EX001 Accruals and Simulated Common Library

Provides the ability to post simulated general ledger entries and register G/L accruals for sales & purchase documents

Simulated General Ledger and G/L Accruals

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Accruals and Simulated Common Library) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Accruals and Simulated Common Library) --> Dep1(Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Accruals and Simulated Common Library) --> Dep2(Finance Common Data Layer); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/0961643d-d357-43ac-b8ee-0097e9be07c1.html"

Dependencies from



18004101EOS001 Simulated GL Tests
18004102EOS001 DTI Event Handlers
18004103EOS Analisys By Dimensions
18004104EOS Sim. Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
18004105EOS Comp. Post.-Preview Hndlr
18004109EOS Sim. G/L Analysis Mgt.
18004114EOS CompetenceDates Import
18004115EOS001 SimGL Test Library
18004116EOS001 DTI Tests
18004119EOS001SGL Event Handlers
18004121EOS Sim. G/L Management
18004123EOS G/L Accruals Management
18004125EOS EX001 Navigate Handler
18004132EOS G/L Sim. Reversal
18122511EOS001 DTI Sales Handler
18122512EOS001 DTI Purch. Handler
18122513EOS001 DTI Entry-EditHandles manual changes to a DTI entry from the page.
18122514EOS001 DTI Settlement
18122515EOS001 DTI - Calculate
18122516EOS001 Notifications
18122517EOS001 Test Commit Blocker


18004100EOS Accrual Period Type
18004101EOS Accrual Description Source Type
18004102EOS Acc. Schedule Line Source
18004103EOS Depreciation Destination
18004104EOS Simulation Filter


18004100EOS G/L Balance by Dimension
18004101EOS G/L Balance by Dim. Matrix
18004102EOS001 Acc. Bal. by Entry Type
18004105EOS G/L Accrual Entries
18004108EOS Sim. G/L DimOver.
18004109EOS Sim. G/L DimOver. Matrix
18004110EOS G/L Accrual Templates
18004111EOS G/L Accrual Preview
18004112EOS Competence Dates Setup
18004121EOS Sim. G/L Ledger Entries
18004124EOS001 AccSched Missing Acc.
18004137EOS Calculate G/L Accruals
18122511EOS001 DTI Entries
18122512EOS001 DTI Documents


16Chart of Accounts
17G/L Account Card
20General Ledger Entries
39General Journal
46Sales Order Subform
47Sales Invoice Subform
54Purchase Order Subform
55Purch. Invoice Subform
96Sales Cr. Memo Subform
98Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
100Accounting Periods
101General Journal Templates
103Account Schedule Names
104Account Schedule
110Customer Posting Groups
111Vendor Posting Groups
116G/L Registers
119User Setup
256Payment Journal
350G/L Acc. Balance/Budget Lines
408G/L Balance by Dimension
422G/L Balance/Budget
489Column Layout
490Acc. Schedule Overview
526Posted Sales Invoice Lines
527Posted Sales Credit Memo Lines
529Posted Purchase Invoice Lines
530Posted Purchase Cr. Memo Lines
555Analysis View Card
558Analysis View Entries
569Chart of Accs. (Analysis View)
570Chart of Accounts (G/L)
18123702EOS CDL Source Code Setup
18123706EOS Sales Document Summary
18123708EOS Sales Posted Inv Summary
18123709EOS Sales Posted CM Summary
18123712EOS Purchase Document Summary
18123714EOS Purch. Inv. Summary
18123715EOS Purch. Cr. Memo Summary
18123728EOS066 MDI G/L Account Card


18004120EOS Analysis View Sim. G/L Src


18004100EOS001 Update DTI Entries
18004106EOS Close Income Stmt.
18004107EOS C/O Balance Sheet
18004108EOS Calculate Depreciation
18004122EOS AS Balance Sec. Comp.
18004124EOS Close G/L Accruals
18004126EOS Copy Sim. Entries To Jnl.
18004128EOS G/L Account - Entries
18122511EOS001 DTI Get Documents


