Codeunit 18007981 EOS066 Shipping Info Event Pub

Codeunit 18007981 EOS066 Shipping Info Event Pub

Gathers all published events for shipping info management



procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfo_SalesRelease(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document change. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfo_SalesRelease(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

Raised after a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfo_PurchaseRelease(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfo_PurchaseRelease(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")

Raised after a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfo_WhseRelease(var WarehouseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseShipmentHeader Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfo_WhseRelease(var WarehouseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header")

Raised after a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseShipmentHeader Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfo_TransferRelease(var TransferHeader: Record "Transfer Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferHeader Record "Transfer Header"

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfo_TransferRelease(var TransferHeader: Record "Transfer Header")

Raised after a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferHeader Record "Transfer Header"

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfo_ServiceRelease(var ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfo_ServiceRelease(var ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header")

Raised after a doc. shippng info record is updated from source document when it is released. If manually modified, record will not be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_CopyDocShippingInfo(FromRec: Variant; ToRec: Variant; var ClearDimensionsAfterCopy: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before doc. shippng info are copied from a document to another (i.e. posting: from sales header to sales shipment header).

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRec Variant

    Document where data are retrieved

  • ToRec Variant

    Document where data are filled

  • ClearDimensionsAfterCopy Boolean

    If true, only dimensions values (i.e. weights) are cleared in destination doc. shipping info

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CopyDocShippingInfo(FromRec: Variant; ToRec: Variant; ClearDimensionsAfterCopy: Boolean)

Raised after doc. shippng info are copied from a document to another (i.e. posting: from sales header to sales shipment header).

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRec Variant

    Document where data are retrieved

  • ToRec Variant

    Document where data are filled

  • ClearDimensionsAfterCopy Boolean

    If true, only dimensions values (i.e. weights) are cleared in destination doc. shipping info


procedure OnBefore_DeleteRelatedShippingInfo(RecID: Guid; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a doc. shippng info is deleted (i.e. when related source document is deleted).

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecID Guid

    Source document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_DeleteRelatedShippingInfo(RecID: Guid)

Raised after a doc. shippng info is deleted (i.e. when related source document is deleted).

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecID Guid

    Source document


procedure OnBefore_OnAfterInitSourceDocumentHeader(var WhseShipmentLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before updating a doc. shippng info from whse shipment toward related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Source whse shipment line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_OnAfterInitSourceDocumentHeader(var WhseShipmentLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line")

Raised after updating a doc. shippng info from whse shipment toward related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Source whse shipment line


procedure OnBefore_InitShippingInfoKey(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; Source: variant; SourceSysID: Guid; var OverwriteExisting: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before explicit source key (table id, document no., …) of a doc. shippng info is initialized from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to init

  • Source variant

    Source document

  • SourceSysID Guid

    Source document system id

  • OverwriteExisting Boolean

    If TRUE, if any key field is already filled it is cleared

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_InitShippingInfoKey(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; Source: variant; SourceSysID: Guid; OverwriteExisting: Boolean)

Raised after explicit source key (table id, document no., …) of a doc. shippng info is initialized from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to init

  • Source variant

    Source document

  • SourceSysID Guid

    Source document system id

  • OverwriteExisting Boolean

    If TRUE, if any key field is already filled it is cleared


procedure OnBefore_InitDocShippingInfoDocValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var Force: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var RecalcHeader: Boolean; var RecalcDim: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are calculated from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • Force Boolean

    If TRUE, also manually modified record will be recalculated

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Indicates if UI is enabled or not

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_InitDocShippingInfoDocValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; Force: Boolean; Hidedialog: Boolean; RecalcHeader: Boolean; RecalcDim: Boolean)

Raised after values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are calculated from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • Force Boolean

    If TRUE, also manually modified record will be recalculated

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Indicates if UI is enabled or not

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared


procedure OnBefore_ClearDocShippingInfoValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var RecalcHeader: Boolean; var RecalcDim: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are cleared.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_ClearDocShippingInfoValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; RecalcHeader: Boolean; RecalcDim: Boolean)

Raised after values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are cleared.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared


procedure OnBefore_CalcDocShippingInfoValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var RecalcHeader: Boolean; var RecalcDim: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are filled from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalcDocShippingInfoValues(var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; RecalcHeader: Boolean; RecalcDim: Boolean)

Raised after values (shipment method, shipping agent, …) of a doc. shippng info are filled from related source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to calculate

  • RecalcHeader Boolean

    If TRUE, header values (i.e. shipping notes) are cleared

  • RecalcDim Boolean

    If TRUE, dimension values (i.e. weights) are cleared


procedure OnBefore_CalculateDocLineDimensions(HeaderTableID: integer; HeaderSysID: Guid; var TempEOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before line values (weights, volume, …) of a doc. shippng info are calculated from related source document lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderTableID integer

    Related source document table id

  • HeaderSysID Guid

    Related source document system id

  • TempEOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Temporary Doc. shipping info record where to save dimensions values handled (“Gross Weight”, “Net Weight”, Volume, “No. of Pallets”, “No. of Parcels”). These values are total lines values, this means are already moltiplicated for ref. quantity and are all lines total.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CalculateDocLineDimensions(HeaderTableID: integer; HeaderSysID: Guid; var TempEOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info" temporary)

Raised after line values (weights, volume, …) of a doc. shippng info are calculated from related source document lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderTableID integer

    Related source document table id

  • HeaderSysID Guid

    Related source document system id

  • TempEOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Temporary Doc. shipping info record where to save dimensions values handled (“Gross Weight”, “Net Weight”, Volume, “No. of Pallets”, “No. of Parcels”). These values are total lines values, this means are already moltiplicated for ref. quantity and are all lines total.


procedure OnIdentifyAndFilterLinesRecRefForDimensioCalc(HeaderTableID: integer; HeaderSysID: Guid; var LineRecRef: RecordRef)

Raised after source document line are filtered from header. This recordset will be processed to calculate total document dimensions.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderTableID integer

    Related source document table id

  • HeaderSysID Guid

    Related source document system id

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Filtered recordref that will be used to calc dimensions.


procedure OnBefore_GetLineCalulationFactors(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var Qty: Decimal; var GrossW: Decimal; var NetW: Decimal; var Vol: Decimal; var NoOfPallets: Integer; var NoOfParcels: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before unit values (weights, volume, …) of a single source document line are retrieved.

