TableExtension 23 Vendor

TableExtension 18060383 EOS TableExt18060383


EOS Billing Note Bal. (LCY) (18060380)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: sum("EOS014 Billing Note"."Remaining Amount To Pay (LCY)" where("Vendor No." = field("No."), "Payment Made" = const(false), "Due Date" = field("EOS Due Date Filter")))

Specifies the value of the Billing Note Balance (LCY) field.

EOS Bill. Not Ex. Ba. (LCY) (18060381)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: sum("EOS014 Billing Note"."Remaining Amount To Pay (LCY)" where("Vendor No." = field("No."), "Payment Made" = const(false), "Due Date" = field("EOS Expired Date Filter")))

Specifies the value of the Billing Note Exp. Balance (LCY) field.

EOS Exp. Pay. Date Filter (18060382)


FieldClass: FlowFilter

Specifies the value of the EOS Exp. Payment Date Filter field.

EOS Bill. Not. Balance (18060383)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: sum("EOS014 Billing Note"."Remaining Amount To Pay" where("Vendor No." = field("No."), "Payment Made" = const(false), "Due Date" = field("EOS Due Date Filter")))

Specifies the value of the EOS Bill. Not. Balance field.

EOS Bill. Not. Exp. Balance (18060384)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: sum("EOS014 Billing Note"."Remaining Amount To Pay" where("Vendor No." = field("No."), "Payment Made" = const(false), "Due Date" = field("EOS Expired Date Filter")))

Specifies the value of the EOS Bill. Not. Exp. Balance field.

EOS Due Date Filter (18060385)


FieldClass: FlowFilter

Specifies the value of the EOS Due Date Filter field.

EOS Expired Date Filter (18060386)


FieldClass: FlowFilter

Specifies the value of the EOS Expired Date Filter field.

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