Table 18091204 EOS IPL Position Allocation
Table 18091204 EOS IPL Position Allocation
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zahlplanpositionszuordnung |
de-CH | Zahlplanpositionszuordnung |
de-DE | Zahlplanpositionszuordnung |
en-AU | Invoice Plan Position Allocation |
en-CA | Invoice Plan Position Allocation |
en-GB | Invoice Plan Position Allocation |
en-NZ | Invoice Plan Position Allocation |
en-US | Invoice Plan Position Allocation |
it-CH | Allocazione posizione piano fatturazione |
it-IT | Allocazione posizione piano fatturazione |
Invoice Plan No. (5
TableRelation: "EOS IPL Invoice Plan Header"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zahlplannr. |
de-CH | Zahlplannr. |
de-DE | Zahlplannr. |
en-AU | Invoice Plan No. |
en-CA | Invoice Plan No. |
en-GB | Invoice Plan No. |
en-NZ | Invoice Plan No. |
en-US | Invoice Plan No. |
it-CH | Nr. Piano fatturazione |
it-IT | Nr. Piano fatturazione |
Source Type (19
Enum "EOS IPL Source Type"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunftsart |
de-CH | Herkunftsart |
de-DE | Herkunftsart |
en-AU | Source Type |
en-CA | Source Type |
en-GB | Source Type |
en-NZ | Source Type |
en-US | Source Type |
it-CH | Tipo origine |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
Source Document No. (20
TableRelation: if ("Source Type" = const("Sales Order")) "Sales Header"."No." where("Document Type" = const(Order))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunftsbelegnr. |
de-CH | Herkunftsbelegnr. |
de-DE | Herkunftsbelegnr. |
en-AU | Source Document No. |
en-CA | Source Document No. |
en-GB | Source Document No. |
en-NZ | Source Document No. |
en-US | Source Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento origine |
it-IT | Nr. documento origine |
Source Document Line No. (25
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunft Belegzeilennr. |
de-CH | Herkunft Belegzeilennr. |
de-DE | Herkunft Belegzeilennr. |
en-AU | Source Document Line No. |
en-CA | Source Document Line No. |
en-GB | Source Document Line No. |
en-NZ | Source Document Line No. |
en-US | Source Document Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga documento di origine |
it-IT | Nr. riga documento di origine |
Type (30
Enum "EOS IPL Allocation Pos. Type"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Art |
de-CH | Art |
de-DE | Art |
en-AU | Type |
en-CA | Type |
en-GB | Type |
en-NZ | Type |
en-US | Type |
it-CH | Tipo |
it-IT | Tipo |
No. (35
TableRelation: if (Type = const(" ")) "Standard Text" else if (Type = const("G/L Account")) "G/L Account" else if (Type = const(Resource)) Resource else if (Type = const("Fixed Asset")) "Fixed Asset" else if (Type = const("Charge (Item)")) "Item Charge" else if (Type = const(Item)) Item
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Nr. |
de-CH | Nr. |
de-DE | Nr. |
en-AU | No. |
en-CA | No. |
en-GB | No. |
en-NZ | No. |
en-US | No. |
it-CH | Nr. |
it-IT | Nr. |
Description (40
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Beschreibung |
de-CH | Beschreibung |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-AU | Description |
en-CA | Description |
en-GB | Description |
en-NZ | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-CH | Descrizione |
it-IT | Descrizione |
Description 2 (45
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Beschreibung 2 |
de-CH | Beschreibung 2 |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
en-AU | Description 2 |
en-CA | Description 2 |
en-GB | Description 2 |
en-NZ | Description 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-CH | Descrizione 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
Unit of Measure Code (50
TableRelation: "Unit of Measure"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Einheitencode |
de-CH | Einheitencode |
de-DE | Einheitencode |
en-AU | Unit of Measure Code |
en-CA | Unit of Measure Code |
en-GB | Unit of Measure Code |
en-NZ | Unit of Measure Code |
en-US | Unit of Measure Code |
it-CH | Cod. unità di misura |
it-IT | Cod. unità di misura |
Quantity (55
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Menge |
de-CH | Menge |
de-DE | Menge |
en-AU | Quantity |
en-CA | Quantity |
en-GB | Quantity |
en-NZ | Quantity |
en-US | Quantity |
it-CH | Quantità |
it-IT | Quantità |
Amount (60
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Betrag |
de-CH | Betrag |
de-DE | Betrag |
en-AU | Amount |
en-CA | Amount |
en-GB | Amount |
en-NZ | Amount |
en-US | Amount |
it-CH | Importo |
it-IT | Importo |
Amount Including VAT (65
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Betrag inkl. MwSt. |
de-CH | Betrag inkl. MwSt. |
de-DE | Betrag inkl. MwSt. |
en-AU | Amount Including VAT |
en-CA | Amount Including VAT |
en-GB | Amount Including VAT |
en-NZ | Amount Including VAT |
en-US | Amount Including VAT |
it-CH | Importo IVA inclusa |
it-IT | Importo IVA inclusa |
Currency Code (70
TableRelation: Currency
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Währungscode |
de-CH | Währungscode |
de-DE | Währungscode |
en-AU | Currency Code |
en-CA | Currency Code |
en-GB | Currency Code |
en-NZ | Currency Code |
en-US | Currency Code |
it-CH | Cod. valuta |
it-IT | Cod. valuta |
Assigned (75
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zugeordnet |
de-CH | Zugeordnet |
de-DE | Zugeordnet |
en-AU | Assigned |
en-CA | Assigned |
en-GB | Assigned |
en-NZ | Assigned |
en-US | Assigned |
it-CH | Assegnato |
it-IT | Assegnato |
Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price (80
Language | Caption |
de-AT | EK-Preis/VK-Preis |
de-CH | EK-Preis/VK-Preis |
de-DE | EK-Preis/VK-Preis |
en-AU | Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price |
en-CA | Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price |
en-GB | Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price |
en-NZ | Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price |
en-US | Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price |
it-CH | Costo Unitario/Prezzo Unitario Diretto |
it-IT | Costo Unitario/Prezzo Unitario Diretto |
procedure FillingAllocation(DocumentNo: Code[20]; Assigned: Boolean; InvoicePlanNo: Code[20])
Parameters / Return Value
procedure ShowSourceDocLine()
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