General Setup

Open the Bonus Setup (SPB) page and fill in the fields for customer and supplier bonus accounts:

  • Customer bonus settlement C/G account Specify the C/G account for settlement of the customer bonus.

    • If allocation management is inactive: Specify the income account to be moved when settling the customer bonus
    • If allocation management is active: Indicate the asset account (e.g.: bonus customers to be settled) used in the allocation procedure (if the same field of the ‘Bonus classes (SPB)’ page is empty) and in the lines of the bonus customer settlement document (if the same field of the ‘Bonus classes (SPB)’ page is empty).
  • Vendor bonus settlement C/G account Specifies the C/G account of the vendor bonus settlement.

    • If no allocation management is active: Specify the C/G account to be used when settling the customer bonus;
    • If allocation management is active: indicate the equity counter (e.g.: Suppliers bonus to be settled) used in the allocation procedure (if the same field of the ‘Bonus classes (SPB)’ page results to be blank) and in the lines of the customer bonus settlement document (if the same field of the ‘Bonus classes (SPB)’ page results to be blank).

  • Customer Allocation Acc. No.: to be filled in indicating the income statement account to be used in the periodic writing of allocation (e.g. Sales bonuses). It is used if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty
  • Vendor Allocation Acc. No.: to be filled in indicating the income statement account to be used in the periodic writing of allocation (e.g. Purchase bonuses). It is used if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty


Classifying bonuses allows you to define the type of the terms and conditions for each single contract. Each class also defines the dedicated settlement and provision accounts, if they are different from a default that can be managed to setup.

  • Cust. Bonus Settl. G/L Acc.: Specifies the customer bonus settlement account no. (e.g. Sales Bonus)
  • Vend. Bonus Settl. G/L Acc.: Specifies the vendor bonus settlement account no. (e.g. Purchase Bonus)
  • Customer Allocation Acc. No.:
    • If the management allocations is not active: indicate the income statement account to be used during the settlement
    • If the management allocations is active: indicate the balance sheet account (e.g. Customer Bonus to settle) used in the allocation procedure (if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty) and on the lines of the customer bonus settlement document (if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty).
  • Vendor Allocation Acc. No.:
    • If the management allocations is not active: indicate the income statement account to be used during the settlement
    • If the management allocations is active: indicate the balance sheet account (e.g. Vendor Bonus to settle) used in the allocation procedure (if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty) and on the lines of the vendor bonus settlement document (if the same field on the “Bonus Classes (SPB)” page turns out to be empty).

Business & product groups

Business Bonus Group

The business bonus group allows you to group customer groups based on common characteristics. Once a business bonus group is set up, this must be associated with the customer cards included into the the group. The business bonus group facilitates contract management where bonus recognition conditions are transversal to hierarchical memberships.

Product Bonus Group

The Product Bonus Group allows you to conceptually group the items according to the recognition logics of the bonuses applied to their sale.

Again, the group must be associated with the item card:

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