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source document line

  • Qty Decimal

    Ref. quantity for source document line

  • GrossW Decimal

    Ref. unit gross weight for source document line

  • NetW Decimal

    Ref. unit net weight for source document line

  • Vol Decimal

    Ref. unit volume for source document line

  • NoOfPallets Integer

    Ref. unit no. of pallets for source document line

  • NoOfParcels Integer

    Ref. unit no. of parcels for source document line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnBefore_GetLineCalulationTotalWeight(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var Qty: Decimal; var GrossW: Decimal; var NetW: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before unit values (total net weight and total gross weight) of a single source document line are retrieved

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source document line

  • Qty Decimal

    Ref. quantity for source document line

  • GrossW Decimal

    Ref. unit gross weight for source document line

  • NetW Decimal

    Ref. unit net weight for source document line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_GetLineCalulationFactors(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var Qty: Decimal; var GrossW: Decimal; var NetW: Decimal; var Vol: Decimal; var NoOfPallets: Integer; var NoOfParcels: Integer)

Raised before unit values (weights, volume, …) of a single source document line are retrieved.

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source document line

  • Qty Decimal

    Ref. quantity for source document line

  • GrossW Decimal

    Ref. unit gross weight for source document line

  • NetW Decimal

    Ref. unit net weight for source document line

  • Vol Decimal

    Ref. unit volume for source document line

  • NoOfPallets Integer

    Ref. unit no. of pallets for source document line

  • NoOfParcels Integer

    Ref. unit no. of parcels for source document line


procedure OnBefore_OpenShippingInfoCard(SourceTableID: integer; SourceSysID: Guid; var EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before doc. shipping info card is request to open.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceTableID integer

    Source document table id

  • SourceSysID Guid

    Source document system id

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnBefore_GetPageCardLastShipNo(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var LastShipNo: code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before last shipping no. is retrieved for related source document to be shown in doc. info card.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • LastShipNo code[20]

    Return value containing last shipping no.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_GetPageCardLastShipNo(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var LastShipNo: code[20])

Raised after last shipping no. is retrieved for related source document to be shown in doc. info card.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • LastShipNo code[20]

    Return value containing last shipping no.


procedure OnBefore_DrillDownPageCardLastShipNo(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; LastShipNo: code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before last shipping no. is drilled down from doc. info card.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • LastShipNo code[20]

    Value containing last shipping no.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnBefore_GetPageCardRecipient(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var RecipientText: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before last shipping no. is retrieved for related source document to be shown in doc. info card.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • RecipientText Text

    Return value containing recipient data

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_GetPageCardRecipient(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var RecipientText: Text)

Raised before last shipping no. is retrieved for related source document to be shown in doc. info card.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Doc. shipping info record to open

  • RecipientText Text

    Return value containing recipient data


procedure OnBefore_UpdateDocumentFromDocShInfo(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before a document is updated from related doc. shippng info.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Source doc. shipping info

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_UpdateDocumentFromDocShInfo(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info")

Raised before a document is updated from related doc. shippng info.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Source doc. shipping info


procedure OnBefore_GetPageCardCaption(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before caption of doc. shipping info card is composed

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Source doc. shipping info

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_GetPageCardCaption(EOS066DocumentShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info")

Raised after caption of doc. shipping info card is composed

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS066DocumentShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Source doc. shipping info


procedure OnAfter_SetPageCardFieldVisibility(SourceTableID: Integer; var IsDocNoVisible: Boolean; var IsSalesEnumVisible: Boolean; var IsPurchaseEnumVisible: Boolean; var IsServiceEnumVisible: Boolean; var IsRecipientVisible: Boolean; var IsLastShipmentVisible: Boolean)

Raised after calculating which fields should be visible in doc. shipping info card is composed

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceTableID Integer

    Source document table id

  • IsDocNoVisible Boolean

    Specifies if document no. field should be visible

  • IsSalesEnumVisible Boolean

    Specifies if sales document type field should be visible

  • IsPurchaseEnumVisible Boolean

    Specifies if purchase document type field should be visible

  • IsServiceEnumVisible Boolean

    Specifies if purchase document type field should be visible

  • IsRecipientVisible Boolean

    Specifies if recipient data field should be visible

  • IsLastShipmentVisible Boolean

    Specifies if last shipping no. field should be visible


procedure OnBefore_LoadFieldsSetupDefaults(var Hidedialog: Boolean; var DeleteExisting: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before default setup for fields syncronization is loaded

Parameters / Return Value

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Indicates if UI is enabled or not

  • DeleteExisting Boolean

    Indicates if existing records should be deleted or not

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no standard app code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_LoadFieldsSetupDefaults(Hidedialog: Boolean; DeleteExisting: Boolean)

Raised after default setup for fields syncronization is loaded

Parameters / Return Value

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Indicates if UI is enabled or not

  • DeleteExisting Boolean

    Indicates if existing records should be deleted or not

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