Codeunit 18123180 EOS031 CONAI Mgt.

Codeunit 18123180 EOS031 CONAI Mgt.



procedure OpenDocumentDetail(SourceDocument: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant


procedure OpenDocumentPreview(SourceDocument: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant


procedure GetCONAIEnabled(TableID: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCONAISetup(SourceDocument: Variant; MaterialCode: Code[20]; var CONAIPurchaseSaleSetup: Record "EOS031 CONAI Purch/Sale Setup"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • MaterialCode Code[20]

  • CONAIPurchaseSaleSetup Record "EOS031 CONAI Purch/Sale Setup"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCONAILinesMandatoryOnDocument(SourceDocument: Variant; MaterialCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • MaterialCode Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCONAIDeclarationMandatory(SourceDocument: Variant; MaterialCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • MaterialCode Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCONAIDeclarationText(SourceDocument: Variant; MaterialCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • MaterialCode Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure InsertCONAIDeclarationLines(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"


procedure GetCONAIExemptionEditable(SourceDocument: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCONAIExemptionEditableError(SourceDocument: Variant; CONAIMaterialCode: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIMaterialCode Code[10]


procedure CalculateDocumentDetail(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure UpdateDetailWithDocumentCONAILines(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail") CONAIDetailsOnDocument: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UpdateDetailWithCONAILedgerEntries(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure CreateGroupedDetail(var SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure SpreadChangesToDetail(var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure UpdateDetailWithAmounts(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure UpdateContributionFieldsOnGroupedDetail(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; UpdateRecDocumentDetail: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

  • UpdateRecDocumentDetail Boolean


procedure IsPostedDocument(SourceDoc: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsEnabledWeightExemptionCalc(TableID: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DeleteCONAILines(var SourceDocument: Variant; ShowConfirmation: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • ShowConfirmation Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UpdateCONAILines(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; ShowRequest: Boolean) LinesChanged: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

  • ShowRequest Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UpdateCONAILines_PostedDocument(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


procedure AddOnPostingCONAILines(SourceDocument: Variant) ReopenDocument: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TestDocument(SourceDocument: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant


procedure PostDocument(SourceDocument: Variant; PostedDocument: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • PostedDocument Variant


procedure UpdateLedgersWithAmounts(var CONAILedgerEntry: Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry"; SkipExemptionPerc: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAILedgerEntry Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry"

  • SkipExemptionPerc Boolean


procedure GetDocumentSignForConaiEntries(TableID: Integer): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • Returns Integer


procedure CalculateNetAmount(Quantity: Decimal; UnitAmount: Decimal; Discount: Decimal): Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Quantity Decimal

  • UnitAmount Decimal

  • Discount Decimal

  • Returns Decimal


procedure CalculateNetWeight(Quantity: Decimal; Discount: Decimal): Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Quantity Decimal

  • Discount Decimal

  • Returns Decimal


procedure CalculateNetAmountOnNetWeight(Quantity: Decimal; UnitAmount: Decimal): Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Quantity Decimal

  • UnitAmount Decimal

  • Returns Decimal


procedure FromPrimaryKey2Variant(TableID: Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLine: Integer; var DocumentVariant: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocumentLine Integer

  • DocumentVariant Variant


procedure OpenCONAIPackageFromItem(var Item: Record Item)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"


procedure ExcludeConaiCalcErr(SourceLine: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceLine Variant


procedure GetCONAIRoundingKg(var Weight: Decimal)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Weight Decimal


procedure GetDocumentLineConaiAmount(SourceDocument: Variant; ItemNo: Code[20]; ItemVariant: Code[10]; ItemUoM: Code[10]; Quantity: Decimal) ConaiAmount: Decimal

The purpose of this function is to allow everyone to calculate the CONAI Amount for a single line, based on Standard Documents.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document.

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    The Item No.

  • ItemVariant Code[10]

    The Item Variant.

  • ItemUoM Code[10]

    The Item Unit of Measure.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The item Quantity.

