Codeunit 18008081 EOS028.04 ToolsPersonn. Mgt.

Codeunit 18008081 EOS028.04 ToolsPersonn. Mgt.



local procedure OnBeforeCopyRoutingPersonnelWithProcLogic(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ProcLogicLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before copy Routing Personnel from the Source “RoutingLine” with Proc. Logic. Use it to skip the insertion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ProcLogicLine Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line”

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCopyRoutingPersonnel(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before copy Routing Personnel from the Source “RoutingLine”. Use it to skip the insertion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCopyRoutingPersonnelWithEnableRuleCondition(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before copy Routing Personnel from the Source “RoutingLine” with Enable Rule Condition. Use it to skip the insertion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed

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