Codeunit 18122279 EOS DCF Export Receiv/Payable

Codeunit 18122279 EOS DCF Export Receiv/Payable



procedure GetLastRecordPK(): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text


procedure InitializeBatchID(BatchID: Guid)

Parameters / Return Value

  • BatchID Guid


procedure SH_GetOrigin(DocFRecPayBuff: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"): Code[2]

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFRecPayBuff Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • Returns Code[2]


procedure PH_GetOrigin(DocFRecPayBuff: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"): Code[2]

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFRecPayBuff Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • Returns Code[2]


procedure InitializeReceivPayable(var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

  • BatchID Guid



local procedure OnDiscoverReceivPayableProcessors(BatchID: Guid; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; var LastRecordPK: Text)

Event to handle all the procedure that want to manage the export of the Receiv/Payable

Parameters / Return Value

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The table where records will be written

  • LastRecordPK Text

    The PK of the current processing record, evalutate it before starting the process for correct error management.


local procedure OnBeforeExportCustLedgerEntry(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of all the CustLedgerEntry

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterExportCustLedgerEntry(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised when the export of the CustLedgerEntry has been completed

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The master data inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnBeforeExportCurrCustLedgerEntry(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of a single CustLedgerEntry

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    Parameter to change if the export has been already handled


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCurrCustLedgerEntry(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised before the insert of the CustLedgerEntry in the DocFinanceReceivPayable, all W1 fields has been handled

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable before has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterInsertCurrCustLedgerEntry(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the CustLedgerEntry has been inserted in the DocFinanceReceivPayable

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable after has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterManage_CLE_PaymentRelatedFields(CustLedgEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var PaymentCode: Code[10]; var PaymentType: Code[2]; var "Rating/Deliverability": Code[2])

Event raised after the CustLedgerEntry PaymentRelatedFields has been managed

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • PaymentCode Code[10]

    The Payment code evalued

  • PaymentType Code[2]

    The Payment Type evalued

  • Rating/Deliverability Code[2]

    The Rating/Deliverability evalued if set to empty will be evalued with Customer, DFSetup default Rating or “Expired Installments Rating” if expired


local procedure CLE_OnAfterEvaluateCustomerBankAccountFields(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; CustBankAcc: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var ABI: Code[5]; var CAB: Code[5]; var IBAN: Code[34]; var IbanCountry: Code[2]; var CountryCheckDigit: Code[2]; var BIC: Code[11]; var CIN: Code[1]; var CCNo: Code[12])

Event raised after the management of W1 fields using the CustomerBankAccount

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • CustBankAcc Record "Customer Bank Account"

    The current CustBankAcc

  • ABI Code[5]


  • CAB Code[5]


  • IBAN Code[34]


  • IbanCountry Code[2]


  • CountryCheckDigit Code[2]


  • BIC Code[11]


  • CIN Code[1]


  • CCNo Code[12]



local procedure CLE_OnFilterCustLedgerEntry_GetDocumentNo(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var CLE: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")

Event raised when filtering another Customer Ledger entry to get the Key of the record

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current CustLedgerEntry

  • CLE Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    Customer Ledger Entry that will be filtered


local procedure CLE_OnBeforeEvaluateDocumentNo(var CLE: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Document: Code[26]; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Document No. has been evaluated

Parameters / Return Value

  • CLE Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The CLE filtered

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The current record of the CLE

  • Document Code[26]

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeExportCLEGetFullAmount(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Notes: Text[80]; var isHandled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Notes has been evaluated with export full Amount (when there is a discount applied for the payment) This event allows you to avoid the export of this values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    Source Cust. Ledger Entry

  • Notes Text[80]

    The empty notes field.

  • isHandled Boolean

    IsHandled parameter


local procedure OnBeforeExportCLEPaymentTermsNotes(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Notes: Text[80]; var isHandled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Notes has been evaluated with export Payment Terms code and description. This event allows you to avoid the export of this values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    Source Cust. Ledger Entry

  • Notes Text[80]

    The empty notes field.

  • isHandled Boolean

    IsHandled parameter


local procedure OnBeforeExportVendLedgerEntry(var VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of all the VendLedgerEntry

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterExportVendLedgerEntry(var VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised when the export of the VendLedgerEntry has been completed

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The master data inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnBeforeExportCurrVendLedgerEntry(VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of a single VendLedgerEntry

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    Parameter to change if the export has been already handled


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCurrVendLedgerEntry(VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised before the insert of the VendLedgerEntry in the DocFinanceReceivPayable, all W1 fields has been handled

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable before has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterInsertCurrVendLedgerEntry(VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the VendLedgerEntry has been inserted in the DocFinanceReceivPayable

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable after has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterManage_VLE_PaymentRelatedFields(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var PaymentCode: Code[10]; var PaymentType: Code[2]; var "Rating/Deliverability": Code[2])

