Table 18091265 EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.
Table 18091265 EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Konfiguratoregenskaber |
de-AT | Eigenschaften des Konfigurators |
de-CH | Eigenschaften des Konfigurators |
de-DE | Eigenschaften des Konfigurators |
es-ES | Características del configurador |
es-MX | Características del configurador |
fi-FI | Configurator ominaisuudet |
fr-BE | Caractéristiques du configurateur |
fr-CA | Caractéristiques du configurateur |
fr-CH | Caractéristiques du configurateur |
fr-FR | Caractéristiques du configurateur |
en-US | Configurator Characteristics |
it-CH | Caratteristiche configuratore |
it-IT | Caratteristiche configuratore |
nb-NO | Konfigurator egenskaper |
nl-BE | Kenmerken van de configurator |
nl-NL | Kenmerken van de configurator |
sv-SE | Konfigurator egenskaper |
Document Type (1
(0) , "Order"
(1) , Invoice
(2) , "Credit Memo"
(3) , "Blanket Order"
(4) , "Return Order"
“Document Type” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Dokumenttype |
de-AT | Dokumenttyp |
de-CH | Dokumenttyp |
de-DE | Dokumenttyp |
es-ES | Tipo de documento |
es-MX | Tipo de documento |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan tyyppi |
fr-BE | Document Type |
fr-CA | Document Type |
fr-CH | Document Type |
fr-FR | Document Type |
en-US | Document Type |
it-CH | Tipo di documento |
it-IT | Tipo di documento |
nb-NO | Dokumenttype |
nl-BE | Documenttype |
nl-NL | Documenttype |
sv-SE | Dokumenttyp |
Document No. (2
“Document No.” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagsnr. |
de-AT | Dokument Nr. |
de-CH | Dokument Nr. |
de-DE | Dokument Nr. |
es-ES | Documento No. |
es-MX | Documento No. |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan nro |
fr-BE | Numéro du document |
fr-CA | Numéro du document |
fr-CH | Numéro du document |
fr-FR | Numéro du document |
en-US | Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento |
it-IT | Nr. documento |
nb-NO | Bilagsnr. |
nl-BE | Document nr. |
nl-NL | Document nr. |
sv-SE | Dokumentnr |
Document Line No. (3
“Document Line No.” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagslinjenr. |
de-AT | Belegzeile Nr. |
de-CH | Belegzeile Nr. |
de-DE | Belegzeile Nr. |
es-ES | Línea de documento No. |
es-MX | Línea de documento No. |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan rivin nro |
fr-BE | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-CA | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-CH | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-FR | Numéro de la ligne de document |
en-US | Document Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga documento |
it-IT | Nr. riga documento |
nb-NO | Bilagslinjenr. |
nl-BE | Documentregel nr. |
nl-NL | Documentregel nr. |
sv-SE | Dokumentradnr |
WBS No. (4
“WBS No.” is Work breakdown structure. It’s a code calculated during the bill of material explosion to identify the bill of material levels.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | WBS Nr. |
de-AT | PSP-Nr. |
de-CH | PSP-Nr. |
de-DE | PSP-Nr. |
es-ES | WBS No. |
es-MX | WBS No. |
fi-FI | WBS Nro |
fr-BE | WBS No. |
fr-CA | WBS No. |
fr-CH | WBS No. |
fr-FR | WBS No. |
en-US | WBS No. |
it-CH | Nr. WBS |
it-IT | Nr. WBS |
nb-NO | Wbs nr. |
nl-BE | WBS Nr. |
nl-NL | WBS Nr. |
sv-SE | WBS-nr |
Characteristic Code (5
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"
“Characteristic Code” contains the code of the characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristik kode |
de-AT | Charakteristischer Code |
de-CH | Charakteristischer Code |
de-DE | Charakteristischer Code |
es-ES | Código de características |
es-MX | Código de características |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique |
en-US | Characteristic Code |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod |
Characteristic Value (10
TableRelation: if ("Rule Relations Charac. Nr." = filter(<> 0)) "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"."Characteristic Value" where("Document Type" = field("Document Type"), "Document No." = field("Document No."), "Document Line No." = field("Document Line No."), "WBS No." = field("WBS No."), "Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code")) else if ("Item Value Charac. Nr." = filter(<> 0)) "EOS028 CFG Incl. Item Charac."."Characteristic Value" where("Item No." = field("Item No."), "Characteristic Code" = field("Master Charac. Code")) else if ("Rule Value Charac. Nr." = filter(<> 0)) "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value"."Characteristic Value" where("Rule Code" = field("Rule Code"), "Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code"))
“Characteristic Value” contains the value of the characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi |
de-AT | Charakteristischer Wert |
de-CH | Charakteristischer Wert |
de-DE | Charakteristischer Wert |
es-ES | Valor de la característica |
es-MX | Valor de la característica |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique |
en-US | Characteristic Value |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde |
Sequence (11
Sequence contains the sequence in which the characteristics are requested during a configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Sekvens |
