Codeunit 18006548 EOS Quality Event Publisher

Codeunit 18006548 EOS Quality Event Publisher



procedure OnBeforeFindInspectionSetup(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Buffer: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var ReturnBoolean: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised when find inspection setup from inspection matrix

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Source for filter matrix and you can specify “Custom Key” for custom filter

  • Buffer Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Buffer with inspection matrix record find

  • ReturnBoolean Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnGetInspectionPlanBeforeFindInspectionSetup(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised when before find inspection setup from GetInspectionPlan

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Source for filter matrix and you can specify “Custom Key” for custom filter

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The InspectionOrderHeader record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCreateDocumentInspection(var SourceType: Integer; var SourceSubtype: Integer; var SourceNo: Code[20]; var SourceLineNo: Integer; var SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var ShowDocument: Boolean; var ReturnCode: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before create a manual document inspection from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    Part of document key (Table ID)

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    Part of document key (Document Type)

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    Part of document key (Document No.)

  • SourceLineNo Integer

    Part of document key (Line No.)

  • SourceProdOrderLine Integer

    Part of document key (Prod. Order Line no.)

  • ShowDocument Boolean

  • ReturnCode Code[20]

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCreateDocumentInspection(var InspectionOrderNo: Code[20])

Raised after create a manual document inspection from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderNo Code[20]

    Part of document key (Table ID)


procedure OnBeforeCheckDocumentInspections(var SourceType: Integer; var SourceSubtype: Integer; var SourceNo: Code[20]; var SourceLineNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised after create a manual document inspection from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    Part of document key (Table ID)

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    Part of document key (Document Type)

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    Part of document key (Document No.)

  • SourceLineNo Integer

    Part of document key (Line No.)

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCreateInspection(InspectionType: Enum "EOS Insp. Order Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; OperationNo: Code[10]; ItemLedgEntryNo: Integer; CapLedgEntryNo: Integer; LotFrequency: Decimal; WhseDocType: Integer; WhseDocNo: Code[20]; WhseDocLineNo: Integer; OrderType: Option InspectionOrder,Claim; var ReturnCode: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before create a manual document inspection from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionType Enum "EOS Insp. Order Type"

    Part of document key (Inspection Type)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Part of document key (Document No)

  • LineNo Integer

    Part of document key (Line No)

  • OperationNo Code[10]

    Operation no

  • ItemLedgEntryNo Integer

    Item ledger entry no of document

  • CapLedgEntryNo Integer

    Cap Ledger entry no of document

  • LotFrequency Decimal

    The lot frequency

  • WhseDocType Integer

    Whse document type

  • WhseDocNo Code[20]

    Whse document no

  • WhseDocLineNo Integer

    Whse document line

  • OrderType Option

    InspectionOrder (0) , Claim (1)

    Part of document key (Inspection Order Type)

  • ReturnCode Code[20]

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCreateInspection(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after create a manual document inspection from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record of inspection order header created


procedure OnAfterCreateInspectionValidateSampleSize(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup")

Raised after create a manual document inspection Validate Sample Size from document pages

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record of inspection order header created

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record of inspection matrix setup


procedure OnAfterConfirmInspectionResult(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after confirm inspection result

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record


procedure OnBeforeInspectDocLedgerEntries(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var XrecInspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised after confirm inspection result

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • XrecInspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header Xrecord

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterValidateInspectionPlanVersNo(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionPlanHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Plan Header")

Raised after validate inspection plan version no

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspectionPlanHeader Record "EOS Inspection Plan Header"

    The inspection Plan Header record


procedure OnAfterCopyPurcRcptLineData(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after copy purch. rcpt. line data

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record


procedure OnAfterFindInspectionSetup(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionPlanHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Plan Header")

Raised after find inspection setup

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspectionPlanHeader Record "EOS Inspection Plan Header"

    The inspection Plan Header record


procedure OnBeforeCheckFrequency(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionPlanLine: Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"; var InspOrderLine: Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before Check Frequency

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspectionPlanLine Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"

    The inspection Plan Line record

  • InspOrderLine Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"

