Code field:

The bonus card can contain an indefinite number of terms (contract lines). The contractual terms determine the calculation logic to be applied to the entries and its method of settlement.

It is only possible to modify a contract if it is in the “Under Development” status and it is possible to calculate and apply the accrued bonuses only if it is in a “Certified” status.

  • Class: field related to bonus class table
  • Description: free description
  • Value Type: specifies in what form the bonus is paid
  • Value (% o LCY): enter amounts / percentages related to the Value Type indicated or the threshold ranges based on the valued Threshold Type
  • Base Calculation: indicates the basic calculation logic of the premium / bonus
    • Period Value: based on starting date and ending date
    • Thresh. Comp. Period Value Diff.: percentage or fixed-amount premium based on thresholds in the Value field (% or LCY)
    • Thresh. Bound Diff.: calculates different amounts or percentages based on the threshold ranges entered
    • Margin (item unit cost): premium on the basis of the sales margin
  • Settle-to Type:
    • Customer: if the bonus is fully settled to a single customer card
    • Each: if you settle to individual customers who have sales documents issued to
    • Vendor: if the premium is settled by receiving a vendor invoice
  • Settlement periodicity: where there is no settlement plan, you can indicate how periodically the bonuses are settled (e.g. if monthly (1M) the system will generate a document each month settled)
  • Thresh. Type: units of measure of the threshold values entered

The inclusion / exclusion of customers, items, hierarchies, or clusters can be defined through the filter fields of the same name.

Bonus Lines Summary

The page “Bonus Summary (SPB)” allows you to see a list of all bonus lines that a given customer (or vendor) is currently entitled to. You can open this page from the Customer Card/List or from the Vendor Card/List from the Reports action group.

The following options are available on the page:

  • Show Only Active: if specified, only lines that are active are displayed. By default, a bonus line is considered active when it is certified and the reference date falls within it’s starting/ending date. This behaviour can be changed through code customization.
  • Reference Date: specifies the reference date for which the summary should be calculated. This defaults to the current workdate. This date is used for two things:
    • to check if a bonus lines validity (see above)
    • to calculate the hierarchy levels of the current customer/vendor

In the lower part of the page there is a list of items that the currently selected bonus line includes. The same list is also available through the action Related > Related items. This list includes items specified via extended filter and or by specifying the item filter directly on the bonus lines.

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