Table 18060045 EOS089 WMS User LookUp Rel.
Table 18060045 EOS089 WMS User LookUp Rel.
Language | Caption |
en-US | User LookUp Relation (WMS) |
it-IT | Relazione utente LookUp (WMS) |
Employee No. (1
TableRelation: "Employee"
Language | Caption |
en-US | Employee No. |
it-IT | Nr. dipendente |
Activity (2
Enum "EOS089 WMS Activity Type"
Language | Caption |
en-US | Activity |
it-IT | Attività |
LookUp Code (3
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS LookUp List Header"
Language | Caption |
en-US | LookUp Code |
it-IT | Codice LookUp |
Line No. (4
Language | Caption |
en-US | Line No. |
it-IT | Nr. riga |
LookUp Table No. (5
Language | Caption |
en-US | LookUp Table No. |
it-IT | Nr. tabella LookUp |
LookUp Field No. (6
TableRelation: Field."No." where(TableNo = field("LookUp Table No."), Class = filter(<> FlowFilter), Enabled = const(true), Type = filter(Code), ObsoleteState = filter(<> Removed))
Language | Caption |
en-US | LookUp Field No. |
it-IT | Nr. campo LookUp |
LookUp Field Caption (7
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Field."Field Caption" where("TableNo" = field("LookUp Table No."), "No." = field("LookUp Field No.")))
Language | Caption |
en-US | LookUp Field Caption |
it-IT | Etichetta campo LookUp |
LookUp Field Type (8
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Field."Type Name" where("TableNo" = field("LookUp Table No."), "No." = field("LookUp Field No.")))
Language | Caption |
en-US | LookUp Field Type |
it-IT | Tipo campo LookUp |
Source (9
(0) , Table
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source |
it-IT | Origine |
Source Action Code (10
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS Activity Action".Code where(Activity = field(Activity))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source Action Code |
it-IT | Codice azione origine |
Source Parameter Code (11
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS Act. Action Param.".Code where(Activity = field(Activity), "Action Code" = field("Source Action Code"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source Parameter Code |
it-IT | Cod. parametro origine |
Parameter Code (12
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS Act. Action Param.".Code where(Activity = field(Activity), "Action Code" = field("Source Action Code"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Parameter Code |
it-IT | Cod. parametro |
Source Table No. (13
TableRelation: AllObjWithCaption."Object ID" where("Object Type" = const(Table))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source Table No. |
it-IT | Nr. tabella origine |
Source Field No. (14
TableRelation: Field."No." where(TableNo = field("Source Table No."), Class = filter(<> FlowFilter), Enabled = const(true), Type = filter(Code), ObsoleteState = filter(<> Removed))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source Field No. |
it-IT | Nr. campo origine |
Source Field Code (15
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS User Act. Field"."Field Code" where("Employee No." = field("Employee No."), Activity = field(Activity), "Field Class" = const(Detail), "Field Type" = const(Custom), "Table No." = field("Source Table No."))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Source Field Code |
it-IT | Codice campo origine |
Field Type (16
Enum "EOS089 WMS Activity Field Type"
Language | Caption |
en-US | Field Type |
it-IT | Tipo campo |
Field No. (17
TableRelation: Field."No." where(TableNo = field("Source Table No."), Class = filter(<> FlowFilter), Enabled = const(true), Type = filter(Code), ObsoleteState = filter(<> Removed))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Field No. |
it-IT | Nr. campo |
Field Caption (18
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Field."Field Caption" where("TableNo" = field("Source Table No."), "No." = field("Field No.")))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Field Caption |
it-IT | Etichetta campo |
Field Code (19
TableRelation: "EOS089 WMS User Act. Field"."Field Code" where(Activity = field(Activity), "Field Class" = const(Detail), "Field Type" = const(Custom), "Table No." = field("Source Table No."))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Field Code |
it-IT | Codice campo |
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