    The inspection Order Line record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCalcCheckFrequency(in_ItemNo: Code[20]; in_LocationCode: Code[20]; in_DocNo: Code[20]; in_DocType: Integer; in_ParamNo: Code[20]; in_LotNo: Code[50]; var ReturnCode: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before calc. Check Frequency

Parameters / Return Value

  • in_ItemNo Code[20]

    The item to check

  • in_LocationCode Code[20]

    The location to check

  • in_DocNo Code[20]

    The document to check

  • in_DocType Integer

  • in_ParamNo Code[20]

    The parameter to check

  • in_LotNo Code[50]

    The lot to check

  • ReturnCode Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeInsertInsOrderLine(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionPlanLine: Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"; var InspOrderLine: Record "EOS Inspection Order Line")

Raised before insert Order Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspectionPlanLine Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"

    The inspection Plan Line record

  • InspOrderLine Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"

    The inspection Order Line record


procedure OnAfterCreateInspectionLines(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionPlanLine: Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"; var InspOrderLine: Record "EOS Inspection Order Line")

Raised create inspection lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspectionPlanLine Record "EOS Inspection Plan Line"

    The inspection Plan Line record

  • InspOrderLine Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"

    The inspection Order Line record


procedure OnAfterInsertInspectionResult(var InspectionOrderLine: Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"; InspectionResult: Record "EOS Inspection Result")

Raised after insert insp result

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderLine Record "EOS Inspection Order Line"

    The inspection Order Line record

  • InspectionResult Record "EOS Inspection Result"

    The inspection Order Result record created


procedure OnBeforeCreateReceiptInspection(var InspMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; PurchRcptLine: Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"; var ForceCreation: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before create receipt inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The Insp Matrix Setup record

  • PurchRcptLine Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"

    The Purch Rcpt Line record

  • ForceCreation Boolean

    Force the creation of inspection order with data set on InspMatrixSetup

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCreateReturnReceiptInspection(var InspMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; ReturnRcptLine: Record "Return Receipt Line"; var ForceCreation: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before create receipt inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The Insp Matrix Setup record

  • ReturnRcptLine Record "Return Receipt Line"

    The Return Rcpt Line record

  • ForceCreation Boolean

    Force the creation of inspection order with data set on InspMatrixSetup

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCreateFollowUpInspection(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var NewInspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before Create FollowUp Inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • NewInspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnFilterInspSetupMatrix2(var InspSetupMatrix2: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup")

Raised on filter insp matrix setup

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix2 Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record


procedure OnBeforeFindInspSetupMatrix2(var InspSetupMatrix2: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup")

Raised on before filter insp matrix setup

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix2 Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record


procedure OnFindCurrentInspSetupMatrix(var InspSetupMatrix2: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on find insp matirx setup

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix2 Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeFindInspHistoryOnSkipInspection(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspHistory: Record "EOS Inspection History")

Raised on before find insp history on SkipInspection functions

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection Order Header record

  • InspHistory Record "EOS Inspection History"

    The inspection History record


procedure OnBeforeCreateFinalInspection(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; GlobalItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; var ForceCreation: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on before find insp setup on final inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item jn line record

  • GlobalItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    The item ledger entry record

  • ForceCreation Boolean

    Force Creation of control order

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterFindInspectionSetupFinal(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on find insp setup on final inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeCreateInProgressInspection(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var ForceCreation: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on before find insp setup on inprogress inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item jn line record

  • ForceCreation Boolean

    Force Creation of control order

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterFindInspectionSetupInProgress(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on find insp setup on inprogress inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterFindInspectionSetupReceipt(var InspSetupMatrix: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on find insp setup on inprogress inspection

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspSetupMatrix Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection matrix setup record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeSkipInspection(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean; var ReturnBoolean: Boolean)

Raised before skip inspection function

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed

  • ReturnBoolean Boolean

    If handled but you must execute the standard code


procedure OnBeforeCheckToSkipOnSkpInspection(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before skip inspection to skip

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed

  • Skip Boolean

    the Skip function variable


procedure OnBeforeWriteHistory(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Skip: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean; var ReturnBoolean: Boolean)

Raised before write history

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • Skip Boolean

    the Skip function variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed

  • ReturnBoolean Boolean

    If handled but you must execute the standard code


procedure OnBeforeWriteHistoryBeforeInsert(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionHistory: Record "EOS Inspection History")