  • Returns Decimal

    The calculated CONAI amount.


procedure GetDocumentLineConaiAmount(SourceDocument: Variant; ItemNo: Code[20]; ItemVariant: Code[10]; ItemUoM: Code[10]; Quantity: Decimal; SourceLine: RecordRef) ConaiAmount: Decimal

The purpose of this function is to allow everyone to calculate the CONAI Amount for a single line, based on Standard Documents.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document.

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    The Item No.

  • ItemVariant Code[10]

    The Item Variant.

  • ItemUoM Code[10]

    The Item Unit of Measure.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The item Quantity.

  • SourceLine RecordRef

    The Source Document Line.

  • Returns Decimal

    The calculated CONAI amount.


procedure AddCONAIDocumentDetailOnSourceDocument(OnlySetup: Boolean; SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary; CreateEmptyRecordOnDetail: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • OnlySetup Boolean

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

  • CreateEmptyRecordOnDetail Boolean


procedure GetAdditionalFieldsOnPostedDocument(TableID: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; var TempCONAILedgerEntry: Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocumentLineNo Integer

  • TempCONAILedgerEntry Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry"



local procedure OnBeforeSetQuantityForConaiAmountCalc(HeaderRef: RecordRef; LineRef: RecordRef; var Quantity: Decimal; var isHandled: Boolean)

Event Raised before the validating of the line amount, can be used to set a different field than quantity.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderRef RecordRef

    The Header RecordRef.

  • LineRef RecordRef

    The Line RecordRef.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The Quantity.

  • isHandled Boolean

    IsHandled paramenter.


local procedure OnBeforeSpreadChangesToDetail(var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event executed before starting to spread page changes to all lines. Procedure will run if there is at least one line with flags: “Need Spread” = True and “Line No.” = 0

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The CONAIDocumentDetail that will be processed.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Handled parameter.


local procedure OnBeforeSpreadMaterialToDetail(CONAIMaterials: Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"; TempCONAIDocumentDetail2: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event executed before processing Current Material.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIMaterials Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"

    Current CONAI material.

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetail2 Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Handled parameter.


local procedure OnAfterSpreadMaterialToDetail(CONAIMaterials: Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"; var TempCONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary)

Event executed after processing current Material and spreading weight.

Example about how primary weight is handled, use this to spread your custom field // Primary Package TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Reset(); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.SetRange(“Line No.", 0); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.SetRange(“CONAI Material Code”, CONAIMaterials.Code); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.CalcSums(“Primary Weight”); GroupWeight := TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Primary Weight”;

TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Reset(); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.SetFilter(“Line No.", ‘<>0’); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.SetRange(“CONAI Material Code”, CONAIMaterials.Code); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.CalcSums(“Primary Weight”); DetailWeight := TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Primary Weight”;

LineCounter := 0;

if (GroupWeight <> DetailWeight) and (DetailWeight <> 0) then begin RemainingWeight := GroupWeight; Ratio := GroupWeight / DetailWeight; LineCount := TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Count(); if TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.FindSet(true) then repeat LineCounter += 1; if LineCounter < LineCount then begin TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Validate(“Primary Weight”, Round(TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Primary Weight” * Ratio, 0.01)); RemainingWeight -= TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Primary Weight”; end else TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Validate(“Primary Weight”, RemainingWeight); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Need Document Update” := true; TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Modify(); until TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Next() = 0 end;

if (GroupWeight <> DetailWeight) and (DetailWeight = 0) then begin RemainingWeight := GroupWeight; LineCount := TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Count(); if TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.FindSet(true) then repeat LineCounter += 1; if LineCounter < LineCount then begin TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Validate(“Primary Weight”, Round(GroupWeight * TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Spread Ratio”, 0.01)); RemainingWeight -= TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Primary Weight”; end else TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Validate(“Primary Weight”, RemainingWeight); TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.“Need Document Update” := true; TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Modify(); until TempCONAIDocumentDetail2.Next() = 0 end;

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIMaterials Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"


local procedure OnBeforeInsertGroupedDetailLine(CONAIMaterials: Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"; var TempCONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary)

Event raised before inserting a line with all grouped details.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIMaterials Record "EOS031 CONAI Materials"

    The current processing material.