de-AT | Sequenz |
de-CH | Sequenz |
de-DE | Sequenz |
es-ES | Secuencia |
es-MX | Secuencia |
fi-FI | Järjestyksessä |
fr-BE | Séquence |
fr-CA | Séquence |
fr-CH | Séquence |
fr-FR | Séquence |
en-US | Sequence |
it-CH | Sequenza |
it-IT | Sequenza |
nb-NO | Sekvens |
nl-BE | Volgorde |
nl-NL | Volgorde |
sv-SE | Sekvens |
Rule Code (12
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Rule"
“Rule Code” contains the code of the rule.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Regelkode |
de-AT | Regelcode |
de-CH | Regelcode |
de-DE | Regelcode |
es-ES | Código de reglas |
es-MX | Código de reglas |
fi-FI | Säännön koodi |
fr-BE | Code de règles |
fr-CA | Code de règles |
fr-CH | Code de règles |
fr-FR | Code de règles |
en-US | Rule Code |
it-CH | Codice regola |
it-IT | Codice regola |
nb-NO | Regelkode |
nl-BE | Regelcode |
nl-NL | Regelcode |
sv-SE | Regelkod |
Mandatory (13
(0) , Optional
Mandatory expresses whether the characteristic is mandatory. it is mandatory to respond to this characteristic otherwise the configuration stops.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Obligatorisk |
de-AT | Obligatorisch |
de-CH | Obligatorisch |
de-DE | Obligatorisch |
es-ES | Obligatorio |
es-MX | Obligatorio |
fi-FI | Pakollinen |
fr-BE | Obligatoire |
fr-CA | Obligatoire |
fr-CH | Obligatoire |
fr-FR | Obligatoire |
en-US | Mandatory |
it-CH | Obbligatorio |
it-IT | Obbligatorio |
nb-NO | Obligatorisk |
nl-BE | Verplicht |
nl-NL | Verplicht |
sv-SE | Obligatoriska |
Characteristic Description (14
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Description where(Code = field("Characteristic Code")))
“Characteristic Description” contains the description of the characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af karakteristik |
de-AT | Charakteristische Beschreibung |
de-CH | Charakteristische Beschreibung |
de-DE | Charakteristische Beschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción de la característica |
es-MX | Descripción de la característica |
fi-FI | Ominaisuus Kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description caractéristique |
fr-CA | Description caractéristique |
fr-CH | Description caractéristique |
fr-FR | Description caractéristique |
en-US | Characteristic Description |
it-CH | Descrizione caratteristica |
it-IT | Descrizione caratteristica |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Kenmerkende beschrijving |
nl-NL | Kenmerkende beschrijving |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk beskrivning |
Charac. Value Description (15
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Description where(Code = field("Characteristic Value"), "Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code")))
“Charac. Value Description” contains the description of the characteristic value.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af karakteristisk værdi |
de-AT | Merkmalswertbeschreibung |
de-CH | Merkmalswertbeschreibung |
de-DE | Merkmalswertbeschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción del valor de la característica |
es-MX | Descripción del valor de la característica |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvon kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description de la valeur caractéristique |
fr-CA | Description de la valeur caractéristique |
fr-CH | Description de la valeur caractéristique |
fr-FR | Description de la valeur caractéristique |
en-US | Characteristic Value Description |
it-CH | Descrizione valore caratteristica |
it-IT | Descrizione valore caratteristica |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi Beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Beschrijving van de kenmerkende waarde |
nl-NL | Beschrijving van de kenmerkende waarde |
sv-SE | Beskrivning av karakteristiskt värde |
Entry No. (16
It is a system field that is inherited from the explosion of the bill of materials
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indgangsnr. |
de-AT | Eintrag Nr. |
de-CH | Eintrag Nr. |
de-DE | Eintrag Nr. |
es-ES | Entrada No. |
es-MX | Entrada No. |
fi-FI | Tapahtuman nro |
fr-BE | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-CA | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-CH | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-FR | Numéro d’entrée |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
nb-NO | Postnr. |
nl-BE | Ingang nr. |
nl-NL | Ingang nr. |
sv-SE | Inmatningsnr |
Indentation (17
Indentation contains the level of indentation of the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indrykning |
de-AT | Einzug |
de-CH | Einzug |
de-DE | Einzug |
es-ES | Sangría |
es-MX | Sangría |
fi-FI | Sisennys |
fr-BE | Indentation |
fr-CA | Indentation |
fr-CH | Indentation |
fr-FR | Indentation |
en-US | Indentation |
it-CH | Indentazione |
it-IT | Indentazione |
nb-NO | Innrykk |
nl-BE | Inspringing |
nl-NL | Inspringing |
sv-SE | Indrag |
Surcharge (18
Surcharge contains the surcharge value generated by the configuration for the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Tillæg |
de-AT | Zuschlag |
de-CH | Zuschlag |
de-DE | Zuschlag |
es-ES | Recargo |
es-MX | Recargo |
fi-FI | Lisämaksullinen |
fr-BE | Supplément |
fr-CA | Supplément |
fr-CH | Supplément |