Raised before write history

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • InspectionHistory Record "EOS Inspection History"

    Inspection History Record


procedure OnAfterUpdateFields(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after update fields

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header


procedure OnBeforeFindFrequencyOnItemLedEntry(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry")

Raised before find Frequency on item ledger entry

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgerEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    The Item Ledger Entry record to filter for find frequency inspection


procedure OnBeforeInsertNonComp(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var NonComplHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised before insert non-comp

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • NonComplHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Non Comp. Header


procedure OnBeforeCalcPriority(var TmpInspMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before calc priority

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpInspMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    The inspection order header

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterInsertNonComp(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var NonComplHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after insert non-comp

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • NonComplHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Non Comp. Header


procedure OnBeforePostItemJnlLine(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on before Post Item Jnl Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item jn line record

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterPostItemJnlLine(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised after Post Item Jnl Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item jn line record

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header


procedure OnBeforeCollectItemLedgEntry(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; QtyToHandle: Decimal; var ItemLedgEntryTmp: Record "Item Ledger Entry" temporary; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised on before Post Item Jnl Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    The inspection order header

  • QtyToHandle Decimal

    The quantity to handle

  • ItemLedgEntryTmp Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    The item ledger entry temp record

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeginningGetSampleSize(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var SampleSize: Decimal; var NonComplianceQty: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at beginning of the procedure GetSampleSize(). Allows you to set the variables SampleSize and NonComplianceQty and skip the procedure.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup” to set filters

  • SampleSize Decimal

    Variable to modify

  • NonComplianceQty Decimal

    Variable to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetSampleSize(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var SampleSize: Decimal; var NonComplianceQty: Decimal)

This event is raised at the end of the procedure GetSampleSize(). Allows you to set the variables SampleSize and NonComplianceQty.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup”

  • SampleSize Decimal

    Variable to modify

  • NonComplianceQty Decimal

    Variable to modify


procedure OnBeforeFindTestTypeCode_OnInspMatrixSetup(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var TestTypeCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before find the TestTypeCode on Inspection Matrix Setup. Allows you to set custom filters on Inspection Matrix Setup to find the TestTypeCode.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup” to set custom filters

  • TestTypeCode Code[20]

    Variable to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the variable search on Inspection Matrix Setup.


procedure OnAfterFindTestTypeCode_OnInspMatrixSetup(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var TestTypeCode: Code[20])

This event is raised after find the TestTypeCode.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup” to set custom filters

  • TestTypeCode Code[20]

    Variable to modify


procedure OnBeginningGetNonComplianceQty(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var NonComplianceQty: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at beginning of the procedure GetNonComplianceQty(). Allows you to set the variable NonComplianceQty.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup”

  • NonComplianceQty Decimal

    Variable to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetNonComplianceQty(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup";var NonComplianceQty: Decimal)

This event is raised at the end of the procedure GetNonComplianceQty(). Allows you to set the variable NonComplianceQty

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header”

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record “EOS Inspection Matrix Setup”

  • NonComplianceQty Decimal

    Variable to modify


procedure OnBeforeCheckInspQuantity_OnOldItemLedgEntry(ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; var OldItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in Event Subscriber “OnApplyItemLedgEntryOnBeforeOldItemLedgEntryModify” before control the Inspection Quantity of record OldItemLedgerEntry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item jn line record

  • ItemLedgerEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    Record “Item Ledger Entry”

  • OldItemLedgerEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    Record “Item Ledger Entry”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip control on the Inspection Quantity


procedure OnBeforeFindInspOrderInProgress(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var InspectionMatrixSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"; ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line")

Raised in the procedure CreateInProgressInspection(), before find an inspection order to update. Use it to filter Inspection Order Header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Record “EOS Inspection Order Header” to filter

  • InspectionMatrixSetup Record "EOS Inspection Matrix Setup"

    Record Inspection Matrix Setup found

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record “Item Journal Line”


procedure OnAfterCreateManuallyDocumentInspection(InspOrderHeaderNo: Code[20])

Raised in the procedure CreateManuallyDocumentInspection(), after manual creation of the Inspection Order from a Prod. Order Routing Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeaderNo Code[20]