Event raised after the VendLedgerEntry PaymentRelatedFields has been managed

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • PaymentCode Code[10]

    The Payment code evalued

  • PaymentType Code[2]

    The Payment Type evalued

  • Rating/Deliverability Code[2]

    The Rating/Deliverability evalued if set to empty will be evalued with Vendor, DFSetup default Rating or “Expired Installments Rating” if expired


local procedure VLE_OnAfterEvaluateVendorBankAccountFields(VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; VendBankAcc: Record "Vendor Bank Account"; var ABI: Code[5]; var CAB: Code[5]; var IBAN: Code[34]; var IbanCountry: Code[2]; var CountryCheckDigit: Code[2]; var BIC: Code[11]; var CIN: Code[1]; var CCNo: Code[12])

Event raised after the management of W1 fields using the VendorBankAccount

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • VendBankAcc Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    The current VendBankAcc

  • ABI Code[5]


  • CAB Code[5]


  • IBAN Code[34]


  • IbanCountry Code[2]


  • CountryCheckDigit Code[2]


  • BIC Code[11]


  • CIN Code[1]


  • CCNo Code[12]



local procedure VLE_OnFilterVendLedgerEntry_GetDocumentNo(VendLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var VLE: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")

Event raised when filtering another Vendor Ledger Entry to get the Key of the record

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • VLE Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Vendor Ledger Entry that will be filtered


local procedure VLE_OnCalculateTotalAmount(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var Amount: Decimal)

Internal Use Only - Event used by the Italian Extension Event raised when calculate the VAT Total amount during Vendor calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • Amount Decimal

    The amount calculated


local procedure VLE_OnCalculateLCYTotalAmount(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var LCYAmount: Decimal)

Internal Use Only - Event used by the Italian Extension Event raised when calculate the VAT Total amount (LCY) during Vendor calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current VendLedgerEntry

  • LCYAmount Decimal

    The amount LCY calculated


local procedure VLE_OnBeforeEvaluateDocumentNo(var VLE: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var Document: Code[26]; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Document No. has been evaluated

Parameters / Return Value

  • VLE Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The VLE filtered

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    The current record of the VLE

  • Document Code[26]

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeExportVLEGetFullAmount(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var Notes: Text[80]; var isHandled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Notes has been evaluated with export full Amount (when there is a discount applied for the payment) This event allows you to avoid the export of this values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Source Vendor Ledger Entry

  • Notes Text[80]

    The empty notes field.

  • isHandled Boolean

    IsHandled parameter


local procedure OnBeforeExportVLEPaymentTermsNotes(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var Notes: Text[80]; var isHandled: Boolean)

Event raised before the Notes has been evaluated with export Payment Terms code and description. This event allows you to avoid the export of this values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Source Vendor Ledger Entry

  • Notes Text[80]

    The empty notes field.

  • isHandled Boolean

    IsHandled parameter


local procedure OnBeforeExportSalesHeaders(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of all the SalesHeader

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterExportSalesHeaders(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised when the export of the SalesHeaders has been completed

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The master data inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnBeforeExportCurrSalesHeader(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of a single SalesHeader

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The current SalesHeader

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The Buffer on which sales order and shpt. lines are loaded for the export grouped by table PK.

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    Parameter to change if the export has been already handled


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCurrSalesHeader(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised before the insert of the SalesHeader in the DocFinanceReceivPayable, all W1 fields has been handled

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The current SalesHeader

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable before has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterInsertCurrSalesHeader(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the SalesHeader has been inserted in the DocFinanceReceivPayable

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The current SalesHeader

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable after has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterPopulateSalesHeadersBuffer(DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the population of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer based on the SalesHeader, used by the italian version for the expolosion of the DueDates, do not use unless you know what you are doing

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The buffer created what will evaluate the DocFinanceReceivPayable

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterManage_SH_PaymentRelatedFields(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var PaymentCode: Code[10]; var PaymentType: Code[2]; var "Rating/Deliverability": Code[2])

Event raised after the SalesHeader PaymentRelatedFields has been managed

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The current SalesHeader

  • PaymentCode Code[10]

    The Payment code evalued

  • PaymentType Code[2]

    The Payment Type evalued

  • Rating/Deliverability Code[2]

    The Rating/Deliverability evalued based on Payment Method, Customer, DocFinance Setup


local procedure OnAfterGetSH_CurrencyCode(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var CurrencyCode: Code[5])

Event raised after the get of SH Currency Code for DCF.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The sales header

  • CurrencyCode Code[5]

    The currency Code


local procedure SH_OnBeforeFilterCustomerBankAccount(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var CustBankAcc: Record "Customer Bank Account")

Event raised during filtering of Customer Bank Account to evaluate SH fields

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The Sales Header

  • CustBankAcc Record "Customer Bank Account"