fr-FR | Supplément |
en-US | Surcharge |
it-CH | Maggiorazione |
it-IT | Maggiorazione |
nb-NO | Tillegg |
nl-BE | Toeslag |
nl-NL | Toeslag |
sv-SE | Avgiftsbelagd |
Is Surcharge (19
“Is Surcharge” expresses whether an surcharge could be activated when this characteristic changes.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Er tillæg |
de-AT | Is Zuschlag |
de-CH | Is Zuschlag |
de-DE | Is Zuschlag |
es-ES | Es recargo |
es-MX | Es recargo |
fi-FI | On lisämaksu |
fr-BE | Est-ce que la surtaxe |
fr-CA | Est-ce que la surtaxe |
fr-CH | Est-ce que la surtaxe |
fr-FR | Est-ce que la surtaxe |
en-US | Is Surcharge |
it-CH | Riga maggiorazione |
it-IT | Riga maggiorazione |
nb-NO | Er et pristillegg |
nl-BE | Is toeslag |
nl-NL | Is toeslag |
sv-SE | Är tilläggsavgift |
Price (20
Price expresses whether a change in price could trigger when this characteristic changes.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Pris |
de-AT | Preis |
de-CH | Preis |
de-DE | Preis |
es-ES | Precio |
es-MX | Precio |
fi-FI | Hinta |
fr-BE | Prix |
fr-CA | Prix |
fr-CH | Prix |
fr-FR | Prix |
en-US | Price |
it-CH | Prezzo |
it-IT | Prezzo |
nb-NO | Pris |
nl-BE | Prijs |
nl-NL | Prijs |
sv-SE | Pris |
Not Editable (21
“Not Editable” expresses whether the characteristic is editable or not.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kan ikke redigeres |
de-AT | Nicht editierbar |
de-CH | Nicht editierbar |
de-DE | Nicht editierbar |
es-ES | No editable |
es-MX | No editable |
fi-FI | Ei muokattavissa |
fr-BE | Non modifiable |
fr-CA | Non modifiable |
fr-CH | Non modifiable |
fr-FR | Non modifiable |
en-US | Not Editable |
it-CH | Non editabile |
it-IT | Non editabile |
nb-NO | Kan ikke redigeres |
nl-BE | Niet bewerkbaar |
nl-NL | Niet bewerkbaar |
sv-SE | Kan inte redigeras |
Price List Surcharge (22
“Price List Surcharge” expresses whether an price list surcharge could be activated when this characteristic changes.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Prisliste tillæg |
de-AT | Preislistenzuschlag |
de-CH | Preislistenzuschlag |
de-DE | Preislistenzuschlag |
es-ES | Recargo por lista de precios |
es-MX | Recargo por lista de precios |
fi-FI | Hinnaston lisämaksu |
fr-BE | Supplément de liste de prix |
fr-CA | Supplément de liste de prix |
fr-CH | Supplément de liste de prix |
fr-FR | Supplément de liste de prix |
en-US | Price List Surcharge |
it-CH | Maggiorazione listino |
it-IT | Maggiorazione listino |
nb-NO | Prisliste tilleggsavgift |
nl-BE | Toeslag prijslijst |
nl-NL | Toeslag prijslijst |
sv-SE | Tilläggsavgift för prislista |
Optional Amount (23
“Optional Amount” contains the optional amount value generated by the configuration for the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valgfrit beløb |
de-AT | Optionaler Betrag |
de-CH | Optionaler Betrag |
de-DE | Optionaler Betrag |
es-ES | Importe opcional |
es-MX | Importe opcional |
fi-FI | Valinnainen summa |
fr-BE | Montant facultatif |
fr-CA | Montant facultatif |
fr-CH | Montant facultatif |
fr-FR | Montant facultatif |
en-US | Optional Amount |
it-CH | Importo optional |
it-IT | Importo optional |
nb-NO | Valgfritt beløp |
nl-BE | Optioneel bedrag |
nl-NL | Optioneel bedrag |
sv-SE | Valfritt belopp |
Allowed Charac. Code (24
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
This is an unused field.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Tilladt Charac. Kode |
de-AT | Erlaubt Charac. Code |
de-CH | Erlaubt Charac. Code |
de-DE | Erlaubt Charac. Code |
es-ES | Permitido Charac. Código |
es-MX | Permitido Charac. Código |
fi-FI | Sallittu Charac. Koodi |
fr-BE | Permis Charac. Code |
fr-CA | Permis Charac. Code |
fr-CH | Permis Charac. Code |
fr-FR | Permis Charac. Code |
en-US | Allowed Charac. Code |
it-CH | Codice caratt. ammessi |
it-IT | Codice caratt. ammessi |
nb-NO | Tillatt Charac. Koden |
nl-BE | Toegestaan Charac. Code |
nl-NL | Toegestaan Charac. Code |
sv-SE | Tillåts Charac. Koden |
Item No. (25
TableRelation: Item
“Item No.” contains the code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Varenr. |
de-AT | Artikelnr. |
de-CH | Artikelnr. |
de-DE | Artikelnr. |
es-ES | Artículo No. |
es-MX | Artículo No. |
fi-FI | Tuotekoodi. |
fr-BE | Numéro de l’article |
fr-CA | Numéro de l’article |
fr-CH | Numéro de l’article |
fr-FR | Numéro de l’article |
en-US | Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo |
it-IT | Nr. articolo |
nb-NO | Varenr. |
nl-BE | Object nr. |
nl-NL | Object nr. |
sv-SE | Artikelnr |
Description (26
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Item No.")))
Description contains the description of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse |
de-AT | Beschreibung |
de-CH | Beschreibung |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción |
es-MX | Descripción |
fi-FI | Kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description |
fr-CA | Description |
fr-CH | Description |
fr-FR | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-CH | Descrizione |
it-IT | Descrizione |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Beschrijving |
nl-NL | Beschrijving |
sv-SE | Beskrivning |
Description 2 (27
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item."Description 2" where("No." = field("Item No.")))