    No of the created Inspection Order Header


procedure OnBeforeCreateManuallyDocumentInspection(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; var ShowDocument: Boolean; var ReturnCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure CreateManuallyDocumentInspection(), before manual creation of the Inspection Order from a Prod. Order Routing Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Routing Line” from which create the Inspection Order

  • ShowDocument Boolean

    if true, show the created Inspection Order

  • ReturnCode Code[20]

    Boolean return variable

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following standard app code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeInsertManuallyDocumentInspection(var InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; ProdOrderRtngLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line")

Raised in the procedure CreateManuallyDocumentInspection(), before insert the New Inspection Order from a Prod. Order Routing Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    New Inspection Order to create

  • ProdOrderRtngLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Routing Line” from which create the Inspection Order


procedure OnBeforeFindFirstProdOrderLine_GetRefDocument(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised in the procedure GetRefDocument() on Table “EOS Inspection Order Header”. Use it to set filters on Prod. Order Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Line” to filter

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header


procedure OnBeforeSetInspOrderFields_FromRefType(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised in the procedure GetRefDocument on Table “EOS Inspection Order Header”, before set fields on the Inspection Order from the “Ref. Type”. Use it to modify the “Ref. Type” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header to insert


procedure OnAfterGetRefDocument(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised at the end of the procedure GetRefDocument on Table “EOS Inspection Order Header”, after set fields on the Inspection Order.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header to insert


procedure OnAfterFindRefDocumentOnInspOrder_TypeReceipt(InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised on page “Inspection Order”, after find the related document to open, when the inspection type is “Receipt”. Use it to open custom documents from field “Ref. Document No” on the Inspection Order.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"


procedure OnBeforeGetNoSeriesCode_InspOrder(InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Setup"; var NoSeriesCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised on table “Inspection Order Header”, before find the “No Series Code” to validate the “No.” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header

  • InspectionSetup Record "EOS Inspection Setup"

    The Inspection Setup

  • NoSeriesCode Code[20]

    Variable to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no following app code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetNoSeriesCode_InspOrder(InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; InspectionSetup: Record "EOS Inspection Setup"; var NoSeriesCode: Code[20])

Raised on table “Inspection Order Header”, after find the “No Series Code” to validate the “No.” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header

  • InspectionSetup Record "EOS Inspection Setup"

    The Inspection Setup

  • NoSeriesCode Code[20]

    Variable to modify


procedure OnBeforeUpdateDocLedgerEntries(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var ItemLedgerEntryNo: Integer; InspectionQuantity: Decimal; InspectionStatus: Option Unchecked,Released,Blocked; var IsHandled: Boolean; var SkipInspTypeCheck: Boolean)

Raised at beginning of procedure UpdateDocLedgerEntries. Use it to execute the procedure with a custom Inspection Type.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header

  • ItemLedgerEntryNo Integer

    Item Ledger Entry No

  • InspectionQuantity Decimal

    Inspection Quantity to handle

  • InspectionStatus Option

    Unchecked (0) , Released (1) , Blocked (2)

    Inspection Status

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed

  • SkipInspTypeCheck Boolean

    if true, skip check on Inspection Type


procedure OnAfterUpdateDocLedgerEntries(var InspectionOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var ItemLedgerEntryNo: Integer; InspectionQuantity: Decimal; InspectionStatus: Option Unchecked,Released,Blocked)

Raised at the end of procedure UpdateDocLedgerEntries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspectionOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Inspection Order Header

  • ItemLedgerEntryNo Integer

    Item Ledger Entry No

  • InspectionQuantity Decimal

    Inspection Quantity to handle

  • InspectionStatus Option

    Unchecked (0) , Released (1) , Blocked (2)

    Inspection Status


procedure OnFindRecordOnParameterAttributeCodeAPI(Which: Text; var EOSParameterAttributeCode: Record "EOS Parameter Attribute Code")

Raised in “EOS061PQA ParamAttrCode Entity” API to manage custom filters

Parameters / Return Value

  • Which Text

  • EOSParameterAttributeCode Record "EOS Parameter Attribute Code"

    EOS Parameter Attribute Code record

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