Table 18091266 EOS028 CFG Configurator Line
Table 18091266 EOS028 CFG Configurator Line
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Konfiguratorlinje |
de-AT | Konfiguratorlinie |
de-CH | Konfiguratorlinie |
de-DE | Konfiguratorlinie |
es-ES | Línea Configurador |
es-MX | Línea Configurador |
fi-FI | Konfiguraattorin rivi |
fr-BE | Ligne de configurateur |
fr-CA | Ligne de configurateur |
fr-CH | Ligne de configurateur |
fr-FR | Ligne de configurateur |
en-US | Configurator Line |
it-CH | Righe configuratore |
it-IT | Righe configuratore |
nb-NO | Konfiguratorlinje |
nl-BE | Configuratorregel |
nl-NL | Configuratorregel |
sv-SE | Konfiguratorlinje |
Document Type (1
(0) , "Order"
(1) , Invoice
(2) , "Credit Memo"
(3) , "Blanket Order"
(4) , "Return Order"
“Document Type” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Dokumenttype |
de-AT | Dokumenttyp |
de-CH | Dokumenttyp |
de-DE | Dokumenttyp |
es-ES | Tipo de documento |
es-MX | Tipo de documento |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan tyyppi |
fr-BE | Document Type |
fr-CA | Document Type |
fr-CH | Document Type |
fr-FR | Document Type |
en-US | Document Type |
it-CH | Tipo di documento |
it-IT | Tipo di documento |
nb-NO | Dokumenttype |
nl-BE | Documenttype |
nl-NL | Documenttype |
sv-SE | Dokumenttyp |
Document No. (2
“Document No.” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagsnr. |
de-AT | Dokument Nr. |
de-CH | Dokument Nr. |
de-DE | Dokument Nr. |
es-ES | Documento No. |
es-MX | Documento No. |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan nro |
fr-BE | Numéro du document |
fr-CA | Numéro du document |
fr-CH | Numéro du document |
fr-FR | Numéro du document |
en-US | Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento |
it-IT | Nr. documento |
nb-NO | Bilagsnr. |
nl-BE | Document nr. |
nl-NL | Document nr. |
sv-SE | Dokumentnr |
Document Line No. (3
“Document Line No.” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagslinjenr. |
de-AT | Belegzeile Nr. |
de-CH | Belegzeile Nr. |
de-DE | Belegzeile Nr. |
es-ES | Línea de documento No. |
es-MX | Línea de documento No. |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan rivin nro |
fr-BE | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-CA | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-CH | Numéro de la ligne de document |
fr-FR | Numéro de la ligne de document |
en-US | Document Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga documento |
it-IT | Nr. riga documento |
nb-NO | Bilagslinjenr. |
nl-BE | Documentregel nr. |
nl-NL | Documentregel nr. |
sv-SE | Dokumentradnr |
WBS No. (4
“WBS No.” is Work breakdown structure. It’s a code calculated during the bill of material explosion to identify the bill of material levels.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | WBS Nr. |
de-AT | PSP-Nr. |
de-CH | PSP-Nr. |
de-DE | PSP-Nr. |
es-ES | WBS No. |
es-MX | WBS No. |
fi-FI | WBS Nro |
fr-BE | WBS No. |
fr-CA | WBS No. |
fr-CH | WBS No. |
fr-FR | WBS No. |
en-US | WBS No. |
it-CH | Nr. WBS |
it-IT | Nr. WBS |
nb-NO | Wbs nr. |
nl-BE | WBS Nr. |
nl-NL | WBS Nr. |
sv-SE | WBS-nr |
Campaign No. (5
TableRelation: Campaign."No."
“Campaign No.” contains the campaign number of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Kampange |
de-CH | Kampange |
de-DE | Kampange |
en-US | Campaign |
it-CH | Campagna |
it-IT | Campagna |
Vendor No. (6
TableRelation: Vendor
“Vendor No.” contains the Vendor No. of the purchase document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Lieferantennummer |
de-CH | Lieferantennummer |
de-DE | Lieferantennummer |
en-US | Vendor No. |
it-CH | Numero Fornitore |
it-IT | Numero Fornitore |
Item No. (10
TableRelation: Item
“Item No.” contains the code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Varenr. |
de-AT | Artikelnr. |
de-CH | Artikelnr. |
de-DE | Artikelnr. |
es-ES | Artículo No. |
es-MX | Artículo No. |
fi-FI | Tuotekoodi. |
fr-BE | Numéro de l’article |
fr-CA | Numéro de l’article |
fr-CH | Numéro de l’article |
fr-FR | Numéro de l’article |
en-US | Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo |
it-IT | Nr. articolo |
nb-NO | Varenr. |
nl-BE | Object nr. |
nl-NL | Object nr. |
sv-SE | Artikelnr |
Unit of Measure Code (11
TableRelation: "Item Unit of Measure".Code where("Item No." = field("Item No."))