“Description 2” contains the description 2 of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse 2 |
de-AT | Beschreibung 2 |
de-CH | Beschreibung 2 |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
es-ES | Descripción 2 |
es-MX | Descripción 2 |
fi-FI | Kuvaus 2 |
fr-BE | Description 2 |
fr-CA | Description 2 |
fr-CH | Description 2 |
fr-FR | Description 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-CH | Descrizione 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse 2 |
nl-BE | Beschrijving 2 |
nl-NL | Beschrijving 2 |
sv-SE | Beskrivning 2 |
Rule Value Charac. Nr. (28
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value" where("Rule Code" = field("Rule Code"), "Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code")))
This is a calculated field that counts the number of possible values for the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Regelværdi Charac. Nr. |
de-AT | Regelwert Charac. Nr. |
de-CH | Regelwert Charac. Nr. |
de-DE | Regelwert Charac. Nr. |
es-ES | Charac de valor de regla. Nr. |
es-MX | Charac de valor de regla. Nr. |
fi-FI | Säännön arvo -merkki. Nr. |
fr-BE | Valeur de règle Charac. Nr. |
fr-CA | Valeur de règle Charac. Nr. |
fr-CH | Valeur de règle Charac. Nr. |
fr-FR | Valeur de règle Charac. Nr. |
en-US | Rule Value Charac. Nr. |
it-CH | Nr. valori caratteristica da regola |
it-IT | Nr. valori caratteristica da regola |
nb-NO | Regelverdi Charac. Nr. |
nl-BE | Regelwaarde Charac. Nr. |
nl-NL | Regelwaarde Charac. Nr. |
sv-SE | Regelvärde Charac. Nr. |
Item Value Charac. Nr. (29
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("EOS028 CFG Incl. Item Charac." where("Item No." = field("Item No."), "Characteristic Code" = field("Master Charac. Code"), "Neutral Rule Charac. Code" = filter('')))
This is a calculated field that counts the number of allowed values for the current characteristic and for the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Elementværdi Tegnac. Nr. |
de-AT | Artikelwert Charac. Nr. |
de-CH | Artikelwert Charac. Nr. |
de-DE | Artikelwert Charac. Nr. |
es-ES | Valor del artículo Charac. Nr. |
es-MX | Valor del artículo Charac. Nr. |
fi-FI | Nimikkeen arvo Merkki. Nr. |
fr-BE | Valeur de l’article Charac. Nr. |
fr-CA | Valeur de l’article Charac. Nr. |
fr-CH | Valeur de l’article Charac. Nr. |
fr-FR | Valeur de l’article Charac. Nr. |
en-US | Item Value Charac. Nr. |
it-CH | Nr. valori caratteristica articolo |
it-IT | Nr. valori caratteristica articolo |
nb-NO | Vareverdi Charac. Nr. |
nl-BE | Objectwaarde Charac. Nr. |
nl-NL | Objectwaarde Charac. Nr. |
sv-SE | Artikelvärde Charac. Nr. |
Rule Relations Charac. Nr. (30
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value" where("Document Type" = field("Document Type"), "Document No." = field("Document No."), "Document Line No." = field("Document Line No."), "WBS No." = field("WBS No."), "Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code")))
This is a calculated field that counts the number of relations for the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Regel Reletaions Værdi Nr. |
de-AT | Regel-Reletaionswert Nr. |
de-CH | Regel-Reletaionswert Nr. |
de-DE | Regel-Reletaionswert Nr. |
es-ES | Regla Reletaions Valor Nr. |
es-MX | Regla Reletaions Valor Nr. |
fi-FI | Säännön reletaions Arvo Nro |
fr-BE | Règle Reletaions Valeur Nr. |
fr-CA | Règle Reletaions Valeur Nr. |
fr-CH | Règle Reletaions Valeur Nr. |
fr-FR | Règle Reletaions Valeur Nr. |
en-US | Rule Reletaions Value Nr. |
it-CH | Nr. valori caratteristica da relazioni |
it-IT | Nr. valori caratteristica da relazioni |
nb-NO | Regel reletaions verdi nr. |
nl-BE | Regel Reletaions Waarde nr. |
nl-NL | Regel Reletaions Waarde nr. |
sv-SE | Regel Reletaions Värde Nr. |
Linked Characteristic Code (31
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Linked Characteristic Code” contains the code of the linked characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Sammenkædet karakteristikkode |
de-AT | Verknüpfter Merkmal Code |
de-CH | Verknüpfter Merkmal Code |
de-DE | Verknüpfter Merkmal Code |
es-ES | Código de característica vinculado |
es-MX | Código de característica vinculado |
fi-FI | Linkitetty ominaisuuskoodi |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique lié |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique lié |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique lié |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique lié |
en-US | Linked Characteristic Code |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica collegata |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica collegata |
nb-NO | Koblet karakteristisk kode |
nl-BE | Gekoppelde kenmerkcode |
nl-NL | Gekoppelde kenmerkcode |
sv-SE | Länkad egenskapskod |
Linked Characteristic Value (32
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Linked Characteristic Code"))
“Linked Characteristic Value” contains the value of the linked characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Sammenkædet egenskabsværdi |
de-AT | Verknüpfter Merkmalswert |
de-CH | Verknüpfter Merkmalswert |
de-DE | Verknüpfter Merkmalswert |
es-ES | Valor de característica vinculado |
es-MX | Valor de característica vinculado |
fi-FI | Linkitetty ominaisuusarvo |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique liée |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique liée |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique liée |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique liée |
en-US | Linked Characteristic Value |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica collegata |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica collegata |
nb-NO | Knyttet karakteristisk verdi |
nl-BE | Gekoppelde kenmerkwaarde |
nl-NL | Gekoppelde kenmerkwaarde |
sv-SE | Länkat karakteristiskt värde |
Decoding Type (33
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type” express the type of characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodningstype |
