Page 18006552 EOS Inspection Order

Page 18006552 EOS Inspection Order

da-DKInspektionsordre (PQA)
de-ATInspektionsauftrag (PQA)
de-CHInspektionsauftrag (PQA)
de-DEInspektionsauftrag (PQA)
es-ESOrden de inspección (PQA)
es-MXOrden de inspección (PQA)
fi-FITarkastustilaus (PQA)
fr-BEOrdonnance d’inspection (PQA)
fr-CAOrdonnance d’inspection (PQA)
fr-CHOrdonnance d’inspection (PQA)
fr-FROrdonnance d’inspection (PQA)
en-USInspection Order (PQA)
it-CHOrdine di controllo (PQA)
it-ITOrdine di controllo (PQA)
nb-NOInspeksjonsordre (PQA)
nl-BEInspectie order (PQA)
nl-NLInspectie order (PQA)
sv-SEInspektionsorder (PQA)



procedure SetInspectionOrderLinesEditable(LocInspectionOrderLinesEditable: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • LocInspectionOrderLinesEditable Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeDrillDownRefDocumentNo(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before trigger “OnDrillDown” on “Ref Document No.” field. Use it to open document with custom “inspection Type”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Current Inspection Order Header

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterDrillDownRefDocumentNo(InspOrderHeader: Record "EOS Inspection Order Header")

Raised at the end of trigger “OnDrillDown” on “Ref Document No.” field. Use it to open document with custom “inspection Type”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • InspOrderHeader Record "EOS Inspection Order Header"

    Current Inspection Order Header

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