“Unit of Measure Code” contains the unit of measure code of the document from which the configuration starts. if the configuration comes directly from the items master, contains the unit of measure code of the neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Enhedskode |
de-AT | Einheitscode |
de-CH | Einheitscode |
de-DE | Einheitscode |
es-ES | Código de unidad de medida |
es-MX | Código de unidad de medida |
fi-FI | Mittayksikön koodi |
fr-BE | Code de l’unité de mesure |
fr-CA | Code de l’unité de mesure |
fr-CH | Code de l’unité de mesure |
fr-FR | Code de l’unité de mesure |
en-US | Unit of Measure Code |
it-CH | Cod. unità di misura |
it-IT | Cod. unità di misura |
nb-NO | Enhetskode |
nl-BE | Eenheid van de meetcode |
nl-NL | Eenheid van de meetcode |
sv-SE | Kod för måttenhet |
Description (12
Description contains the description of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse |
de-AT | Beschreibung |
de-CH | Beschreibung |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción |
es-MX | Descripción |
fi-FI | Kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description |
fr-CA | Description |
fr-CH | Description |
fr-FR | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-CH | Descrizione |
it-IT | Descrizione |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Beschrijving |
nl-NL | Beschrijving |
sv-SE | Beskrivning |
Description 2 (13
“Description 2” contains the description 2 of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse 2 |
de-AT | Beschreibung 2 |
de-CH | Beschreibung 2 |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
es-ES | Descripción 2 |
es-MX | Descripción 2 |
fi-FI | Kuvaus 2 |
fr-BE | Description 2 |
fr-CA | Description 2 |
fr-CH | Description 2 |
fr-FR | Description 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-CH | Descrizione 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse 2 |
nl-BE | Beschrijving 2 |
nl-NL | Beschrijving 2 |
sv-SE | Beskrivning 2 |
Quantity (14
Quantity contains the quantity of the document line from which the configuration starts. Quantity can be changed during configuration
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Mængde |
de-AT | Menge |
de-CH | Menge |
de-DE | Menge |
es-ES | Cantidad |
es-MX | Cantidad |
fi-FI | Määrä |
fr-BE | Quantité |
fr-CA | Quantité |
fr-CH | Quantité |
fr-FR | Quantité |
en-US | Quantity |
it-CH | Quantità |
it-IT | Quantità |
nb-NO | Antall |
nl-BE | Hoeveelheid |
nl-NL | Hoeveelheid |
sv-SE | Kvantitet |
Price (15
Price contains contains the price of the configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Pris |
de-AT | Preis |
de-CH | Preis |
de-DE | Preis |
es-ES | Precio |
es-MX | Precio |
fi-FI | Hinta |
fr-BE | Prix |
fr-CA | Prix |
fr-CH | Prix |
fr-FR | Prix |
en-US | Price |
it-CH | Prezzo |
it-IT | Prezzo |
nb-NO | Pris |
nl-BE | Prijs |
nl-NL | Prijs |
sv-SE | Pris |
Line Type (16
This is an unused field.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Stregtype |
de-AT | Linientyp |
de-CH | Linientyp |
de-DE | Linientyp |
es-ES | Tipo de línea |
es-MX | Tipo de línea |
fi-FI | Rivin tyyppi |
fr-BE | Type de ligne |
fr-CA | Type de ligne |
fr-CH | Type de ligne |
fr-FR | Type de ligne |
en-US | Line Type |
it-CH | Tipo riga |
it-IT | Tipo riga |
nb-NO | Linjetype |
nl-BE | Regeltype |
nl-NL | Regeltype |
sv-SE | Linjetyp |
Rule Code (17
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Rule"
“Rule Code” contains the rule code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Regelkode |
de-AT | Regelcode |
de-CH | Regelcode |
de-DE | Regelcode |
es-ES | Código de reglas |
es-MX | Código de reglas |
fi-FI | Säännön koodi |
fr-BE | Code de règles |
fr-CA | Code de règles |
fr-CH | Code de règles |
fr-FR | Code de règles |
en-US | Rule Code |
it-CH | Codice regola |
it-IT | Codice regola |
nb-NO | Regelkode |
nl-BE | Regelcode |
nl-NL | Regelcode |
sv-SE | Regelkod |
Scrap % (18
“Scrap %” contains the scrap % specified in the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Spild % |
de-AT | Schrott % |
de-CH | Schrott % |
de-DE | Schrott % |
es-ES | % de chatarra |
es-MX | % de chatarra |
fi-FI | Romu % |
fr-BE | % de ferraille |
fr-CA | % de ferraille |
fr-CH | % de ferraille |
fr-FR | % de ferraille |
en-US | Scrap % |
it-CH | % scarto |
it-IT | % scarto |
nb-NO | Skrap % |
nl-BE | Schroot % |
nl-NL | Schroot % |
sv-SE | Skrot % |
Routing Link Code (19
TableRelation: "Routing Link"
“Routing Link Code” contains the routing link code specified in the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Rutebindingskode |
de-AT | Routing-Link-Code |
de-CH | Routing-Link-Code |
de-DE | Routing-Link-Code |
es-ES | Código de enlace de enrutamiento |
es-MX | Código de enlace de enrutamiento |
fi-FI | Reitityslinkin koodi |
fr-BE | Code de lien de routage |
fr-CA | Code de lien de routage |
fr-CH | Code de lien de routage |
fr-FR | Code de lien de routage |
en-US | Routing Link Code |
it-CH | Cod. collegamento tra ciclo e distinta base |
it-IT | Cod. collegamento tra ciclo e distinta base |
nb-NO | Kode for ruting av kobling |
nl-BE | Routeringskoppelingscode |
nl-NL | Routeringskoppelingscode |
sv-SE | Länkkod för operationsföljd |
Line Discount % (20
“Line Discount %” contains the line discount % of the document line from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Linjerabat % |
de-AT | Positionsrabatt % |
de-CH | Positionsrabatt % |
de-DE | Positionsrabatt % |
es-ES | Descuento de línea % |
es-MX | Descuento de línea % |
fi-FI | Rivialennus-% |
fr-BE | Réduction de ligne % |
fr-CA | Réduction de ligne % |
fr-CH | Réduction de ligne % |
fr-FR | Réduction de ligne % |
en-US | Line Discount % |
it-CH | % sconto riga |
it-IT | % sconto riga |
nb-NO | Linjerabatt%- |
nl-BE | Regelkorting % |
nl-NL | Regelkorting % |
sv-SE | Radrabatt % |
Entry No. (21
It is a system field that is inherited from the explosion of the bill of materials
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indgangsnr. |
de-AT | Eintrag Nr. |
de-CH | Eintrag Nr. |
de-DE | Eintrag Nr. |
es-ES | Entrada No. |
es-MX | Entrada No. |
fi-FI | Tapahtuman nro |
fr-BE | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-CA | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-CH | Numéro d’entrée |
fr-FR | Numéro d’entrée |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
nb-NO | Postnr. |
nl-BE | Ingang nr. |
nl-NL | Ingang nr. |
sv-SE | Inmatningsnr |
Indentation (22
Indentation contains the level of of the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indrykning |
de-AT | Einzug |
de-CH | Einzug |
de-DE | Einzug |
es-ES | Sangría |
es-MX | Sangría |
fi-FI | Sisennys |
fr-BE | Indentation |
fr-CA | Indentation |
fr-CH | Indentation |
fr-FR | Indentation |
en-US | Indentation |
it-CH | Indentazione |
it-IT | Indentazione |
nb-NO | Innrykk |
nl-BE | Inspringing |
nl-NL | Inspringing |
sv-SE | Indrag |
Key Code (23
“Key Code” contains the key for the specific configuration. it is an encrypted string with all the concatenated characteristics (both code and value).
