Report 18004126 EOS Copy Sim. Entries To Jnl.

Report 18004126 EOS Copy Sim. Entries To Jnl.

de-DESim. Sachposten auf Buch.-Blatt kopieren (SGL)
en-USCopy Sim. G/L Entries To Jnl. (SGL)
it-ITCopia mov. C/G sim. su giornale reg. (SGL)



local procedure OnAfterCopyFromGlEntry(GlReg: Record "G/L Register"; var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GlEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; var CopyEntry: Boolean)

Raised after a G/L Entry is copied to a Gen. Journal Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlReg Record "G/L Register"

    The G/L register that is being copied.

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The target journal line.

  • GlEntry Record "G/L Entry"

    The source entry.

  • CopyEntry Boolean

    Allows you to control whether the entry should be copied.


local procedure OnAfterCopyFromSimGlEntry(GlReg: Record "G/L Register"; var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; SimGlEntry: Record "EOS Sim. G/L Entry"; var CopyEntry: Boolean)

Raised after a Sim. G/L Entry is copied to a Gen. Journal Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlReg Record "G/L Register"

    The G/L register that is being copied.

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The target journal line.

  • SimGlEntry Record "EOS Sim. G/L Entry"

    The source entry.

  • CopyEntry Boolean

    Allows you to control whether the entry should be copied.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertGenJnlLine(var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; SourceRecord: Variant; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before a general journal line is inserted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line that is about to be inserted.

  • SourceRecord Variant

    The source entry for which this line was generated.

  • Handled Boolean

    Allows you to control whether this event was handled.


local procedure OnAfterInsertGenJnlLine(var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; SourceRecord: Variant)

Raised after a general journal line is inserted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line that was inserted.

  • SourceRecord Variant

    The source entry for which this line was generated.

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