    The CustBankAcc with filters


local procedure SH_OnAfterEvaluateCustomerBankAccountFields(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; CustBankAcc: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var ABI: Code[5]; var CAB: Code[5]; var IBAN: Code[34]; var IbanCountry: Code[2]; var CountryCheckDigit: Code[2]; var BIC: Code[11]; var CIN: Code[1]; var CCNo: Code[12])

Event raised after the management of W1 fields using the CustomerBankAccount during SalesHeader process

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The current SalesHeader

  • CustBankAcc Record "Customer Bank Account"

    The current CustBankAcc

  • ABI Code[5]


  • CAB Code[5]


  • IBAN Code[34]


  • IbanCountry Code[2]


  • CountryCheckDigit Code[2]


  • BIC Code[11]


  • CIN Code[1]


  • CCNo Code[12]



local procedure SH_OnBeforeEvaluateCGKey(DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var Document: Code[26]; Occurrence: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Warning: Internal use only! Event Raised when evaluating the C/G Key.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The DocFExportRecPayBuffer

  • Document Code[26]

    C/G Key

  • Occurrence Integer


  • Handled Boolean

    Handled flag


local procedure SH_OnBeforeProcessBuffer(var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var DFReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable")

Warning: Internal Use Only Event raised before the process of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • DFReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"


local procedure SH_OnAfterProcessBuffer(var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var DFReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable")

Event raised after the process of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • DFReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"


local procedure OnBeforeExportPurchaseHeaders(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of all the PurchaseHeader

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterExportPurchaseHeaders(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised when the export of the PurchaseHeaders has been completed

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The master data inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnBeforeExportCurrPurchaseHeader(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of a single PurchaseHeader

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The current PurchaseHeader

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The Buffer on which purch. order and rcpt. lines are loaded for the export grouped by table PK.

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    Parameter to change if the export has been already handled


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCurrPurchaseHeader(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised before the insert of the PurchaseHeader in the DocFinanceReceivPayable, all W1 fields has been handled

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The current PurchaseHeader

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable before has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterInsertCurrPurchaseHeader(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the PurchaseHeader has been inserted in the DocFinanceReceivPayable

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The current PurchaseHeader

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable after has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterPopulatePurchaseHeadersBuffer(DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the population of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer based on the PurchaseHeader, used by the italian version for the expolosion of the DueDates, do not use unless you know what you are doing

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The buffer created what will evaluate the DocFinanceReceivPayable

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterManage_PH_PaymentRelatedFields(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PaymentCode: Code[10]; var PaymentType: Code[2]; var "Rating/Deliverability": Code[2])

Event raised after the PurchaseHeader PaymentRelatedFields has been managed

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The current PurchaseHeader

  • PaymentCode Code[10]

    The Payment code evalued

  • PaymentType Code[2]

    The Payment Type evalued

  • Rating/Deliverability Code[2]

    The Rating/Deliverability evalued based on Payment Method, Vendor, DocFinance Setup


local procedure OnAfterGetPH_CurrencyCode(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var CurrencyCode: Code[5])

Event raised after the get of SH Currency Code for DCF.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The Purchase header

  • CurrencyCode Code[5]

    The currency Code


local procedure PH_OnBeforeFilterVendorBankAccount(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var VendBankAcc: Record "Vendor Bank Account")

Event raised during filtering of Vendor Bank Account to evaluate SH fields

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The Purchase Header

  • VendBankAcc Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    The VendBankAcc with filters


local procedure PH_OnAfterEvaluateVendorBankAccountFields(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; VendBankAcc: Record "Vendor Bank Account"; var ABI: Code[5]; var CAB: Code[5]; var IBAN: Code[34]; var IbanCountry: Code[2]; var CountryCheckDigit: Code[2]; var BIC: Code[11]; var CIN: Code[1]; var CCNo: Code[12])

Event raised after the management of W1 fields using the VendorBankAccount during PurchaseHeader process

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The current PurchaseHeader

  • VendBankAcc Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    The current VendBankAcc

  • ABI Code[5]


  • CAB Code[5]


  • IBAN Code[34]


  • IbanCountry Code[2]


  • CountryCheckDigit Code[2]


  • BIC Code[11]


  • CIN Code[1]


  • CCNo Code[12]



local procedure PH_OnBeforeEvaluateCGKey(DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var Document: Code[26]; Occurrence: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Warning: Internal use only! Event Raised when evaluating the C/G Key.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The DocFExportRecPayBuffer

  • Document Code[26]

    C/G Key

  • Occurrence Integer

    Occurrence number

  • Handled Boolean

    Handled flag


local procedure PH_OnBeforeProcessBuffer(var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var DFReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable")

Warning: Internal Use Only Event raised before the process of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • DFReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"


local procedure PH_OnAfterProcessBuffer(var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; var DFReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable")

Event raised after the process of the DocFExportRecPayBuffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

  • DFReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

EOS Labs -