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Nøglekode |
de-AT | Schlüsselcode |
de-CH | Schlüsselcode |
de-DE | Schlüsselcode |
es-ES | Código clave |
es-MX | Código clave |
fi-FI | Avaimen koodi |
fr-BE | Code clé |
fr-CA | Code clé |
fr-CH | Code clé |
fr-FR | Code clé |
en-US | Key Code |
it-CH | Chiave di ricerca |
it-IT | Chiave di ricerca |
nb-NO | Nøkkel kode |
nl-BE | Sleutelcode |
nl-NL | Sleutelcode |
sv-SE | Nyckelkod |
Conf. Item No. (24
TableRelation: Item."No."
“Conf. Item No.” contains the code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Neutralt varenr. |
de-AT | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
de-CH | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
de-DE | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
es-ES | Artículo Neutro No. |
es-MX | Artículo Neutro No. |
fi-FI | Neutraalin nimikkeen nro |
fr-BE | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-CA | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-CH | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-FR | Numéro d’article neutre |
en-US | Neutral Item No. |
it-CH | Codice articolo neutro |
it-IT | Codice articolo neutro |
nb-NO | Nøytralt varenr. |
nl-BE | Neutraal punt nr. |
nl-NL | Neutraal punt nr. |
sv-SE | Neutralt artikelnr |
Main WBS No. (25
“Main WBS No.” contains the main “WBS No.” is Work breakdown structure. It’s a code calculated during the bill of material explosion to identify the bill of material levels.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Vigtigste WBS Nr. |
de-AT | Haupt-WBS-Nr. |
de-CH | Haupt-WBS-Nr. |
de-DE | Haupt-WBS-Nr. |
es-ES | Principal WBS No. |
es-MX | Principal WBS No. |
fi-FI | Wbs:n päänollen nro |
fr-BE | Numéro principal WBS |
fr-CA | Numéro principal WBS |
fr-CH | Numéro principal WBS |
fr-FR | Numéro principal WBS |
en-US | Main WBS No. |
it-CH | Nr. WBS principale |
it-IT | Nr. WBS principale |
nb-NO | Hoved wbs nr. |
nl-BE | Belangrijkste WBS Nr. |
nl-NL | Belangrijkste WBS Nr. |
sv-SE | Huvud-struktur nr |
Variant Code (26
TableRelation: "Item Variant".Code where("Item No." = field("Main WBS No."))
If variant management is enabled, the variant code from which the configuration starts is saved in this field.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Variantkode |
de-AT | Variantencode |
de-CH | Variantencode |
de-DE | Variantencode |
es-ES | Código de variante |
es-MX | Código de variante |
fi-FI | Variantin koodi |
fr-BE | Code de variante |
fr-CA | Code de variante |
fr-CH | Code de variante |
fr-FR | Code de variante |
en-US | Variant Code |
it-CH | Cod. variante |
it-IT | Cod. variante |
nb-NO | Variant Kode |
nl-BE | Variantcode |
nl-NL | Variantcode |
sv-SE | Variantkod |
BOM Line No. (27
“BOM Line No.” contains the line no. of the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Styklistelinjenr. |
de-AT | Stücklistenposition Nr. |
de-CH | Stücklistenposition Nr. |
de-DE | Stücklistenposition Nr. |
es-ES | Línea de L. MAT No. |
es-MX | Línea de L. MAT No. |
fi-FI | Tuoterakennerivin nro |
fr-BE | Nom de la ligne BOM |
fr-CA | Nom de la ligne BOM |
fr-CH | Nom de la ligne BOM |
fr-FR | Nom de la ligne BOM |
en-US | BOM Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga DB |
it-IT | Nr. riga DB |
nb-NO | Stykklistelinjenr. |
nl-BE | BOM Lijn nr. |
nl-NL | BOM Lijn nr. |
sv-SE | Strukturlisteradnr |
Configuration Type (28
(0) , "Neutral to Fix"
(1) , "Neutral to Configuration"
“Configuration Type” contains the configuration type of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Konfigurationstype |
de-AT | Konfigurationstyp |
de-CH | Konfigurationstyp |
de-DE | Konfigurationstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de configuración |
es-MX | Tipo de configuración |
fi-FI | Kokoonpanon tyyppi |
fr-BE | Configuration Type |
fr-CA | Configuration Type |
fr-CH | Configuration Type |
fr-FR | Configuration Type |
en-US | Configuration Type |
it-CH | Tipo configurazione |
it-IT | Tipo configurazione |
nb-NO | Konfigurasjonstype |
nl-BE | Configuratietype |
nl-NL | Configuratietype |
sv-SE | Konfigurationstyp |
BOM Line Type (29
" "
(0) , Item
(1) , "Production BOM"
“BOM Line Type” contains the line type of the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Produktionsstyklistelinjetype |
de-AT | Fertigungsstücklistenposition Typ |
de-CH | Fertigungsstücklistenposition Typ |
de-DE | Fertigungsstücklistenposition Typ |
es-ES | Tipo de línea de L. MAT de producción |
es-MX | Tipo de línea de L. MAT de producción |
fi-FI | Tuotannon tuoterakenteen rivin tyyppi |
fr-BE | Type de ligne bom de production |
fr-CA | Type de ligne bom de production |
fr-CH | Type de ligne bom de production |
fr-FR | Type de ligne bom de production |
en-US | Production BOM Line Type |
it-CH | Tipo DB produzione |
it-IT | Tipo DB produzione |
nb-NO | Produksjonsstykklistelinjetype |
nl-BE | Type productie-BOM-lijn |
nl-NL | Type productie-BOM-lijn |
sv-SE | Typ av produktionsstrukturrad |
Surcharge (30
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: sum("EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.".Surcharge where("Document Type" = field("Document Type"), "Document No." = field("Document No."), "Document Line No." = field("Document Line No."), "WBS No." = field("WBS No.")))