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The line that will be inserted as header line.


local procedure OnAfterInsertModifyCONAIDocumentDetailLine(var TempCONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary; var HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var LineRecRef: RecordRef)

Event raised before inserting modifing a TempCONAIDocumentDetail line when cycling on LineRecRef.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The line modified or inserted.

  • HeaderRecRef RecordRef

    The current HeaderRecRef.

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    The current LineRecRef.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateConaiLines_PurchaseLine(PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Event executed before updating puchase line, with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The current PurchaseLine.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateCONAILines_SalesLine(SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Event executed before updating sales line, with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    The current CONAI SalesLine.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.


local procedure OnBeforeSetDimensionsCONAILines_SalesLine2(var ConaiSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event executed before updating dimensions on CONAI sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConaiSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    The current CONAI SalesLine.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Record “Sales Line”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t set the dimensions


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCONAINewLines_SalesLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Raised before inserting the Conai Sales Line. Use it to modify the Sales Line No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    CONAI Sales Line to insert.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAI Document Detail line.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateCONAINewLines_SalesLine(SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Raised before updating new sales line with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    The current CONAI Sales Line to update.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAI Document Detail line.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateCONAILines_PostedDocument(CONAILedgerEntry: Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Event executed before inserting a new CONAILedgerEntry, with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail that fixes the current CONAI ledger entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAILedgerEntry Record "EOS031 CONAI Ledger Entry"

    The current CONAILedgerEntry.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateDetailWithExceptionsSetup(SourceDocument: Variant; CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; var CheckTolerance: Boolean)

Event raised before Updating Detail Lines with Exceptions setup. Allows to disable the check tollerance flag.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    Source Document.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail Lines.

  • CheckTolerance Boolean

    CheckTolerance flag.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateDetailLineWithExceptionsSetup(SourceDocument: Variant; CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; var PercentageTolerance: Decimal)

Event raised before Updating Detail single line with Exceptions setup. Allows to change the PercentageTollerance only for the current line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    Source Document.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail Lines.

  • PercentageTolerance Decimal

    PercentageTolerance value.


local procedure OnBeforeIsSelfBilledDocument(SourceDocument: Variant; var SelfBilledDocument: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event raised before checking if the document is a self invoice

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    Source Document.

  • SelfBilledDocument Boolean

    SelfBilledDocument value.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    IsHandled paramenter.


local procedure OnAfterModifyCONAILines_SalesLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Event executed after updating an existing Conai sales line, with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    The current CONAI SalesLine modified.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.


local procedure OnAfterModifyCONAILines_PurchaseLine(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Event executed after updating an existing Conai purchase line, with values from the CONAIDocumentDetail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The current CONAI PurchaseLine modified.

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    The current CONAIDocumentDetail line.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateCONAILinesOnDocument(var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; SourceDocument: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before insert CONAI Lines on Source Document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail

  • SourceDocument Variant

    Source Document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip insertion


local procedure OnAfterUpdateCONAILinesOnDocument(var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; SourceDocument: Variant)

Raised after update CONAI Lines on Source Document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail

  • SourceDocument Variant

    Source Document


local procedure OnBeforeCONAIDetailMissingErr_OnBeforePost(SourceDocument: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before giving Error on posting Sales/Purchase Document, if CONAI Lines are Mandatory.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document to post

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the error


local procedure OnBeforeCONAIDetailMissingErr(SourceDocument: Variant; PostedDocument: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before giving Error on posting Sales/Purchase Document, if CONAI Lines are Mandatory.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • PostedDocument Variant

    The Posted Document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the error


local procedure OnBeforeFindSetSourceLines_OnCalculateDocumentDetail(SourceDocument: Variant; var SourceLines: RecordRef)

