Codeunit 18059992 EOS Sales Snapshot-Post Line

Codeunit 18059992 EOS Sales Snapshot-Post Line



procedure Post(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20])

The function to post document sales document and create Sales Snapshots

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    The document no.


procedure PostIfAutomatic(DocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20])

The function to create sales snapshots. This will post the snapshot only, if automatic snapshot posting is enabled.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type for which to post the snapshots.

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    The document no.


procedure Post(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20]; Force: Boolean)

The function to post document sales document and create Sales Snapshots

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    The document no.

  • Force Boolean

    If this is set to true, the snapshot is posted regardless of any setups.


procedure DeleteSalesOrderEntries(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

This function deletes sales snapshots if nothing has been shipped or invoiced

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The sales document to filter


procedure DeleteSalesOrderEntries2(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

This function deletes sales snapshots if nothing has been shipped or invoiced

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The sales document to filter



local procedure OnAfterCopyFromItemCharge(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; var SalesSnapshot: Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"; ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry")

This event is raised before insert Sales Snapshot. You can insert value from Value Entry record

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • SalesSnapshot Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"

    The Sales Snapshot record

  • ValueEntry Record "Value Entry"

    The Value Entry record


local procedure OnAfterCopyFromItem(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; var SalesSnapshot: Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"; Item: Record Item)

This event is raised before insert Sales Snapshot. You can insert value from Item record

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • SalesSnapshot Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"

    The Sales Snapshot record

  • Item Record "Item"

    The Item record


local procedure OnBeforeInsertSnapshot(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; var SalesSnapshot: Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"; Customer: Record Customer)

This event is raised before insert Sales Snapshot. You can insert value from Customer record

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • SalesSnapshot Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"

    The Sales Snapshot record

  • Customer Record "Customer"

    The Customer record


local procedure OnAfterInsertSnapshot(SalesDocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; var SalesSnapshot: Record "EOS Sales Snapshot")

This event is raised after insert Sales Snapshot.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesDocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type as Enum “EOS Sales Document Type”

  • SalesSnapshot Record "EOS Sales Snapshot"

    The Sales Snapshot record


local procedure OnBeforePostSnapshot(DocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20]; Force: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before posting the snapshot for a given document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type.

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    The document no.

  • Force Boolean

    Indicates whether the ‘Force’ parameter was set.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets if this event has been completely handled.


local procedure OnCheckCanPostSnapshot(DocumentType: Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var CanPost: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before the snapshot is about to be posted. Can be used override if the snapshot should be posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Enum "EOS Sales Document Type"

    The document type.

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    The document no.

  • CanPost Boolean

    Gets or sets if the snapshot can be posted for this document.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets if this event has been completely handled.


local procedure OnAfterIsDocumentTypeSupported(DocumentType: Enum "Sales Document Type"; var IsSupported: Boolean)

Raised to determine if sales snapshots are supported for the given document type.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Enum "Sales Document Type"

    The document type.

  • IsSupported Boolean

    Gets or sets if the document type is supported.

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