Codeunit 18122410 EOS012 DDM Management

Codeunit 18122410 EOS012 DDM Management



procedure CreateCustomerBuffer(SourceCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var DDMDueDatesBuffer: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"; RefreshAfterPosting: Boolean)

This procedure is invoked when using the “Change Occurrencies” action and after posting, it empties the DDMDueDatesBuffer table, repopulating it with the new customer ledger entries (referring to the original document). This procedure assigns the values to the “Entry Blocked” and “Blocked Reason” fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceCustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    Source Customer Ledger Entry

  • DDMDueDatesBuffer Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

    “EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer” table that is being processed

  • RefreshAfterPosting Boolean

    if true, the procedure is being called after posting


procedure CreateVendorBuffer(SourceVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var DDMDueDatesBuffer: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"; RefreshAfterPosting: Boolean)

This procedure is invoked when using the “Change Occurrencies” action and after posting, it empties the DDMDueDatesBuffer table, repopulating it with the new Vendor ledger entries (referring to the original document). This procedure assigns the values to the “Entry Blocked” and “Blocked Reason” fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceVendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Source Vendor Ledger Entry

  • DDMDueDatesBuffer Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

    “EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer” table that is being processed

  • RefreshAfterPosting Boolean

    if true, the procedure is being called after posting


procedure GetNewAmounts(var DDMDueDatesBuffer: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DDMDueDatesBuffer Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"


procedure PostEntries(var DDMDueDatesBuffer: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer")

This procedure invokes its overload with both booleans set to false

Parameters / Return Value

  • DDMDueDatesBuffer Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

    “EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer” table that is being processed


procedure PostEntries(var DDMDueDatesBuffer: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"; SuppressCommit: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean)

This procedure manages the posting process of both Vendor and Customer occurrencies.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DDMDueDatesBuffer Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

    “EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer” table that is being processed

  • SuppressCommit Boolean

    if true, the commit at the end of the procedure will be skipped

  • HideDialog Boolean

    If true, the confirmation message at the end of the procedure will be skipped


procedure UpdatePaymentMethodCustLedgerEntry(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"


procedure AddCustomerOccurrency(var Rec: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"; OrgCustLedgEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

  • OrgCustLedgEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"


procedure AddVendorOccurrency(var Rec: Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"; OrgVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS012 DDM Due Dates Buffer"

  • OrgVendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"


procedure CheckDetailedCustLedgEntry(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"


procedure CheckDetailedVendorLedgEntry(VendorLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

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