18004102EOS Competence Dates Setup
18004104EOS Document G/L Accrual Entry
18004121EOS Sim. G/L Entry
18004127EOS G/L Accrual Entry
18004128EOS G/L Accrual Template
18122511EOS001 DTI Entry


15G/L Account
17G/L Entry
37Sales Line
39Purchase Line
45G/L Register
49Invoice Post. Buffer
50Accounting Period
80Gen. Journal Template
81Gen. Journal Line
85Acc. Schedule Line
91User Setup
92Customer Posting Group
93Vendor Posting Group
113Sales Invoice Line
115Sales Cr.Memo Line
123Purch. Inv. Line
125Purch. Cr. Memo Line
179Reversal Entry
334Column Layout
361Analysis by Dim. Parameters
363Analysis View
365Analysis View Entry
367Dimension Code Buffer
376G/L Account (Analysis View)
5621FA Journal Line
18123702EOS CDL Source Code Setup
18123709EOS066 MDI G/L Account

Build environment


Obsolete Items

24.0Codeunit 18004123 EOS G/L Accruals ManagementMethodDeclarationOnUpdateSourceRecordNo longer used.
22.0Codeunit 18122514 EOS001 DTI SettlementMethodDeclarationInitNo longer required.
21.0Table 18004102 EOS Competence Dates SetupMethodDeclarationImportDataNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18004114 EOS CompetenceDates ImportCodeunitObjectEOS CompetenceDates ImportNo longer available
21.0Codeunit 18004123 EOS G/L Accruals ManagementMethodDeclarationUndoRelatedAccrualNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18004123 EOS G/L Accruals ManagementMethodDeclarationOnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntryUse OnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntry_GenJnlLine
21.0TableExtension 18004122 EOS_TableExt18004122MethodDeclarationFindByEntry_EOSReplaced by EOS001_FindBySimEntryNo
20.0TableExtension 18004126 EOS_TableExt18004126FieldEOS Entry Type FilterFeature no more supported due to technical limits.
19.0Table 18004102 EOS Competence Dates SetupFieldDefault Settlement TemplateNo longer used
19.0Table 18004102 EOS Competence Dates SetupFieldService Settlement TemplateNo longer used
18.0Table 18004121 EOS Sim. G/L EntryFieldSource TypeUse ‘Source Type v2’ instead.
16.0Table 18004121 EOS Sim. G/L EntryFieldEOS Calc. G/L AccrualsUnused
16.0Table 18004121 EOS Sim. G/L EntryFieldAccrual Document TypeUnused
16.0Table 18004121 EOS Sim. G/L EntryFieldAccrual Document No.Unused
16.0Table 18004121 EOS Sim. G/L EntryFieldAccrual Document Line No.Unused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldTarget Journal TemplateUnused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldTarget Journal BatchUnused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldSource TypeUnused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldSource SubtypeUnused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldSource IDUnused
16.0Table 18004127 EOS G/L Accrual EntryFieldSource Ref. No.Unused
16.0TableExtension 18004125 EOS_TableExt18004125FieldEOS Calc. G/L AccrualsUnused
16.0TableExtension 18004125 EOS_TableExt18004125FieldEOS Doc. to Invoice Entry No.Unused


Released: On Premise: 26. September 2024

  • 16206: EX001 SGL In page ‘Sim. G/L Entries (SGL)', field content is limited to 50 characters


Released: On Premise: 03. June 2024 | SaaS: 04. June 2024

  • 15156: EX001 SGL In page ‘G/L Accrual Entries (SGL)', when selected ‘Reverse’ for entries posted in G/L linked to invoice or credit memo returns error ‘Impossible to reverse entry (number) because it’s a Invoice document.’
  • 15157: EX001 SGL In page ‘G/L Accrual Entries (SGL)', when selected ‘Reverse’ for entries posted in G/L linked to invoice or credit memo returns error ‘Impossible to reverse entry (number) because it’s a Invoice document.': Development
  • 15271: EX001 SGL Remove page filter ‘Reversed’ equal to ‘No’, in page ‘Sim. G/L Entries (SGL)’ opened from reversed simulated entries in page ‘G/L registers’


