Table 18090702 EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh.
Table 18090702 EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Arbeitsblatt “Preismatrix” |
de-CH | Arbeitsblatt “Preismatrix” |
de-DE | Arbeitsblatt “Preismatrix” |
en-US | Prices Matrix Worksheet |
it-CH | Prospetto Matrice Prezzi |
it-IT | Prospetto Matrice Prezzi |
Entry No. (1
“Entry No.” contains the identifier of the record.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Eintrag Nr. |
de-CH | Eintrag Nr. |
de-DE | Eintrag Nr. |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
Model Code (2
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Model"
“Model Code” contains the code of model.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Modellcode |
de-CH | Modellcode |
de-DE | Modellcode |
en-US | Model Code |
it-CH | Codice modello |
it-IT | Codice modello |
Price Type (3
Enum "EOS028 CFG Price Type"
“Price Type” contains the type of price specified in the matrix.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Verkaufsart |
de-CH | Verkaufsart |
de-DE | Verkaufsart |
en-US | Price Type |
it-CH | Tipo listino |
it-IT | Tipo listino |
Price Code (4
TableRelation: if ("Price Type" = const("Customer Price Group")) "Customer Price Group".Code else if ("Price Type" = const(Customer)) Customer."No." else if ("Price Type" = const(Campaign)) Campaign."No." else if ("Price Type" = const(Vendor)) Vendor."No."
“Price Code” contains the code of price specified in the matrix.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Typ |
de-CH | Typ |
de-DE | Typ |
en-US | Type |
it-CH | Tipo |
it-IT | Tipo |
Item No. (5
TableRelation: Item
“Item No.” contains the code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Artikelnr. |
de-CH | Artikelnr. |
de-DE | Artikelnr. |
en-US | Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo |
it-IT | Nr. articolo |
Key Code (6
“Key Code” contains the key for the specific configuration. it is an encrypted string with all the concatenated characteristics (both code and value).
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Schlüsselcode |
de-CH | Schlüsselcode |
de-DE | Schlüsselcode |
en-US | Key Code |
it-CH | Chiave di ricerca |
it-IT | Chiave di ricerca |
Starting Date (7
“Starting Date” contains the effective date for the current price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Startdatum |
de-CH | Startdatum |
de-DE | Startdatum |
en-US | Starting Date |
it-CH | Data inizio |
it-IT | Data inizio |
Currency Code (8
TableRelation: Currency
“Currency Code” contains the currency code of the current price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Währungscode |
de-CH | Währungscode |
de-DE | Währungscode |
en-US | Currency Code |
it-CH | Cod. valuta |
it-IT | Cod. valuta |
Unit of Measure Code (9
TableRelation: "Item Unit of Measure".Code where("Item No." = field("Item No."))
“Unit of Measure Code” contains the unit of measure code of the current price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Einheitscode |
de-CH | Einheitscode |
de-DE | Einheitscode |
en-US | Unit of Measure Code |
it-CH | Cod. unità di misura |
it-IT | Cod. unità di misura |
Minimum Quantity (10
“Minimum Quantity” contains the minimum quantity of the current price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Mindestmenge |
de-CH | Mindestmenge |
de-DE | Mindestmenge |
en-US | Minimum Quantity |
it-CH | Quantità minima |
it-IT | Quantità minima |
Charac. Code 1 (11
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 1” contains the code of the characteristic 1 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 1 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 1 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 1 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 1 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 1 |
Charac. Value 1 (12
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 1"))
“Charac. Value 1” contains the value of the characteristic 1 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 1 |
Charac. Code 2 (13
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 2” contains the code of the characteristic 2 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 2 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 2 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 2 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 2 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 2 |
Charac. Value 2 (14
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 2"))
“Charac. Value 2” contains the value of the characteristic 2 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 2 |
Charac. Code 3 (15
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 3” contains the code of the characteristic 3 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 3 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 3 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 3 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 3 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 3 |
Charac. Value 3 (16
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 3"))
“Charac. Value 3” contains the value of the characteristic 3 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 3 |
Charac. Code 4 (17
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 4” contains the code of the characteristic 4 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 4 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 4 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 4 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 4 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 4 |
Charac. Value 4 (18
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 4"))
“Charac. Value 4” contains the value of the characteristic 4 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 4 |
Charac. Code 5 (19
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 5” contains the code of the characteristic 5 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 5 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 5 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 5 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 5 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 5 |
Charac. Value 5 (20
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 5"))
“Charac. Value 5” contains the value of the characteristic 5 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 5 |
Charac. Code 6 (21
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 6” contains the code of the characteristic 6 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 6 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 6 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 6 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 6 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 6 |
Charac. Value 6 (22
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 6"))
“Charac. Value 6” contains the value of the characteristic 6 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 6 |
Charac. Code 7 (23
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 7” contains the code of the characteristic 7 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 7 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 7 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 7 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 7 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 7 |
Charac. Value 7 (24
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 7"))
“Charac. Value 7” contains the value of the characteristic 7 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 7 |
Charac. Code 8 (25
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 8” contains the code of the characteristic 8 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 8 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 8 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 8 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 8 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 8 |
Charac. Value 8 (26
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 8"))
“Charac. Value 8” contains the value of the characteristic 8 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 8 |
Charac. Code 9 (27
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 9” contains the code of the characteristic 9 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 9 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 9 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 9 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 9 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 9 |
Charac. Value 9 (28
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 9"))
“Charac. Value 9” contains the value of the characteristic 9 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 9 |
Charac. Code 10 (29
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Charac. Code 10” contains the code of the characteristic 10 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 10 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 10 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 10 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 10 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 10 |
Charac. Value 10 (30
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 10"))
“Charac. Value 10” contains the value of the characteristic 10 for which current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 10 |
Ending Date (31
“Ending Date” the end of validity of current price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Enddatum |