Surcharge contains the total of the surcharges for the current configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Tillæg |
de-AT | Zuschlag |
de-CH | Zuschlag |
de-DE | Zuschlag |
es-ES | Recargo |
es-MX | Recargo |
fi-FI | Lisämaksullinen |
fr-BE | Supplément |
fr-CA | Supplément |
fr-CH | Supplément |
fr-FR | Supplément |
en-US | Surcharge |
it-CH | Maggiorazione |
it-IT | Maggiorazione |
nb-NO | Tillegg |
nl-BE | Toeslag |
nl-NL | Toeslag |
sv-SE | Avgiftsbelagd |
Quantity Formula (31
“Quantity Formula” contains the formula of the bill of materials for calculate quantity per.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Formel for antal |
de-AT | Mengenformel |
de-CH | Mengenformel |
de-DE | Mengenformel |
es-ES | Fórmula de cantidad |
es-MX | Fórmula de cantidad |
fi-FI | Määrän kaava |
fr-BE | Formule de quantité |
fr-CA | Formule de quantité |
fr-CH | Formule de quantité |
fr-FR | Formule de quantité |
en-US | Quantity Formula |
it-CH | Formula quantità |
it-IT | Formula quantità |
nb-NO | Antall Formel |
nl-BE | Hoeveelheidsformule |
nl-NL | Hoeveelheidsformule |
sv-SE | Formel för kvantitet |
Routing Rule Code (32
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Config. Condition".Code where("Destination Type" = Filter("BOM Component" | "All Applications"))
“Routing Rule Code” contains the condition code of the bill of materials.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Regelkode for rute og komponent |
de-AT | Routing & Komponentenregelcode |
de-CH | Routing & Komponentenregelcode |
de-DE | Routing & Komponentenregelcode |
es-ES | Código de regla de enrutamiento y componentes |
es-MX | Código de regla de enrutamiento y componentes |
fi-FI | Reititys- ja komponenttisäännön koodi |
fr-BE | Routage et Code de règle de composant |
fr-CA | Routage et Code de règle de composant |
fr-CH | Routage et Code de règle de composant |
fr-FR | Routage et Code de règle de composant |
en-US | Routing & Component Rule Code |
it-CH | Cod. regola ciclo e componenti |
it-IT | Cod. regola ciclo e componenti |
nb-NO | Ruting og komponentregelkode |
nl-BE | Regelcode routering & component |
nl-NL | Regelcode routering & component |
sv-SE | Regelkod för routning och komponent |
Document Date (33
“Document Date” contains the document date of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bilagsdato |
de-AT | Dokumentdatum |
de-CH | Dokumentdatum |
de-DE | Dokumentdatum |
es-ES | Fecha del documento |
es-MX | Fecha del documento |
fi-FI | Asiakirjan päivämäärä |
fr-BE | Document Date |
fr-CA | Document Date |
fr-CH | Document Date |
fr-FR | Document Date |
en-US | Document Date |
it-CH | Data documento |
it-IT | Data documento |
nb-NO | Dokumentdato |
nl-BE | Documentdatum |
nl-NL | Documentdatum |
sv-SE | Datum för dokument |
Currency Code (34
TableRelation: Currency
“Currency Code” contains the currency code of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valutakode |
de-AT | Währungscode |
de-CH | Währungscode |
de-DE | Währungscode |
es-ES | Código de moneda |
es-MX | Código de moneda |
fi-FI | Valuutan koodi |
fr-BE | Code de change |
fr-CA | Code de change |
fr-CH | Code de change |
fr-FR | Code de change |
en-US | Currency Code |
it-CH | Cod. valuta |
it-IT | Cod. valuta |
nb-NO | Valutakoden |
nl-BE | Valutacode |
nl-NL | Valutacode |
sv-SE | Valutakod |
Customer Price Group (35
TableRelation: "Customer Price Group"
“Customer Price Group” contains the customer price group of the document from which the configuration starts. if the configuration comes directly from the items master, the CFG setup one is taken.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Debitorprisgruppe |
de-AT | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-CH | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-DE | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
es-ES | Grupo de precios del cliente |
es-MX | Grupo de precios del cliente |
fi-FI | Asiakkaan hintaryhmä |
fr-BE | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-CA | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-CH | Groupe de prix clients |
fr-FR | Groupe de prix clients |
en-US | Customer Price Group |