de-AT | Decodierungstyp |
de-CH | Decodierungstyp |
de-DE | Decodierungstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de decodificación |
es-MX | Tipo de decodificación |
fi-FI | Dekoodauksen tyyppi |
fr-BE | Type de décodage |
fr-CA | Type de décodage |
fr-CH | Type de décodage |
fr-FR | Type de décodage |
en-US | Decoding Type |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type |
nl-BE | Coderingstype |
nl-NL | Coderingstype |
sv-SE | Avkodningstyp |
Optional (34
Optional expresses whether an optional could be activated when this characteristic changes.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valgfri |
de-AT | Optional |
de-CH | Optional |
de-DE | Optional |
es-ES | Opcional |
es-MX | Opcional |
fi-FI | Valinnainen |
fr-BE | Optionnel |
fr-CA | Optionnel |
fr-CH | Optionnel |
fr-FR | Optionnel |
en-US | Optional |
it-CH | Facoltativo |
it-IT | Facoltativo |
nb-NO | Valgfritt |
nl-BE | Optionele |
nl-NL | Optionele |
sv-SE | Valfri |
Optional Item No. (35
TableRelation: Item
“Optional Item No.” contains the code of the optional item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valgfrit varenr. |
de-AT | Optionaler Artikel Nr. |
de-CH | Optionaler Artikel Nr. |
de-DE | Optionaler Artikel Nr. |
es-ES | No de artículo opcional. |
es-MX | No de artículo opcional. |
fi-FI | Valinnaisen nimikkeen nro |
fr-BE | Numéro d’article facultatif |
fr-CA | Numéro d’article facultatif |
fr-CH | Numéro d’article facultatif |
fr-FR | Numéro d’article facultatif |
en-US | Optional Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo optional |
it-IT | Nr. articolo optional |
nb-NO | Valgfri varenr. |
nl-BE | Optioneel object nr. |
nl-NL | Optioneel object nr. |
sv-SE | Valfritt artikelnr |
Optional Item Quantity (36
“Optional Item Quantity” contains the quanity of the optional item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valgfrit vareantal |
de-AT | Optionale Artikelmenge |
de-CH | Optionale Artikelmenge |
de-DE | Optionale Artikelmenge |
es-ES | Cantidad de artículo opcional |
es-MX | Cantidad de artículo opcional |
fi-FI | Valinnaisen nimikkeen määrä |
fr-BE | Quantité d’article facultative |
fr-CA | Quantité d’article facultative |
fr-CH | Quantité d’article facultative |
fr-FR | Quantité d’article facultative |
en-US | Optional Item Quantity |
it-CH | Quantità articolo optional |
it-IT | Quantità articolo optional |
nb-NO | Valgfritt vareantall |
nl-BE | Optioneel objecthoeveelheid |
nl-NL | Optioneel objecthoeveelheid |
sv-SE | Valfri artikelkvantitet |
Linked Sorting Code (37
“Linked Sorting Code” contains the sort order of the value of the linked characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Sammenkædet sorteringskode |
de-AT | Verknüpfter Sortiercode |
de-CH | Verknüpfter Sortiercode |
de-DE | Verknüpfter Sortiercode |
es-ES | Código de clasificación vinculado |
es-MX | Código de clasificación vinculado |
fi-FI | Linkitetty lajittelukoodi |
fr-BE | Code de tri lié |
fr-CA | Code de tri lié |
fr-CH | Code de tri lié |
fr-FR | Code de tri lié |
en-US | Linked Sorting Code |
it-CH | Codice ordinamento caratteristica collegata |
it-IT | Codice ordinamento caratteristica collegata |
nb-NO | Kode for koblet sortering |
nl-BE | Gekoppelde sorteercode |
nl-NL | Gekoppelde sorteercode |
sv-SE | Länkad sorteringskod |
Document Date (38
“Document Date” contains the document date of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagsdato |
de-AT | Dokumentdatum |
de-CH | Dokumentdatum |
de-DE | Dokumentdatum |
es-ES | Fecha del documento |
es-MX | Fecha del documento |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan päivämäärä |
fr-BE | Document Date |
fr-CA | Document Date |
fr-CH | Document Date |
fr-FR | Document Date |
en-US | Document Date |
it-CH | Data documento |
it-IT | Data documento |
nb-NO | Dokumentdato |
nl-BE | Documentdatum |
nl-NL | Documentdatum |
sv-SE | Datum för dokument |
Currency Code (39
TableRelation: Currency
“Currency Code” contains the currency code of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valutakode |
de-AT | Währungscode |
de-CH | Währungscode |
de-DE | Währungscode |
es-ES | Código de moneda |
es-MX | Código de moneda |
fi-FI | Valuutan koodi |
fr-BE | Code de change |
fr-CA | Code de change |
fr-CH | Code de change |
fr-FR | Code de change |
en-US | Currency Code |
it-CH | Cod. valuta |
it-IT | Cod. valuta |
nb-NO | Valutakoden |
nl-BE | Valutacode |
nl-NL | Valutacode |
sv-SE | Valutakod |
Customer Price Group (40
TableRelation: "Customer Price Group"
“Customer Price Group” contains the customer price group of the document from which the configuration starts. if the configuration comes directly from the items master, the CFG setup one is taken.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Debitorprisgruppe |
de-AT | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-CH | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-DE | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
es-ES | Grupo de precios del cliente |
es-MX | Grupo de precios del cliente |
fi-FI | Asiakkaan hintaryhmä |
fr-BE | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-CA | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-CH | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-FR | Groupe de prix clients |
en-US | Customer Price Group |
it-CH | Gruppo prezzi cliente |
it-IT | Gruppo prezzi cliente |
nb-NO | Kundeprisgruppe |
nl-BE | Klantenprijsgroep |
nl-NL | Klantenprijsgroep |
sv-SE | Kundprisgrupp |
Sell-to Customer No. (41
TableRelation: Customer
“Sell-to Customer No.” contains the sell-to customer No. of the sales document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kundenr. |
de-AT | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
de-CH | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
de-DE | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
es-ES | Vender al cliente No. |
es-MX | Vender al cliente No. |
fi-FI | Tilausasiakkaan nro |
