Codeunit 18122735 EOS066 EX051 DUM

Codeunit 18122735 EOS066 EX051 DUM



procedure GetUoMForDocumentLine(var DocumentLine: Variant; var UnitOfMeasure: Record "Unit of Measure"; var Quantity: Decimal; var handled: boolean)

Call this if you want to get the current UoM for a document Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentLine Variant

    The document Line

  • UnitOfMeasure Record "Unit of Measure"

    The Output

  • Quantity Decimal

    The Quantity

  • handled boolean

    If handled DuM subscribed succesfully



internal procedure OnValidate_Item_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record Item; xRec: Record Item)

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Item field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Item"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Item"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_UoM_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Unit of Measure"; xRec: Record "Unit of Measure")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Unit of Measure field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Unit of Measure"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Unit of Measure"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_ItemUoM_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Item Unit of Measure"; xRec: Record "Item Unit of Measure")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Item Unit of Measure field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Item Unit of Measure"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Item Unit of Measure"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_SalesLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Sales Line"; xRec: Record "Sales Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Sales Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Sales Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Sales Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_PurchLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; xRec: Record "Purchase Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Purchase Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Purchase Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Purchase Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_TransferLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Transfer Line"; xRec: Record "Transfer Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Transfer Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Transfer Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Transfer Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnAfterLineParsing_RBLine_DUM_Fields(CurrentLineRecRef: RecordRef;var SecUoMCode: Code[10]; var SecUnitPrice: Decimal;var SecQuantity: Decimal; var SecOutstQuantity: Decimal;var PriceUoMCode: Code[10])

INTERNAL USE ONLY: DO NOT SUBSCRIBE Allows DUM app to set fields in the Report Buffer Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CurrentLineRecRef RecordRef

    Source document line reference

  • SecUoMCode Code[10]

    Field “EOS Sec. UoM Code” of Report Buffer Line

  • SecUnitPrice Decimal

    Field “EOS Sec. Unit Price” of Report Buffer Line

  • SecQuantity Decimal

    Field “EOS Sec. Quantity” of Report Buffer Line

  • SecOutstQuantity Decimal

    Field “EOS Sec. Outst. Quantity” of Report Buffer Line

  • PriceUoMCode Code[10]


local procedure OnGetUoMForDocumentLine(var DocumentLine: Variant; var UnitOfMeasure: Record "Unit of Measure"; var Quantity: Decimal; var handled: boolean)


Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentLine Variant

  • UnitOfMeasure Record "Unit of Measure"

  • Quantity Decimal

  • handled boolean

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