Raised before finding Document Lines to consider in CONAI Detail Calculation. Use it to filter Document lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • SourceLines RecordRef

    Source Lines to filter


local procedure OnAfterCalculateDocumentDetail(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Raised after calculate the CONAI Document Detail based on Document Item lines, ignoring the current conai detail already on document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail calculated


local procedure OnBeforeFindSetSourceLines_OnUpdateDetailWithDocumentCONAILines(SourceDocument: Variant; var SourceLines: RecordRef; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Raised before update the CONAI Document Detail with CONAI detail found ON document. Use it to filter Document lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • SourceLines RecordRef

    Source Lines to filter

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail to update


local procedure OnAfterUpdateDetailWithDocumentCONAILines(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail")

Raised after update the CONAI Document Detail with CONAI detail found ON document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • CONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail updated


local procedure OnBeforeFindSetProdBOMLine_OnGetItemWeights(var ProductionBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; SourceDocument: Variant)

Raised after filtering the BOM Lines to add to the Conai calculation.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductionBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Production BOM Lines filtered

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document


local procedure OnAfterGetItemWeights(var CONAIItemPackage: Record "EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; SourceDocument: Variant; SourceLine: RecordRef)

Raised after modify Weights on CONAI Document Detail Buffer from the Item Packaging.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIItemPackage Record "EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging"

    Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging” found

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    ItemNo filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    VariantCode filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

    UnitOfMeasureCode filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail Buffer to modify

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • SourceLine RecordRef

    The Source Document Line


local procedure OnBeforeModifyWeightsFromCONAIPackagingBOM(var CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; CONAIPackagingBOM: Record "EOS031 CONAI Packaging BOM"; SourceDocument: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean; SourceLine: RecordRef)

Raised before sum weights of the CONAI Packaging BOM to the Record CONAI Document Detail.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    Record CONAI Document Detail to modify

  • CONAIPackagingBOM Record "EOS031 CONAI Packaging BOM"

    Current Line CONAI Packaging BOM to get the Weights from

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t sum weights to the Record CONAI Document Detail

  • SourceLine RecordRef

    The Source Document Line


local procedure OnAfterUpdateDetailWithAmounts(SourceDocument: Variant; var CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary)

Raised after updating amounts on Conai Buffer for documents not posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    Buffer CONAI Document Detail updated


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCONAIDocumentDetailFromSourceLine(var TempCONAIDocumentDetail: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary; var TempCONAIDocumentDetailBuffer: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail" temporary; HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef)

Raised before insert the Conai detailed line with the weights calculated on the source line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetail Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    New Record CONAI Document Detail to insert

  • TempCONAIDocumentDetailBuffer Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    Current Record with weights calculated from standard

  • HeaderRecRef RecordRef

    The Header RecordRef

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    The current LineRecRef


local procedure OnAfterSetFiltersOnCONAIItemPackaging_OnGetItemWeights(var CONAIItemPackaging: Record "EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer: Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"; SourceDocument: Variant; SourceLine: RecordRef)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemWeights” to find the weights of the materials, assigned to the Item Packaging. It is raised after set filters on the CONAI Item Packaging. Use it to modify filters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CONAIItemPackaging Record "EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging"

    Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging” to filter

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    ItemNo filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    VariantCode filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

    UnitOfMeasureCode filter on Record “EOS031 CONAI Item Packaging”

  • CONAIDocumentDetailBuffer Record "EOS031 CONAI Document Detail"

    CONAI Document Detail Buffer to modify with the weights of the Item Packaging

  • SourceDocument Variant

    The Source Document

  • SourceLine RecordRef

    The Source Document Line


local procedure OnInsertCONAIDeclarationLines(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised on insert the generic Conai text. Use it to skip insert.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The Sales Header

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, not insert the CONAI Declaration Line


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCONAIDeclarationLines(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

Raised before insert the Sales Line with the generic Conai text. Use it to modify it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales line to insert

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The Sales Header

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