fr-BE | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-CA | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-CH | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-FR | Numéro de vente au client |
en-US | Sell-to Customer No. |
it-CH | Vendere a - Nr. cliente |
it-IT | Vendere a - Nr. cliente |
nb-NO | Salg til kundenr. |
nl-BE | Sell-to Klant Nr. |
nl-NL | Sell-to Klant Nr. |
sv-SE | Försäljnings-till kundnr |
Campaign No. (6
TableRelation: Campaign
“Campaign No.” contains the Campaign No. of the sales document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Kampagne Nr. |
de-CH | Kampagne Nr. |
de-DE | Kampagne Nr. |
en-US | Campaign No. |
it-CH | Nr. Campagna |
it-IT | Nr. Campagna |
Vendor No. (7
TableRelation: Vendor
“Vendor No.” contains the Vendor No. of the purchase document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Lieferantennummer |
de-CH | Lieferantennummer |
de-DE | Lieferantennummer |
en-US | Vendor No. |
it-CH | Numero Fornitore |
it-IT | Numero Fornitore |
Neutral Item (42
“Neutral Item” is inherited from the neutral item field of the characteristics of a rule.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Neutralt element |
de-AT | Neutraler Artikel |
de-CH | Neutraler Artikel |
de-DE | Neutraler Artikel |
es-ES | Artículo neutro |
es-MX | Artículo neutro |
fi-FI | Neutraali kohde |
fr-BE | Élément neutre |
fr-CA | Élément neutre |
fr-CH | Élément neutre |
fr-FR | Élément neutre |
en-US | Neutral Item |
it-CH | Articolo neutro |
it-IT | Articolo neutro |
nb-NO | Nøytralt element |
nl-BE | Neutraal object |
nl-NL | Neutraal object |
sv-SE | Neutral artikel |
Hide Characteristic (43
“Hide Characteristic” expresses whether the current characteristic is a hidden characteristic in the configuration phase. Generally these characteristics are calculated by formulas automatically.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Skjul karakteristik |
de-AT | Charakteristisch ausblenden |
de-CH | Charakteristisch ausblenden |
de-DE | Charakteristisch ausblenden |
es-ES | Ocultar característica |
es-MX | Ocultar característica |
fi-FI | Piilota ominaisuus |
fr-BE | Masquer caractéristique |
fr-CA | Masquer caractéristique |
fr-CH | Masquer caractéristique |
fr-FR | Masquer caractéristique |
en-US | Hide Characteristic |
it-CH | Nascondi caratteristica in configurazione |
it-IT | Nascondi caratteristica in configurazione |
nb-NO | Skjul karakteristisk |
nl-BE | Kenmerk verbergen |
nl-NL | Kenmerk verbergen |
sv-SE | Dölj egenskap |
Numeric Value (44
The numeric value of the characteristic is saved in this field if it is of the measure type.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Numerisk karakteristikværdi |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert |
es-ES | Valor de característica numérica |
es-MX | Valor de característica numérica |
fi-FI | Numeerinen ominaisuusarvo |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique numérique |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique numérique |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique numérique |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique numérique |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica |
nb-NO | Numerisk karakteristisk verdi |
nl-BE | Numerieke kenmerkwaarde |
nl-NL | Numerieke kenmerkwaarde |
sv-SE | Numeriskt egenskapsvärde |
Master Charac. Code (45
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"
“Master Charac. Code” contains the value of the master characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Master-karakteristikkode |
de-AT | Master-Charakteristikcode |
de-CH | Master-Charakteristikcode |
de-DE | Master-Charakteristikcode |
es-ES | Código de características maestras |
es-MX | Código de características maestras |
fi-FI | Pääominaisuuskoodi |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique maître |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique maître |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique maître |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique maître |
en-US | Master Characteristic Code |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica master |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica master |
nb-NO | Master karakteristisk kode |
nl-BE | Hoofdkenmerkcode |
nl-NL | Hoofdkenmerkcode |
sv-SE | Huvud egenskapskod |
Style (46
(0) , Attention
(1) , AttentionAccent
(2) , Favorable
(3) , None
(4) , Standard
(5) , StandardAccent
(6) , Strong
(7) , StrongAccent
(8) , Subordinate
(9) , Unfavorable
Style contains the style with which the characteristic must be displayed in the configuration phase on the page.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Stil |
de-AT | Stil |
de-CH | Stil |
de-DE | Stil |
es-ES | Estilo |
es-MX | Estilo |
fi-FI | Tyyli |
fr-BE | Style |
fr-CA | Style |
fr-CH | Style |
fr-FR | Style |
en-US | Style |
it-CH | Stile |
it-IT | Stile |
nb-NO | Stil |
nl-BE | Stijl |
nl-NL | Stijl |
sv-SE | Stil |
Process In Excel (47
if true, the process of Excel is triggered for the calculation of the characteristics.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Proces i Excel |
de-AT | Prozess in Excel |
de-CH | Prozess in Excel |
de-DE | Prozess in Excel |
es-ES | Proceso en Excel |
es-MX | Proceso en Excel |
fi-FI | Käsittele Excelissä |
fr-BE | Processus dans Excel |
fr-CA | Processus dans Excel |
fr-CH | Processus dans Excel |
fr-FR | Processus dans Excel |
en-US | Process In Excel |
it-CH | Processa in excel |
it-IT | Processa in excel |
nb-NO | Prosess i Excel |
nl-BE | Proces in Excel |
nl-NL | Proces in Excel |
sv-SE | Process i Excel |
Get Output From Excel (48
if true, after the Excel process, the value of the current characteristic calculated in Excel is valued in Business Central.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Hent output fra Excel |
de-AT | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus Excel |
de-CH | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus Excel |
de-DE | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus Excel |
