Report 18004200 EOS Suggest Intrastat Lines

Report 18004200 EOS Suggest Intrastat Lines

en-USSuggest Intrastat Lines (ITR)
de-DEIntrastat-Linien vorschlagen (ITR)
it-ITSuggerisci righe intrastat (ITR)



procedure PrepareBuffer(var TmpIntraLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpIntraLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure InsertToBuffer(TmpIntraLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpIntraLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"


procedure FindSalesDocNo(DocumentNo: Code[20]; PostingDate: Date) SalesDocNo: Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • PostingDate Date

  • Returns Code[20]


procedure ItemChargeToSplit(ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; LineType: Option " ","G/L Account",Item,,"Fixed Asset","Charge (Item)",,,,,"Begin-Total","End-Total",Heading): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemChargeNo Code[20]

  • LineType Option

    " " (0) , "G/L Account" (1) , Item (2) , "Fixed Asset" (4) , "Charge (Item)" (5) , "Begin-Total" (10) , "End-Total" (11) , Heading (12)

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCountryRegionCode(var TempIntrastatLineBuffer: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempIntrastatLineBuffer Record "EOS Intrastat Line"



local procedure OnAfterInsertToBuffer(var LineBuffer: Record "EOS Intrastat Line"; var NextLineNo: Integer)

Raised after insert to buffer line

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineBuffer Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Buffer line

  • NextLineNo Integer


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnSalesInvHeader(SalesInvHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on Sales Invoice

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Record of Sales Invoice Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnSalesCMHeader(SalesCMHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on Sales CM

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCMHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Record of Sales CM Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnServiceInvHeader(ServiceInvHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on service Inv. header

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Record of Service Inv. Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnServiceCMHeader(ServiceCrMHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on service CM header

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Record of Service CM Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnPurchInvHeader(PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on Purc. Inv. header

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Record of Purc. Inv. Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIntraCountryOnPurchCMHeader(PurchCrMHeader: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; var SkipReturn: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before check intra. country on Purc. CM header

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMHeader Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Record of Purc. CM Header

  • SkipReturn Boolean

    Boolean return variable

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnPreDataItemSalesInvHeader(var SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Sales Invoice Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Filtered Sales Invoice Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemSalesInvLine(var SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Sales Invoice Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Filtered Sales Invoice Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemSalesCrMHeader(var SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Sales Cr.Memo Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Filtered Sales Cr.Memo Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemSalesCrMLine(var SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Sales Cr. Memo Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Filtered Sales Cr. Memo Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemPurchCrMHeader(var PurchCrMemoHeader: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Purch. Cr.Memo Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHeader Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Filtered Purch. Cr.Memo Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemPurchCrMLine(var PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Purch. Cr. Memo Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Filtered Purch Cr. Memo Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemPurchInvHeader(var PurchInvoiceHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Purch. Invoice Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvoiceHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Filtered Purch. Invoice Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemPurchInvLine(var PurchInvoiceLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Purch. Invoice Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvoiceLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Filtered Purch. Invoice Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemServiceInvHeader(var ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Service Invoice Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Filtered Service Invoice Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemServiceInvLine(var ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Service Invoice Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Filtered Service Invoice Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemServiceCrMHeader(var ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Service Cr.Memo Header loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Filtered Service Cr.Memo Header recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnPreDataItemServiceCrMLine(var ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPreDataItem for Service Cr. Memo Line loop. You can add custom filters here.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Filtered Service Cr. Memo Line recordset

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header


local procedure OnBeforeSuggestCallOfStockLines(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before Call off stock suggestion block for a specific Operation Type

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterSuggestCallOfStockLines(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10])

Raised before Call off stock suggestion block for a specific Operation Type

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type


local procedure OnFilterCallOfStockTransferShipmentHeader(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; var TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header")

Raised when system filters Transfer Shipments to identify Call off stock lines. This event is fired before record loop

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Filtered transfer shipment header recordset that will be processed


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIsCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; var TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsCallOfStock: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a single transfer shipment is checked to identify is is Call off stock

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Filtered transfer shipment header recordset that will be processed

