What's new EOS Apps

Main changes in apps and features

What’s new in EOS Apps

DataSecurityEDSBlocks management for reopening or releasing documents has been split into manual and always in order to allowed the automatic operations.05/27/2424
DocSolutions for SharepointDCSNew Feature that allows to download all the files visible in the factbox in a single .zip file05/27/2424
CONAICONAIAdded validity starting and ending date in CONAI packagings. For credit memo it’s possible to specify a Reference Date for the conai calculation05/23/2424
Product Configurator for ManufacturingCFGNew factbox in the production order with all the characteristics’ values of the configured item to produce05/23/2424
Product ConfiguratorCFGNew Export to Excel from the configurator tool for an easier troubleshooting05/21/2424
Product ConfiguratorCFGThe use of the product configurator has been extended to project (job) planning lines: from the item type lines it is now possible to access the configurator to create new items / variants. Now it’s possible to save the price calculated by the product configurator in the unit price of the items.04/23/2423
Electronic Invoice for ItalyFTEAdded UpdateExistingVendor function to Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card04/22/2423
Product Quality AssurancePQAAdded setup, to filter inspection matrix for type set in the item journal line on output posting4/15/2423
Delivery route plannerDRPA new function called “Suggest Transport Costs for CWS Groups” has been added to the route plans management page.03/22/2422
Combined Warehouse ShipmentCWSIn the CWS setup, a new field called “Update Source Documents on Validate Destination Type” has been added.03/22/2422
Transport CostsETCA new feature called “Suggest Transport Costs for Groups” has been added to the page that contains the shipping groups.03/07/2422
Combined Warehouse ShipmentCWSIn the page ‘User setup’ the field “Responsibility center” has been added to set the filter on the list of CWS Posted Shipments02/29/2422
CONAICONAIOn the Setup (CONAI), the fields “Enable advanced weights management” and " VAT Bus. Posting Group Private Customers” have been added. If advanced management is enabled, the conai charge line on the invoice is calculated according to the value “Conai Charge Type” and the conai ledger entries are posted according to the value “Conai Ledger Entries Type”, specified in the Purchase/Sale Setup. The field " VAT Bus. Posting Group Private Customers " Specifies the filter for private customers. For these customers the charge lines on the invoice will not be created, but the conai entries will be posted.01/18/2422
Product ConfiguratorCFGThe “Enable Condition Characteristics Filter” flag has been added to the CFG Setup. If active, upon certification of the rule, the “Condition Characteristics Filter” field is populated on the relationships with conditions. The field contains the list of condition characteristics and is used as a filter for condition relationships, improving performance.01/12/2422
Combined Warehouse ShipmentCWSThe “Mileage” and “Trip hours” fields have been added to the CWS shipment header and CWS groups, used in the calculation of Transport Costs (ETC).03/01/2422
CONAICONAIThe “Enable Calculation on Base Unit of Measure” flag has been added to the CONAI setup, which allows you to calculate the CONAI using the basic unit of measurement of the item and the quantity (base) of the document line.12/21/2322
Handling Units ManagementHUMIn the packaging instructions it is possible to create package-type instructions by setting a package-type packaging material in the “Load Carrier No.” field.06/12/2322
Product Quality AssurancePQAAdded “New setup wizard” action in Setup (PQA). The action allows the configuration of test data for the App.24/11/2322
CONAICONAIOn the lines of the documents, managed by CONAI, the “Exclude Conai Calculation” flag has been added, which, if enabled, excludes the line from the CONAI calculation. Also in the CONAI Packagings table the number of decimals supported for primary and secondary weight has been increased from 5 to 920/11/202322
Product Quality AssurancePQAOn check orders, the “Remove Ref. Document” action has been added for Purchase Orders and Sales Orders control types. The action whitens the fields that retain the reference to the source document from which the check order was generated. This allows you to cancel the check order if it has not yet been released. On buy and sell orders, deletion has been prevented if there are linked control orders. Added the “New Setup Wizard” action in Inspection setup. The action allows the configuration of demo data for the App.20/11/202322
Handling Units ManagementHUMIt is now possible to use the cut/paste load unit in the packing list with multi-selection17/11/202322
CONAICONAITwo flags have been added to the CONAI setup: “Enable Document Materials Filter” and “Enable Line Materials Filter”, which can be mutually activated15/11/202322
Sales and purchase Promotions for WholesalesSPPNew fields and filters are available in the “Documents” section15/11/202322
Sales and purchase Promotions for WholesalesSPPGift Box management is now available15/11/202322
Handling Units ManagementHUMAdded the “New Setup Wizard” action in Packaging Setup (HUM). The action allows the configuration of demo data for the App.14/11/202322
Plant MaintenancePLMImplemented the new functionality of manually entering purchase lines in the work requisition. You can now also add G/L account lines to purchase lines.09/11/202322
Product ConfiguratorCFGAdded the “Relations Calculation Type” field in the rule, to specify whether to perform the calculation of top-level relationships during item configuration or at closing. The possibility of managing the counter for the generation of item codes via a serial number has been included. Automatic creation of SKU can be activated on Configurator Setup. New tool for the massive import of neutral rules.11/10/202322
Over- and Under-Delivery QuantitiesOVRFor the management of over quantities on blanket purchase and sale orders, a new setup has been created that allows to set the desired behavior07/25/202321
Plant MaintenancePLMIn the PLM setup there is a new field called: «Use Work Request Description As Activity Description In Journal Posting» that allows to automate the mandatory description required during work request post07/25/202321
Plant MaintenancePLMTwo new fields have been inserted in the machines: • Bin Code: used as default for material consumption recordings in combination with the Location Code. • Default Maintenance Point No.: used in automatic creation of work requests against a resolution code07/25/202321
Plant MaintenancePLMIn the post activity of work requests has been inserted a new feature that allows to copy the suggested quantity in the quantity field07/25/202321
Plant MaintenancePLMTwo new types of follow up action have been included in the resolution codes: • Create Work Request (Default Maintenance Point No.). • Create Work Request (Interactive).07/25/202321
Product ConfiguratorCFGThe “Enable Item Translations” flag has been added to the CFG Setup. If enabled, it allows to save the article/variant description in language after configuration.07/24/202321
Product Quality AssurancePQAThe management of inventory and warehouse handling has been implemented also in the phase of registration of sales return orders with relative inspection order.07/18/202321
Transport CostsETCA new field called " Create Purchase Invoice on selected lines” has been added to the transport cost setup. If enabled, it allows the generation of purchase invoices from the settlement of transport costs by selecting the lines07/18/202321

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