es-ES | Obtener salida de Excel |
es-MX | Obtener salida de Excel |
fi-FI | Hae tuloste Excelistä |
fr-BE | Obtenir la sortie d’Excel |
fr-CA | Obtenir la sortie d’Excel |
fr-CH | Obtenir la sortie d’Excel |
fr-FR | Obtenir la sortie d’Excel |
en-US | Get Output From Excel |
it-CH | Leggi output da excel |
it-IT | Leggi output da excel |
nb-NO | Få utdata fra Excel |
nl-BE | Uitvoer ophalen uit Excel |
nl-NL | Uitvoer ophalen uit Excel |
sv-SE | Hämta utdata från Excel |
Trigger Custom Code (49
if true, the process of custum code is triggered for the calculation of the characteristics.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Udløs brugerdefineret kode |
de-AT | Auslösebenutzerdefinierter Code |
de-CH | Auslösebenutzerdefinierter Code |
de-DE | Auslösebenutzerdefinierter Code |
es-ES | Desencadenar código personalizado |
es-MX | Desencadenar código personalizado |
fi-FI | Käynnistä mukautettu koodi |
fr-BE | Code personnalisé de déclenchement |
fr-CA | Code personnalisé de déclenchement |
fr-CH | Code personnalisé de déclenchement |
fr-FR | Code personnalisé de déclenchement |
en-US | Trigger Custom Code |
it-CH | Esegui codice personalizzato |
it-IT | Esegui codice personalizzato |
nb-NO | Utløser egendefinert kode |
nl-BE | Aangepaste code activeren |
nl-NL | Aangepaste code activeren |
sv-SE | Anpassad kod för utlösare |
Get Output From Custom Code (50
if true, after the custum code process, the value of the current characteristic calculated in Excel is valued in Business Central.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Hent output fra brugerdefineret kode |
de-AT | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus benutzerdefiniertem Code |
de-CH | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus benutzerdefiniertem Code |
de-DE | Abrufen der Ausgabe aus benutzerdefiniertem Code |
es-ES | Obtener salida de código personalizado |
es-MX | Obtener salida de código personalizado |
fi-FI | Hae tuloste mukautetusta koodista |
fr-BE | Obtenir la sortie à partir de code personnalisé |
fr-CA | Obtenir la sortie à partir de code personnalisé |
fr-CH | Obtenir la sortie à partir de code personnalisé |
fr-FR | Obtenir la sortie à partir de code personnalisé |
en-US | Get Output From Custom Code |
it-CH | Leggi output da codice personalizzato |
it-IT | Leggi output da codice personalizzato |
nb-NO | Få utdata fra egendefinert kode |
nl-BE | Uitvoer ophalen uit aangepaste code |
nl-NL | Uitvoer ophalen uit aangepaste code |
sv-SE | Hämta utdata från anpassad kod |
Source Type (51
Enum "EOS028 CFG Source Type"
“Source Type” from which the configuration starts (sales, purchase,…).
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kildetype |
de-AT | Herkunftstyp |
de-CH | Herkunftstyp |
de-DE | Herkunftstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de origen |
es-MX | Tipo de origen |
fi-FI | Lähteen tyyppi |
fr-BE | Source Type |
fr-CA | Source Type |
fr-CH | Source Type |
fr-FR | Source Type |
en-US | Source Type |
it-CH | Tipo origine |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
nb-NO | Kildetype |
nl-BE | Brontype |
nl-NL | Brontype |
sv-SE | Typ av källa |
Hide Characteristic Opt./Mand. (52
“Hide Characteristic Opt./Mand.” expresses whether the current characteristic is a hidden characteristic in the configuration phase. These characteristics are always mandatory or optional and are set in rule relations table.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Skjul egenskab valgfri/obligatorisk |
de-AT | Merkmal ausblenden Optional/Mandatory |
de-CH | Merkmal ausblenden Optional/Mandatory |
de-DE | Merkmal ausblenden Optional/Mandatory |
es-ES | Ocultar característica opcional/obligatorio |
es-MX | Ocultar característica opcional/obligatorio |
fi-FI | Piilota ominaisuus valinnainen/pakollinen |
fr-BE | Masquer les caractéristiques facultatives/obligatoires |
fr-CA | Masquer les caractéristiques facultatives/obligatoires |
fr-CH | Masquer les caractéristiques facultatives/obligatoires |
fr-FR | Masquer les caractéristiques facultatives/obligatoires |
en-US | Hide Characteristic Optional/Mandatory |
it-CH | Nascondi caratteristica opzionale/obbligatoria |
it-IT | Nascondi caratteristica opzionale/obbligatoria |
nb-NO | Skjul karakteristisk valgfritt/obligatorisk |
nl-BE | Kenmerk optioneel/verplicht verbergen |
nl-NL | Kenmerk optioneel/verplicht verbergen |
sv-SE | Dölj egenskap valfritt/obligatoriskt |
Description Indentation (53
“Description Indentation” contains the level of description indentation of the current characteristic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indrykning af beskrivelse |
de-AT | Beschreibung Einzug |
de-CH | Beschreibung Einzug |
de-DE | Beschreibung Einzug |
es-ES | Descripción Sangría |
es-MX | Descripción Sangría |
fi-FI | Kuvauksen sisennys |
fr-BE | Description Indentation |
fr-CA | Description Indentation |
fr-CH | Description Indentation |
fr-FR | Description Indentation |
en-US | Description Indentation |
it-CH | Indentazione descrizione |
it-IT | Indentazione descrizione |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse Innrykk |
nl-BE | Beschrijving Inspringing |
nl-NL | Beschrijving Inspringing |
sv-SE | Beskrivning Indrag |
Exclude Calc. Surcharge (54
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Rule Characteristic"."Exclude Calc. Surcharge" where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code"), "Rule Code" = field("Rule Code")))
“Exclude Calc. Surcharge” if enabled, excludes the Characteristic from the calculation of surcharge.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ekskluder fra Calc. |
de-AT | Von Calc. Zuschlag ausschließen |
de-CH | Von Calc. Zuschlag ausschließen |
de-DE | Von Calc. Zuschlag ausschließen |
es-ES | Excluir de Calc. Recargo |
es-MX | Excluir de Calc. Recargo |
fi-FI | Sulje pois laskentalisästä |
fr-BE | Exclure du supplément Calc. |
fr-CA | Exclure du supplément Calc. |
fr-CH | Exclure du supplément Calc. |
