Codeunit 70491824 EOS074 Try-Collect Files

Codeunit 70491824 EOS074 Try-Collect Files



procedure GetFiles(): List of [Text]

Returns the list of files that have been collected.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns List[Text]

    The list of files



local procedure OnBeforeGetFileIsValid(EDIMessageSetup: Record "EOS074 EDI Message Setup"; TempFileEntry: Record "EOS004 AzFS Entry"; var IsValid: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised before checking if a given file is valid to be included.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EDIMessageSetup Record "EOS074 EDI Message Setup"

    The EDI message setup.

  • TempFileEntry Record "EOS004 AzFS Entry"

    The file to check.

  • IsValid Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    Gets or sets if the file is valid. Set this to true or false. You can leave it as undefined to let the system decide.

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