it-CH | Gruppo prezzi cliente |
it-IT | Gruppo prezzi cliente |
nb-NO | Kundeprisgruppe |
nl-BE | Klantenprijsgroep |
nl-NL | Klantenprijsgroep |
sv-SE | Kundprisgrupp |
Sell-to Customer No. (36
TableRelation: Customer
“Sell-to Customer No.” contains the sell-to customer No. of the sales document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kundenr. |
de-AT | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
de-CH | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
de-DE | Sell-to-Kunde-Nr. |
es-ES | Vender al cliente No. |
es-MX | Vender al cliente No. |
fi-FI | Tilausasiakkaan nro |
fr-BE | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-CA | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-CH | Numéro de vente au client |
fr-FR | Numéro de vente au client |
en-US | Sell-to Customer No. |
it-CH | Vendere a - Nr. cliente |
it-IT | Vendere a - Nr. cliente |
nb-NO | Salg til kundenr. |
nl-BE | Sell-to Klant Nr. |
nl-NL | Sell-to Klant Nr. |
sv-SE | Försäljnings-till kundnr |
Order Date (37
“Order Date” contains the order dat of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ordredato |
de-AT | Bestelldatum |
de-CH | Bestelldatum |
de-DE | Bestelldatum |
es-ES | Fecha del pedido |
es-MX | Fecha del pedido |
fi-FI | Tilauksen päivämäärä |
fr-BE | Date de commande |
fr-CA | Date de commande |
fr-CH | Date de commande |
fr-FR | Date de commande |
en-US | Order Date |
it-CH | Data ordine |
it-IT | Data ordine |
nb-NO | Bestillingsdato |
nl-BE | Besteldatum |
nl-NL | Besteldatum |
sv-SE | Orderdatum |
Optional Amount (38
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: sum("EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."."Optional Amount" where("Document Type" = field("Document Type"), "Document No." = field("Document No."), "Document Line No." = field("Document Line No."), "WBS No." = field("WBS No.")))
Surcharge contains the total of the optionals for the current configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valgfrit beløb |
de-AT | Optionaler Betrag |
de-CH | Optionaler Betrag |
de-DE | Optionaler Betrag |
es-ES | Importe opcional |
es-MX | Importe opcional |
fi-FI | Valinnainen summa |
fr-BE | Montant facultatif |
fr-CA | Montant facultatif |
fr-CH | Montant facultatif |
fr-FR | Montant facultatif |
en-US | Optional Amount |
it-CH | Importo optional |
it-IT | Importo optional |
nb-NO | Valgfritt beløp |
nl-BE | Optioneel bedrag |
nl-NL | Optioneel bedrag |
sv-SE | Valfritt belopp |
Sales Unit of Measure Code (39
TableRelation: "Item Unit of Measure".Code where("Item No." = field("Item No."))
“Sales Unit of Measure Code” contains sales unit of measure code of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Salgsenhedskode |
de-AT | Vertriebseinheitscode |
de-CH | Vertriebseinheitscode |
de-DE | Vertriebseinheitscode |
es-ES | Código de Unidad de Medida de Ventas |
es-MX | Código de Unidad de Medida de Ventas |
fi-FI | Myynnin mittayksikön koodi |
fr-BE | Code de mesure de l’unité de vente |
fr-CA | Code de mesure de l’unité de vente |
fr-CH | Code de mesure de l’unité de vente |
fr-FR | Code de mesure de l’unité de vente |
en-US | Sales Unit of Measure Code |
it-CH | Cod. unità di misura vendita |
it-IT | Cod. unità di misura vendita |
nb-NO | Kode for salgsenhet |
nl-BE | Verkoopeenheid van de meetcode |
nl-NL | Verkoopeenheid van de meetcode |
sv-SE | Kod för försäljningsenhet |
Qty. per Unit of Measure (40
“Qty. per Unit of Measure” contains qty. per unit of measure of neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Antal pr. måleenhed |
de-AT | Qty. pro Maßeinheit |
de-CH | Qty. pro Maßeinheit |
de-DE | Qty. pro Maßeinheit |
es-ES | Cantidad por unidad de medida |
es-MX | Cantidad por unidad de medida |
fi-FI | Määrä mittayksikköä kohti |
fr-BE | Qty. par unité de mesure |
fr-CA | Qty. par unité de mesure |
fr-CH | Qty. par unité de mesure |
fr-FR | Qty. par unité de mesure |
en-US | Qty. per Unit of Measure |
it-CH | Qtà per unità di misura |
it-IT | Qtà per unità di misura |
nb-NO | Antall per måleenhet |
nl-BE | Qty. per maateenheid |
nl-NL | Qty. per maateenheid |
sv-SE | Antal per måttenhet |
Currency Factor (41