  • IsCallOfStock Boolean

    Return value that specifies trasfer shipmnent is a Call off stock

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterCheckIsCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; var TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsCallOfStock: Boolean)

Raised after a single transfer shipment is checked to identify is is Call off stock

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Filtered transfer shipment header recordset that will be processed

  • IsCallOfStock Boolean

    Return value that specifies trasfer shipmnent is a Call off stock


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIsCallOfStockLocationIsEU(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; CountryCode: Code[10]; var IsEUCountry: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before is checked is a country has to be considered in Intrastat call of sotck (EU countries)

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • CountryCode Code[10]

    Country code to check

  • IsEUCountry Boolean

    Return value that specifies is country has to be considered EU

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterCheckIsCallOfStockLocationIsEU(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; CountryCode: Code[10]; var IsEUCountry: Boolean)

Raised after is checked is a country has to be considered in Intrastat call of sotck (EU countries)

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • CountryCode Code[10]

    Country code to check

  • IsEUCountry Boolean

    Return value that specifies is country has to be considered EU


local procedure OnBeforeAddTransferHeaderToCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a trasfer shipment header is added to call of sotck lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterAddTransferHeaderToCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header")

Raised after a trasfer shipment header is added to call of sotck lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed


local procedure OnBeforeAddTransferLineToCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; TransferShipmentLine: Record "Transfer Shipment Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a trasfer shipment line is added to call of sotck lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed

  • TransferShipmentLine Record "Transfer Shipment Line"

    Record that will be processed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterAddTransferLineToCallOfStock(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; OperationType: Code[10]; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; TransferShipmentLine: Record "Transfer Shipment Line")

Raised after a trasfer shipment line is added to call of sotck lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • OperationType Code[10]

    Reference operation type

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed

  • TransferShipmentLine Record "Transfer Shipment Line"

    Record that will be processed


local procedure OnBeforeAddTranferReferences(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; var TmpIntraLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line"; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before for trasfer shipment a reference customer/vendor is identified

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • TmpIntraLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Buffer containing intrastat line that is processed

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterAddTranferReferences(IntraHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header"; var TmpIntraLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line"; TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header")

Raised after for trasfer shipment a reference customer/vendor is identified

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntraHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Reference declaration header

  • TmpIntraLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Buffer containing intrastat line that is processed

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Record that will be processed


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitSalesInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Sales Invoice Header record to process

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeSalesInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Sales Invoice Header record to process

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitSalesCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; var SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Sales Cr Memo Header record to process

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeSalesCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; var SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Sales Cr Memo Header record to process

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitServiceInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; var ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Service Invoice Header record to process

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeServiceInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; var ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Service Invoice Header record to process

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitServiceCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; var ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Service Cr Memo Header record to process

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeServiceCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; var ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Service Cr Memo Header record to process

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitPurchaseInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Purchase Invoice Header record to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforePurchaseInvoiceInsertToBuffer(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Purchase Invoice Header record to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitPurchaseCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; var PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Purchase Cr Memo Header record to process

  • PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforePurchaseCrMemoInsertToBuffer(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; var PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Purchase Cr Memo Header record to process

  • PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeCallOfStockInsertToBuffer(var TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var TransferShipmentLine: Record "Transfer Shipment Line"; IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Call of Stock Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Transfer Shipment Header record to process

  • TransferShipmentLine Record "Transfer Shipment Line"

    Transfer Shipment Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitSalesInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Sales Invoice Header record to process

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeSalesInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

    Sales Invoice Header record to process

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitSalesCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Sales Cr Memo Header record to process

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeSalesCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Sales Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

    Sales Cr Memo Header record to process

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitServiceInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Service Invoice Header record to process

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeServiceInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

    Service Invoice Header record to process

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitServiceCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Service Cr Memo Header record to process

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeServiceCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Service Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

    Service Cr Memo Header record to process

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitPurchaseInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Purchase Invoice Header record to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforePurchaseInvoiceInsertToBuffer2(PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Invoice Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    Purchase Invoice Header record to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeItemChargeSplitPurchaseCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Purchase Cr Memo Header record to process

  • PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforePurchaseCrMemoInsertToBuffer2(PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Purchase Cr Memo Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    Purchase Cr Memo Header record to process

  • PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeCallOfStockInsertToBuffer2(TransferShipmentHeader: Record "Transfer Shipment Header"; TransferShipmentLine: Record "Transfer Shipment Line"; var IntrastatLine: Record "EOS Intrastat Line")

Raised before inserting Call of Stock Intrastat Line to Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferShipmentHeader Record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    Transfer Shipment Header record to process

  • TransferShipmentLine Record "Transfer Shipment Line"

    Transfer Shipment Line record to process

  • IntrastatLine Record "EOS Intrastat Line"

    Intrastat Line inserted into Buffer


local procedure OnPostDataItemIntraLineInsert(var IntrastatHeader: Record "EOS Intrastat Header")

Raised on OnPostDataItem for LineWriter data item

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntrastatHeader Record "EOS Intrastat Header"

    Intrastat Header to Process


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromSalesInvoiceLine(var item: Record Item; SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Sales Invoice Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • SalesInvoiceLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromServiceCrMemoLine(var item: Record Item; ServiceCrMemoLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Service Cr Memo Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • ServiceCrMemoLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromServiceInvoiceLine(var item: Record Item; ServiceInvoiceLine: Record "Service Invoice Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Service Invoice Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • ServiceInvoiceLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromSalesCrMemoLine(var item: Record Item; SalesCrMemoLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Sales Cr Memo Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • SalesCrMemoLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromPurchInvLine(var Item: Record Item; PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Purch Invoice Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromPurchCrMemoLine(var Item: Record Item; PurchCrMLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Purch Cr Memo Line’s item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • PurchCrMLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterGetItemFromTransferShptLine(var Item: Record Item; TransferShipmentLine: Record "Transfer Shipment Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Transfer Shipment Line’s item No. (in Call off Stock)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to processe

  • TransferShipmentLine Record "Transfer Shipment Line"

    Transfer Shipment Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromSalesInvoiceLine(var Item: Record Item; SalesInvLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Sales Invoice line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • SalesInvLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromSalesCrMemoLine(var Item: Record Item; SalesCrMLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Sales Cr Memo Line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • SalesCrMLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromServiceInvoiceLine(var Item: Record Item; ServiceInvLine: Record "Service Invoice Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Service Invoice Line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • ServiceInvLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromServiceCrMemoLine(var Item: Record Item; ServiceCrMLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Service Cr Memo Line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • ServiceCrMLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromPurchInvLine(var Item: Record Item; PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Purchase Invoice Line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line being processed


local procedure OnAfterItemChargeSplitGetItemFromPurchCrMemoLine(var Item: Record Item; PurchCrMLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line")

Raised after getting Item data from the Purchase CR Memo Line Line’s item No. and Intrastat Splitting is true on Item Charge table

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item variable to process

  • PurchCrMLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line being processed


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitSalesInvoice(SalesInvLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Sales Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferSalesInvoice(SalesInvLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Sales Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvLine Record "Sales Invoice Line"

    Sales Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitSalesCrMemo(SalesCrMLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Sales Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferSalesCrMemo(SalesCrMLine: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Sales Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMLine Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"

    Sales Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitServiceInvoice(ServiceInvLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Service Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferServiceInvoice(ServiceInvLine: Record "Service Invoice Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Service Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvLine Record "Service Invoice Line"

    Service Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitServiceCrMemo(ServiceCrMLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Service Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferServiceCrMemo(ServiceCrMLine: Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Service Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMLine Record "Service Cr.Memo Line"

    Service Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitPurchaseInvoice(PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Purchase Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferPurchaseInvoice(PurchInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Purchase Invoice Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"

    Purchase Invoice Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferItemChargeSplitPurchaseCrMemo(PurchCrMLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Purchase Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line, for Item Charge lines with Intrastat Splitting

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines


local procedure OnBeforePrepareBufferPurchaseCrMemo(PurchCrMLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised on Purchase Cr Memo Line Data Item before preparing the Buffer that is going to be inserted in Intrastat Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"

    Purchase Cr Memo Line being processed

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the Buffer Preparing and the Insert to Intrastat Lines

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