fr-FR | Exclure du supplément Calc. |
en-US | Exclude from Calc. Surcharge |
it-CH | Escludi da Calcolo Maggiorazioni |
it-IT | Escludi da Calcolo Maggiorazioni |
nb-NO | Utelat fra beregn tillegg |
nl-BE | Exclusief Calc. Toeslag |
nl-NL | Exclusief Calc. Toeslag |
sv-SE | Exkludera från Calc. Tilläggsavgift |
Exclude From Releations Calc. (55
“Exclude From Relations Calc.” if enabled, excludes the Characteristic from the calculation of relations.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ekskluder fra relationsberegning |
de-AT | Von Releations ausschließen Calc. |
de-CH | Von Releations ausschließen Calc. |
de-DE | Von der Beziehungsberechnung ausschließen |
es-ES | Excluir del cálculo de la relación |
es-MX | Excluir de Releations Calc. |
fi-FI | Jätä pois suhteen laskennasta |
fr-BE | Exclure de Releations Calc. |
fr-CA | Exclure de Releations Calc. |
fr-CH | Exclure de Releations Calc. |
fr-FR | Exclure du calcul de la relation |
en-US | Exclude From Relations Calc. |
it-CH | Escludi dal calcolo delle relazioni |
it-IT | Escludi dal calcolo delle relazioni |
nb-NO | Utelat fra relasjonsberegning |
nl-BE | Uitsluiten van releations Calc. |
nl-NL | Uitsluiten van relatieberekening |
sv-SE | Exkludera från relationsberäkning |
Excl. From Rel. Calc. Cond. (56
“Excl. From Rel. Calc. Cond.” if enabled, excludes the Characteristic from the calculation of relations with conditions.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Udelukke fra beregning af relationer med betingelser |
de-AT | Von Releations ausschließen Calc. Mit Bedingungen |
de-CH | Von Releations ausschließen Calc. Mit Bedingungen |
de-DE | Von der Berechnung von Beziehungen mit Konditionen ausschließen |
es-ES | Excluir del cálculo de relaciones con condiciones |
es-MX | Excluir de Releations Calc. Con condiciones |
fi-FI | Jätä pois ehtoja sisältävien suhteiden laskennasta |
fr-BE | Exclure de Releations Calc. Avec conditions |
fr-CA | Exclure de Releations Calc. Avec conditions |
fr-CH | Exclure de Releations Calc. Avec conditions |
fr-FR | Exclure du calcul des relations avec les conditions |
en-US | Exclude From Relations Calc. With Conditions |
it-CH | Escludi dal calcolo delle relazioni con condizioni |
it-IT | Escludi dal calcolo delle relazioni con condizioni |
nb-NO | Utelat fra beregning av relasjoner med betingelser |
nl-BE | Uitsluiten van releations Calc. Met voorwaarden |
nl-NL | Uitsluiten van berekening van relaties met voorwaarden |
sv-SE | Exkludera från beräkning av relationer med villkor |
Order Date (57
“Order Date” contains the order dat of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ordredato |
de-AT | Bestelldatum |
de-CH | Bestelldatum |
de-DE | Bestelldatum |
es-ES | Fecha del pedido |
es-MX | Fecha del pedido |
fi-FI | Tilauksen päivämäärä |
fr-BE | Date de commande |
fr-CA | Date de commande |
fr-CH | Date de commande |
fr-FR | Date de commande |
en-US | Order Date |
it-CH | Data ordine |
it-IT | Data ordine |
nb-NO | Bestillingsdato |
nl-BE | Besteldatum |
nl-NL | Besteldatum |
sv-SE | Orderdatum |
Disable Validation (58
Pending: This field is no longer used. (24.0)If active, the validation of the characteristic value is disabled.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Deaktivieren der Validierung |
de-CH | Deaktivieren der Validierung |
de-DE | Deaktivieren der Validierung |
en-US | Disable Validation |
it-CH | Disabilita Validazione |
it-IT | Disabilita Validazione |
Configuration (59
(0) , Default
It is used to define the configuration created from default. Only for internal use.
Language | Caption |
Exclude Calc. Optional (60
“Exclude Calc. Optional” if enabled, excludes the Characteristic from the calculation of optional.
Language | Caption |
en-US | Exclude from Calc. Optional |
it-CH | Escludi da Calc. Optional |
it-IT | Escludi da Calc. Optional |
procedure ClearNumericCharacteristic()
This procedure clears “Characteristic Value” and “Numeric Value” fields in the Rec.
procedure CheckCharacteristic(ItemNo: Code[20]; RuleCode: Code[10]; CharacCode: Code[10]; CharacValue: Code[50]): Boolean
This procedure checks if characteristic is allowed.
Parameters / Return Value
“ItemNo” to check
“RuleCode” to check
“CharacCode” to check
“CharacValue” to check
If true is allowed. If false is not allowed.
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; CharacteristicCode: code[10]; WBSNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; CharacteristicCode: code[10]; FilterText: Text; Numeric: Boolean; WBSNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; FilterText: Text; Numeric: Boolean; WBSNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNo: Text[200]; IsSurcharge: Boolean; SurchargeFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; NewIndentation: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; CharacValueFilter: Text; NewIndentation: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; CharacCode: Code[10]; NewIndentation: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNo: Text[200]; NeutralItem: boolean)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters2(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNo: Text[200]; IsOptional: Boolean; OptItemNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNo: Text[200])
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure SublevelsCalculation()
This procedure calculate characteristics in the BOM sublevels.
local procedure OnCalcSublevels(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")
This event is raised at the end of the sublevel calculation.
Parameters / Return Value
Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."
“ConfigCharac” configured in sublevels
local procedure OnAfterSublevelsCalculation(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")
This event is raised at the end of the sublevel calculation.
Parameters / Return Value
Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."
“ConfigCharac” of the main level
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