“Currency Factor” contains the currency factor of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Valutafaktor |
de-AT | Währungsfaktor |
de-CH | Währungsfaktor |
de-DE | Währungsfaktor |
es-ES | Factor de moneda |
es-MX | Factor de moneda |
fi-FI | Valuuttakerroin |
fr-BE | Facteur de change |
fr-CA | Facteur de change |
fr-CH | Facteur de change |
fr-FR | Facteur de change |
en-US | Currency Factor |
it-CH | Fattore valuta |
it-IT | Fattore valuta |
nb-NO | Valuta Faktor |
nl-BE | Valutafactor |
nl-NL | Valutafactor |
sv-SE | Valutafaktor |
Posting Date (42
“Posting Date” contains the posting date of the document from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bogføringsdato |
de-AT | Buchungsdatum |
de-CH | Buchungsdatum |
de-DE | Buchungsdatum |
es-ES | Fecha de contabilización |
es-MX | Fecha de contabilización |
fi-FI | Kirjauspäivämäärä |
fr-BE | Date d’affichage |
fr-CA | Date d’affichage |
fr-CH | Date d’affichage |
fr-FR | Date d’affichage |
en-US | Posting Date |
it-CH | Data di registrazione |
it-IT | Data di registrazione |
nb-NO | Bokføringsdato |
nl-BE | Boekingsdatum |
nl-NL | Boekingsdatum |
sv-SE | Bokföringsdatum |
New Item No. (43
“New Item No.” contains the the item code configured.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Nyt varenr. |
de-AT | Neue Artikelnr. |
de-CH | Neue Artikelnr. |
de-DE | Neue Artikelnr. |
es-ES | Nuevo artículo No. |
es-MX | Nuevo artículo No. |
fi-FI | Uusi nimikkeen nro |
fr-BE | Nouvel article No. |
fr-CA | Nouvel article No. |
fr-CH | Nouvel article No. |
fr-FR | Nouvel article No. |
en-US | New Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo nuovo |
it-IT | Nr. articolo nuovo |
nb-NO | Nytt varenr. |
nl-BE | Nieuw object nr. |
nl-NL | Nieuw object nr. |
sv-SE | Nytt artikelnr |
Formula Code (44
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Formula Header"
“Formula Code” contains the formula code of the bill of materials for calculate quantity per.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Formelkode |
de-AT | Formelcode |
de-CH | Formelcode |
de-DE | Formelcode |
es-ES | Código de fórmula |
es-MX | Código de fórmula |
fi-FI | Kaavan koodi |
fr-BE | Code de formule |
fr-CA | Code de formule |
fr-CH | Code de formule |
fr-FR | Code de formule |
en-US | Formula Code |
it-CH | Cod. formula |
it-IT | Cod. formula |
nb-NO | Formel kode |
nl-BE | Formulecode |
nl-NL | Formulecode |
sv-SE | Formelkod |
Production BOM No. (45
TableRelation: "Production BOM Header"
“Production BOM No.” contains the production BOM no. of the neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Produktionsstyklistenr. |
de-AT | Fertigungsstückliste Nr. |
de-CH | Fertigungsstückliste Nr. |
de-DE | Fertigungsstückliste Nr. |
es-ES | N.o de lista de materiales de producción. |
es-MX | N.o de lista de materiales de producción. |
fi-FI | Tuotannon tuoterakenteen nro |
fr-BE | Production BOM No. |
fr-CA | Production BOM No. |
fr-CH | Production BOM No. |
fr-FR | Production BOM No. |
en-US | Production BOM No. |
it-CH | Nr. DB di produzione |
it-IT | Nr. DB di produzione |
nb-NO | Produksjonsstykklistenr. |
nl-BE | Productie BOM Nr. |
nl-NL | Productie BOM Nr. |
sv-SE | Produktionsstrukturnr |
BOM Version Code (46
TableRelation: "Production BOM Version"."Version Code" WHERE("Production BOM No." = FIELD("Production BOM No."))
“BOM Version Code” contains the BOM version code of the neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kode for styklisteversion |
de-AT | Stücklistenversionscode |
de-CH | Stücklistenversionscode |
de-DE | Stücklistenversionscode |
es-ES | Código de versión de la lista de materiales |
es-MX | Código de versión de la lista de materiales |
fi-FI | Tuoterakenteen versiokoodi |
fr-BE | BOM Version Code |
fr-CA | BOM Version Code |
fr-CH | BOM Version Code |
fr-FR | BOM Version Code |
en-US | BOM Version Code |
it-CH | Cod. versione DB |
it-IT | Cod. versione DB |
nb-NO | Stykkliste versjonskode |
nl-BE | BOM-versiecode |
nl-NL | BOM-versiecode |
sv-SE | Strukturlisteversionskod |
Source Type (47
Enum "EOS028 CFG Source Type"
“Source Type” from which the configuration starts (sales, purchase,…).