Released: On Premise: 10. May 2024

  • 11039: EX001 SGL Accounting records reversal, reversal of the possible linked accruals


Released: On Premise: 18. April 2024

  • 14821: EX001 SGL Add, in page ‘G/L Balance/Budget’, fields ‘EOSdebit Sim’ e ‘EOSCredit Sim’
  • 13480: EX066 CDL In ‘G/L entries’, if ‘Source type’ is equal to ‘Customer’/Vendor/bank/fixed asset then add decoding
  • 14610: EX001 SGL Add fields ‘Accrual starting date’, ‘Accrual ending date’, ‘Accrual period’ and ‘Accrual template’ on pages ‘Sales Lines’ (516) and ‘Posted Sales Invoice’ (132)


Released: On Premise: 04. December 2023 | SaaS: 21. December 2023

  • 13769: CHANGE: set StartingDate, EndingDate, ReversalDateFormula, GroupDocumentLines, WithReversal, GenJnlTemplate, GenJnlBatch parameters to protected


Released: On Premise: 23. November 2023

  • 13686: EX001 SGL - Purchase invoice related to posted receipt is posted with error ‘Source code must have a value in Gen. Journal Line: Journal Template Name=(name) Journal Batch Name=(name) Line No.=(number) and it can’t be equal to 0 or empty.’


Released: On Premise: 21. November 2023

  • 13323: EX001 SGL Accruals entries are reversed even when the action is canceled


Released: On Premise: 03. November 2023

  • 13528: EX001 SGL - In a ‘Purchase request’ related to invoice to be received, tring to post the reverse entry is not created with error ‘Select a dimensions value code for dimensions code (code) for G/L account (number).’


Released: On Premise: 23. October 2023

  • 11133: EX001 SGL Add a lock check when trying to reverse simulated about an invoice in a closed period (‘EOS Block Accrual Posting’ flag in ‘Accounting periods’)
  • 12263: EX001 SGL: recupero conti R&R in nota di credito attiva e passiva
  • 13323: EX001 SGL Accruals entries are reversed even when the action is canceled
  • 13428: EX001 SGL Add in setup a flag ‘Do not copy information from journal’
  • 13333: EX001 SGL Make visible, in report ‘EOS001 DTI Get Documents’ 18122511, variable ‘PostingDate’


Released: On Premise: 08. September 2023 | SaaS: 08. September 2023

  • 13167: EX001 SGL Change value of global variable ‘TmpGLEntry’ to ‘Protected’
  • 13168: EX001 SGL Change value of global variable ‘TmpGLEntry’ to ‘Protected’: Development


Released: On Premise: 24. July 2023 | SaaS: 02. August 2023

  • 12796: EX041 CDW In ‘Close documents journal’, trying to post is showed error ‘Document to invoice entry doesn’t exist. Fields and identification values: Entry no.= (number)’


Released: On Premise: 20. July 2023

  • 12833: EX001 SGL Performance are slow in the CloseAccrual and GetOriginalDescription procedures : Development
  • 10899: EX051.05 DUM for SGL Add invoicing management
  • 12749: EX001 SGL Implement, in journals, the automatic suggestion of accruals template


Released: On Premise: 15. June 2023 | SaaS: 13. July 2023

  • 12686: EX001 SGL Add event, to skip control on posting dates


Released: On Premise: 12. June 2023

  • 12631: EX001 SGL In ‘Purchase invoice’ with accruals template and flag on ‘Force same dimensions value’ in account card, tryin to post is obtained error ‘Select a Dimensions value code (value) for the Dimensions code (value) for account (Number).’


Released: On Premise: 05. June 2023 | SaaS: 09. June 2023

  • 12215: CHANGE: added overload to CalcGlAccrualEntryFromGlEntry procedure in codeunit “EOS G/L Accruals Management”
  • 12216: EX001 SGL Make possible to regenerate competence lines already posted: Development


Released: On Premise: 12. April 2023

  • 12015: FIX: added filter dimension set id to the SGL flowfields in Charts of accounts
  • 12016: EX001 SGL In ‘Charts of account’, filter for Dimension set ID is not managed: Development

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