de-CH | Enddatum |
de-DE | Enddatum |
en-US | Ending Date |
it-CH | Data fine |
it-IT | Data fine |
Unit Price (32
“Unit Price” contains the unit price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | VK-Preis |
de-CH | VK-Preis |
de-DE | VK-Preis |
en-US | Unit Price |
it-CH | Prezzo unitario |
it-IT | Prezzo unitario |
Surcharge (33
Surcharge contains if the current price is a surcharge.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zuschlag |
de-CH | Zuschlag |
de-DE | Zuschlag |
en-US | Surcharge |
it-CH | Maggiorazione |
it-IT | Maggiorazione |
To Charac. Value 1 (34
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 1"))
If characteristic 1 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 1 |
To Charac. Value 2 (35
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 2"))
If characteristic 2 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 2 |
To Charac. Value 3 (36
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 3"))
If characteristic 3 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 3 |
To Charac. Value 4 (37
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 4"))
If characteristic 4 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 4 |
To Charac. Value 5 (38
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 5"))
If characteristic 5 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 5 |
To Charac. Value 6 (39
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 6"))
If characteristic 6 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 6 |
To Charac. Value 7 (40
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 7"))
If characteristic 7 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 7 |
To Charac. Value 8 (41
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 8"))
If characteristic 8 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 8 |
To Charac. Value 9 (42
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 9"))
If characteristic 9 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 9 |
To Charac. Value 10 (43
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Charac. Code 10"))
If characteristic 10 is of the measure type, a numerical limit can be indicated for which the current price is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Zum Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Zum Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 10 |
Numeric Value 1 (44
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
Numeric Value 2 (45
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
Numeric Value 3 (46
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
Numeric Value 4 (47
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
Numeric Value 5 (48
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
Numeric Value 6 (49
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
Numeric Value 7 (50
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
Numeric Value 8 (51
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
Numeric Value 9 (52
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
Numeric Value 10 (53
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
To Numeric Value 1 (54
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
To Numeric Value 2 (55
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
To Numeric Value 3 (56
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
To Numeric Value 4 (57
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
To Numeric Value 5 (58
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
To Numeric Value 6 (59
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
To Numeric Value 7 (60
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
To Numeric Value 8 (61
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
To Numeric Value 9 (62
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
To Numeric Value 10 (63
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Zum numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
Rule Code (64
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item."eos Rule Code" where("No." = field("Item No.")))
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value"
“Rule Code” contains the rule code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Regelcode |
de-CH | Regelcode |
de-DE | Regelcode |
en-US | Rule Code |
it-CH | Codice regola |
it-IT | Codice regola |
Item Description (65
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Item No.")))
“Item Description” contains the descriprion of “Item No.” field.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Artikelbeschreibung |
de-CH | Artikelbeschreibung |
de-DE | Artikelbeschreibung |
en-US | Item Description |
it-CH | Descrizione articolo |
it-IT | Descrizione articolo |
From Model No. (66
This is an unused field.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Von Modell-Nr. |
de-CH | Von Modell-Nr. |
de-DE | Von Modell-Nr. |
en-US | From Model No. |
it-CH | Da nr. modello |
it-IT | Da nr. modello |
Decoding Type 1 (67
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 1")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 1” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 1.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
en-US | Decoding Type 1 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 1 |
Decoding Type 2 (68
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 2")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 2” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 2.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
en-US | Decoding Type 2 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 2 |
Decoding Type 3 (69
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 3")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 3” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 3.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
en-US | Decoding Type 3 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 3 |
Decoding Type 4 (70
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 4")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 4” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 4.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
en-US | Decoding Type 4 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 4 |
Decoding Type 5 (71
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 5")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 5” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 5.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
en-US | Decoding Type 5 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 5 |
Decoding Type 6 (72
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 6")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 6” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 6.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
en-US | Decoding Type 6 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 6 |
Decoding Type 7 (73
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 7")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 7” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 7.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Decodierung Typ 7 |
de-CH | Decodierung Typ 7 |
de-DE | Decodierung Typ 7 |
en-US | Decoding Type 7 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 7 |
Decoding Type 8 (74
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 8")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 8” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 8.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
en-US | Decoding Type 8 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 8 |
Decoding Type 9 (75
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 9")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 9” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 9.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Decodierung Typ 9 |
de-CH | Decodierung Typ 9 |
de-DE | Decodierung Typ 9 |
en-US | Decoding Type 9 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 9 |
Decoding Type 10 (76
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Charac. Code 10")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 10” contains the decoding type of the characteristic 10.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
en-US | Decoding Type 10 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 10 |
New Unit Price (77
“New Unit Price” contains the updated Unit Price that will go in the price matrix.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Neuer VK-Preis |
de-CH | Neuer VK-Preis |
de-DE | Neuer VK-Preis |
en-US | New Unit Price |
it-CH | Nuovo prezzo unitario |
it-IT | Nuovo prezzo unitario |
Price Origin (80
Enum "EOS028 CFG Price Origin"
“Price Origin” specifies the origin to get the unit price
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Preisherkunft |
de-CH | Preisherkunft |
de-DE | Preisherkunft |
en-US | Price Origin |
it-CH | Origine Prezzo |
it-IT | Origine Prezzo |
Formula Code (81
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Formula Header".Code
“Formula Code” contains the formula code to calculate quantity per.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Formelcode |
de-CH | Formelcode |
de-DE | Formelcode |
en-US | Formula Code |
it-CH | Codice Formula |
it-IT | Codice Formula |
procedure SetKeyCode()
This procedure sets an encrypted key as the primary key of the table given by the concatenation of the characteristics.
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