Codeunit 18008374 EOS010 Split Payment Handler

Codeunit 18008374 EOS010 Split Payment Handler

Gathers all functions used to handle split payment



procedure OnBeforeIsDetailEntryLinked2SplitPayment(EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; var HasSplit: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before an entry is checked to retrieve if document is related to split payment

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • HasSplit Boolean

    Return value

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterIsDetailEntryLinked2SplitPayment(EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; var HasSplit: Boolean)

Raised before an entry is checked to retrieve if document is related to split payment

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • HasSplit Boolean

    Return value

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