Codeunit 18008370 EOS Comm. Multiple Occurr.
Gathers all functions used to handle multiple occurrences
local procedure OnBeforeGetOccurrenceFactor(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; FromPosting: Boolean; var PaymentLineNo: Integer; DocumentLedgerEntryNo: Integer; var Factor: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before standard GetOccurrenceFactor procedure allowing custom processing
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Current Customer ledger entry
FromPosting Boolean
Executed while posting or while commission calculation
PaymentLineNo Integer
Current posted Payment Line Number
DocumentLedgerEntryNo Integer
Commission document ledger entry No.
Factor Decimal
Calculed Factor percentage
IsHandled Boolean
Return true ho skip standard GetOccurrenceFactor processing
local procedure OnAfterGetOccurrenceFactor(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; FromPosting: Boolean; var PaymentLineNo: Integer; DocumentLedgerEntryNo: Integer; var Factor: Decimal)
Raised after standard GetOccurrenceFactor procedure allowing custom “factor” calculation/changes
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Current Customer ledger entry
FromPosting Boolean
Executed while posting or while commission calculation
PaymentLineNo Integer
Current posted Payment Line Number
DocumentLedgerEntryNo Integer
Commission document ledger entry No.
Factor Decimal
Calculed Factor percentage
local procedure OnBeforeInsertEOSCommissionLedgerEntry(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntryNew: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; FromPosting: Boolean)
Raised before standard CreateCommLdgEntryByOcc Insert procedure allowing custom processing
EOSCommissionLedgerEntryNew Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry being inserted
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry being processed
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Customer Ledger Entry
FromPosting Boolean
is From Posting
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