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kildetype |
de-AT | Herkunftstyp |
de-CH | Herkunftstyp |
de-DE | Herkunftstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de origen |
es-MX | Tipo de origen |
fi-FI | Lähteen tyyppi |
fr-BE | Source Type |
fr-CA | Source Type |
fr-CH | Source Type |
fr-FR | Source Type |
en-US | Source Type |
it-CH | Tipo origine |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
nb-NO | Kildetype |
nl-BE | Brontype |
nl-NL | Brontype |
sv-SE | Typ av källa |
Position (48
“Position” specifies the position of the component on the bill of material.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Position |
de-AT | Position |
de-CH | Position |
de-DE | Position |
es-ES | Posición |
es-MX | Posición |
fi-FI | Kanta |
fr-BE | Position |
fr-CA | Position |
fr-CH | Position |
fr-FR | Position |
en-US | Position |
it-CH | Posizione |
it-IT | Posizione |
nb-NO | Posisjon |
nl-BE | Positie |
nl-NL | Positie |
sv-SE | Position |
Position 2 (49
“Position 2” specifies the position of the component on the bill of material.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Position 2 |
de-AT | Position 2 |
de-CH | Position 2 |
de-DE | Position 2 |
es-ES | Posición 2 |
es-MX | Posición 2 |
fi-FI | Asento 2 |
fr-BE | Position 2 |
fr-CA | Position 2 |
fr-CH | Position 2 |
fr-FR | Position 2 |
en-US | Position 2 |
it-CH | Posizione 2 |
it-IT | Posizione 2 |
nb-NO | Posisjon 2 |
nl-BE | Positie 2 |
nl-NL | Positie 2 |
sv-SE | Position 2 |
Position 3 (50
“Position 3” specifies the position of the component on the bill of material.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Position 3 |
de-AT | Platz 3 |
de-CH | Platz 3 |
de-DE | Platz 3 |
es-ES | Posición 3 |
es-MX | Posición 3 |
fi-FI | Asento 3 |
fr-BE | Position 3 |
fr-CA | Position 3 |
fr-CH | Position 3 |
fr-FR | Position 3 |
en-US | Position 3 |
it-CH | Posizione 3 |
it-IT | Posizione 3 |
nb-NO | Posisjon 3 |
nl-BE | Positie 3 |
nl-NL | Positie 3 |
sv-SE | Position 3 |
Scrap % Formula Code (51
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Formula Header"
“Scrap % Formula Code” contains the formula code to calculate scrap %.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Spild % Formelkode |
de-AT | Schrott % Formelcode |
de-CH | Schrott % Formelcode |
de-DE | Schrott % Formelcode |
es-ES | Código de fórmula % de desecho |
es-MX | Código de fórmula % de desecho |
fi-FI | Hävikki- % kaavakoodi |
fr-BE | Code de formule % de rebut |
fr-CA | Code de formule % de rebut |
fr-CH | Code de formule % de rebut |
fr-FR | Code de formule % de rebut |
en-US | Scrap % Formula Code |
it-CH | Codice formula % scarto |
it-IT | Codice formula % scarto |
nb-NO | Formelkode for svinn-% |
nl-BE | Uitval % formulecode |
nl-NL | Uitval % formulecode |
sv-SE | Kod för kassation % formel |
Calculation Formula (52
“Calculation Formula” contains the “Calculation Formula” on the production BOM line.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beregningsformel |
de-AT | Berechnungsformel |
de-CH | Berechnungsformel |
de-DE | Berechnungsformel |
es-ES | Fórmula de cálculo |
es-MX | Fórmula de cálculo |
fi-FI | Laskennan kaava |
fr-BE | Formule de calcul |
fr-CA | Formule de calcul |
fr-CH | Formule de calcul |
fr-FR | Formule de calcul |
en-US | Calculation Formula |
it-CH | Formula di calcolo |
it-IT | Formula di calcolo |
nb-NO | Formel for beregning |
nl-BE | Berekeningsformule |
nl-NL | Berekeningsformule |
sv-SE | Beräkningsformel |
Create Sales Line (53
“Create Sales Line” enables the creation of a new sales order line after item configuration
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Opret udsalgslinje |
de-AT | Verkaufslinie erstellen |
de-CH | Verkaufslinie erstellen |
de-DE | Verkaufslinie erstellen |
es-ES | Crear línea de venta |
es-MX | Crear línea de venta |
fi-FI | Luo myyntirivi |
fr-BE | Créer une ligne de vente |
fr-CA | Créer une ligne de vente |
fr-CH | Créer une ligne de vente |
fr-FR | Créer une ligne de vente |
en-US | Create Sales Line |
it-CH | Crea Riga Vendita |
it-IT | Crea Riga Vendita |
nb-NO | Opprett salgslinje |
nl-BE | Verkooplijn maken |
nl-NL | Verkooplijn maken |
sv-SE | Skapa försäljningslinje |
Create Purch. Line (54
“Create Purch. Line” enables the creation of a new purchase order line after item configuration
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Opret købslinje |
de-AT | Einkaufsposition anlegen |
de-CH | Einkaufsposition anlegen |
de-DE | Einkaufsposition anlegen |
es-ES | Crear línea de compra |
es-MX | Crear línea de compra |
fi-FI | Luo ostorivi |
fr-BE | Créer une ligne d’achat |
fr-CA | Créer une ligne d’achat |
fr-CH | Créer une ligne d’achat |
fr-FR | Créer une ligne d’achat |
en-US | Create Purchase Line |
it-CH | Crea Riga Acquisto |
it-IT | Crea Riga Acquisto |
nb-NO | Opprett kjøpslinje |
nl-BE | Inkoopregel maken |
nl-NL | Inkoopregel maken |
sv-SE | Skapa inköpsrad |
Sales Price Calc. % (55
“Sales Price Calc. %” specifies the percentage to be applied to the price of the new sales order line after item configuration
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Calc. Salgspris % |
de-AT | Calc. Verkaufspreis % |
de-CH | Calc. Verkaufspreis % |
de-DE | Calc. Verkaufspreis % |
es-ES | Calc. Precio de venta % |
es-MX | Calc. Precio de venta % |
fi-FI | Calc. Myyntihinta % |
fr-BE | Calc. Prix de vente % |
fr-CA | Calc. Prix de vente % |
fr-CH | Calc. Prix de vente % |
fr-FR | Calc. Prix de vente % |
en-US | Sales Price Calc. % |
it-CH | Calc. Prezzo di vendita % |
it-IT | Calc. Prezzo di vendita % |
nb-NO | Kalsium. Salgspris % |
nl-BE | Calc. Verkoopprijs % |
nl-NL | Calc. Verkoopprijs % |
sv-SE | Calc. Försäljningspris % |
Purch. Price Calc. % (56
“Purch. Price Calc. %” specifies the percentage to be applied to the price of the new purchase order line after item configuration
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Calc. Købspris % |
de-AT | Calc. Kaufpreis % |
de-CH | Calc. Kaufpreis % |
de-DE | Calc. Kaufpreis % |
es-ES | Calc. Precio de compra % |
es-MX | Calc. Precio de compra % |
fi-FI | Calc. Ostohinta % |
