
Press ALT + Q e digitare “ECU” for a summary of the features:


In the Setup page select the official layout for printing among those preloaded on the system.

PDF Cert. Unica Versionchoose the official form to be used (downloaded from the Cloud)
PDF Cert. Unica Uploadedit is automatically activated by the system
Split PDF by Vendor/Reasonif enabled the pdf will be filtered by vendor

Company information

In order to export the personal data of the company and the people connected to it to the form, the Company information setup must previously be completed in the General tab and in Related->Officials.


in order for the “Province” field to be shown in Company information, on the COUNTRIES page you must set the address format as “City+County+Post code” to IT

Subsequently, by opening the Company Information page, the "Provincia" field will be visible (possibly reopen the page if already open).

Massively update the “Non-Taxable Income Type” field and the “Reason” field

On page WithHolding Tax it is possible to massively update the “Non-Taxable Income Type” field and the “Reason” field:

EOS Labs -