fr-BE | Calc. Prix d’achat % |
fr-CA | Calc. Prix d’achat % |
fr-CH | Calc. Prix d’achat % |
fr-FR | Calc. Prix d’achat % |
en-US | Purchase Price Calc. % |
it-CH | Calc. Prezzo di acquisto % |
it-IT | Calc. Prezzo di acquisto % |
nb-NO | Kalsium. Kjøpesum % |
nl-BE | Calc. Aankoopprijs % |
nl-NL | Calc. Aankoopprijs % |
sv-SE | Calc. Inköpspris % |
Length (57
“Length” contains the Length on the production BOM line.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Länge |
de-CH | Länge |
de-DE | Länge |
en-US | Length |
it-CH | Lunghezza |
it-IT | Lunghezza |
Width (58
“Width” contains the Width on the production BOM line.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Breite |
de-CH | Breite |
de-DE | Breite |
en-US | Width |
it-CH | Larghezza |
it-IT | Larghezza |
Weight (59
“Weight” contains the Weight on the production BOM line.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Gewicht |
de-CH | Gewicht |
de-DE | Gewicht |
en-US | Weight |
it-CH | Peso |
it-IT | Peso |
Depth (60
“Depth” contains the Depth on the production BOM line.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Tiefe |
de-CH | Tiefe |
de-DE | Tiefe |
en-US | Depth |
it-CH | Profondità |
it-IT | Profondità |
BOM Component Type (61
Enum "BOM Component Type"
“BOM Component Type” contains the line type in BOM Component.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Stücklistenkomponententyp |
de-CH | Stücklistenkomponententyp |
de-DE | Stücklistenkomponententyp |
en-US | BOM Component Type |
it-CH | DB Assemblaggio Tipo |
it-IT | DB Assemblaggio Tipo |
BOM Component Line No. (62
“BOM Component Line No.” contains the BOM Component Line No.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Stücklistenkomponenten-Positions-Nr. |
de-CH | Stücklistenkomponenten-Positions-Nr. |
de-DE | Stücklistenkomponenten-Positions-Nr. |
en-US | BOM Component Line No. |
it-CH | DB Assemblaggio Riga No. |
it-IT | DB Assemblaggio Riga No. |
Installed in Item No. (63
TableRelation: IF ("BOM Component Type" = CONST(Item)) Item
“Installed in Item No.” contains the related field in BOM Component.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Installiert in Artikel-Nr. |
de-CH | Installiert in Artikel-Nr. |
de-DE | Installiert in Artikel-Nr. |
en-US | Installed in Item No. |
it-CH | Installato in articolo n. |
it-IT | Installato in articolo n. |
Installed in Line No. (64
“Installed in Line No.” contains the related field in BOM Component.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Installiert in der Linie n. |
de-CH | Installiert in der Linie n. |
de-DE | Installiert in der Linie n. |
en-US | Installed in Line No. |
it-CH | Installato in riga n. |
it-IT | Installato in riga n. |
Replenishment System (65
Enum "Replenishment System"
“Replenishment System” contains the related field in BOM Buffer.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Abfüllsystem |
de-CH | Abfüllsystem |
de-DE | Abfüllsystem |
en-US | Replenishment System |
it-CH | Sistema di rifornimento |
it-IT | Sistema di rifornimento |
Item Already Exists (66
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Artikel ist bereits vorhanden |
de-CH | Artikel ist bereits vorhanden |
de-DE | Artikel ist bereits vorhanden |
en-US | Item Already Exists |
it-CH | Articolo già esistente |
it-IT | Articolo già esistente |
Job No. (67
“Job No.” from which the configuration starts (config. from job planning line).
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Projekt-Nr. |
de-CH | Projekt-Nr. |
de-DE | Projekt-Nr. |
en-US | Project No. |
it-CH | Nr. progetto |
it-IT | Nr. progetto |
Job Task No. (68
“Job Task No.” from which the configuration starts (config. from job planning line).
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Anzahl der Projektaktivitäten |
de-CH | Anzahl der Projektaktivitäten |
de-DE | Anzahl der Projektaktivitäten |
en-US | Project Task No. |
it-CH | Nr. attività di progetto |
it-IT | Nr. attività di progetto |
Job Planning Line No. (69
“Job Planning Line No.” from which the configuration starts (config. from job planning line).
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Projektplanzeilen-Nr. |
de-CH | Projektplanzeilen-Nr. |
de-DE | Projektplanzeilen-Nr. |
en-US | Project Planning Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga pianificazione progetto |
it-IT | Nr. riga pianificazione progetto |
Configuration (70
(0) , Default
It is used to define the configuration created from default. Only for internal use.
Language | Caption |
Derived Rule Code (71
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Rule"
“Derived Rule Code” is set for items configured from BOM Line and specifies the rule code used for the configuration of the component.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Abgeleiteter Regelcode |
de-CH | Abgeleiteter Regelcode |
de-DE | Abgeleiteter Regelcode |
en-US | Derived Rule Code |
it-CH | Codice regola derivato |
it-IT | Codice regola derivato |
procedure SetPriceFromConfigCharac(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")
Parameters / Return Value
- ConfigCharac
Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."
procedure Navigate()
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20])
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DoReset: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; NewIndentation: Integer)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
If true will be applied Reset(). If false will not be applied Reset() in the Rec
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; RoutingRuleCodeFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; RoutingRuleCodeFilter: Text; NewIndentation: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters2(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; MainWBSNo: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
procedure ApplyFilters3(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNoFilter: Text)
This procedure applies filters in the rec.
Parameters / Return Value
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
Filter to apply
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