EX008 Advanced Customer Vendor Statements for Italy

Allows you to manage customer/receivable aging, through the UI and some reports.

Customer/receivable aging management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Advanced Customer Vendor Statements for Italy) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Advanced Customer Vendor Statements for Italy) --> Dep1(Finance Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/0961643d-d357-43ac-b8ee-0097e9be07c1.html" Main(Advanced Customer Vendor Statements for Italy) --> Dep2(Common Data Layer); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html"

Dependencies from



18123350EOS AdvCustVendStat Engine
18123351EOS AdvCustVendStat Install
18123352EOS AdvCustVendStat Import
18123354EOS AdvCustVendStat Routines
18123355EOS AdvCustVendStat SubscriptProvides functions related to extension specific subscription management.
18123356EOS AdvCustVendStat Dbg Import
18123357EOS AdvCustVendStat SharedMem


18123350EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType
18123351EOS008 CVS Report Heading Type
18123352EOS008 CVS Cust Detail Order
18123353EOS008 CVS Vend Detail Order
18123354EOS008 CVD Cust Detail Level
18123355EOS008 CVD Vend Detail Level
18123356EOS008 CVD Cust Column setup
18123357EOS008 CVD Vend Column setup
18123358EOS Report Company Name


21Customer Card
22Customer List
25Customer Ledger Entries
26Vendor Card
27Vendor List
29Vendor Ledger Entries


18123350EOS Aging Analysis
18123351EOS AdvCustVendStat Setup


18123350EOS AdvCVS Open CLE1
18123351EOS AdvCVS Open CLE2
18123352EOS AdvCVS Dishonored CLE3
18123353EOS AdvCVS Open VLE1
18123354EOS AdvCVS Open VLE2


18123350EOS Customer Aging
18123351EOS Vendor Aging
18123352EOS Vend Aging In Column
18123353EOS Cust Aging In Column
18123354EOS Account Book Sheet - Print
18123355EOS Customer Statement
18123356EOS Vendor Statement
18123357EOS Send fin. rpt to salesp
18123358EOS Send fin. rpt to cust
18123359EOS Customer Statement - Curr.
18123360EOS Vendor Statement - Curr.


18123350EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT
18123351EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT
18123352EOS AdvCustVendStat Setup EXT
18123353EOS AdvCustVend Buffer
18123354EOS008 CVS Report Parameters
18123355EOS008 Det. Ledg. Entry Buffer
18123356EOS008 Reporting Buffer


379Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry
380Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry

Build environment


Obsolete Items

21.0Report 18123355 EOS Customer StatementPageFieldReportOutputThis is no longer supported.
21.0Report 18123356 EOS Vendor StatementPageFieldReportOutputThis is no longer supported.
21.0Report 18123359 EOS Customer Statement - Curr.PageFieldReportOutputThis is no longer supported.
21.0Report 18123360 EOS Vendor Statement - Curr.PageFieldReportOutputThis is no longer supported.
21.0Codeunit 18123352 EOS AdvCustVendStat ImportCodeunitObjectEOS AdvCustVendStat ImportThis is no longer supported.
21.0Codeunit 18123352 EOS AdvCustVendStat ImportMethodDeclarationSetImportMgtDiscontinued Object
21.0Page 18123351 EOS AdvCustVendStat SetupPageActionEOSTestInternal use
14.0Page 18123350 EOS Aging AnalysisMethodDeclarationResetLanguageUnused
20Report 18123360 EOS Vendor Statement - Curr.PageFieldPrintStatementCurrencyfromDocumentCurrencyField was deprecated because the currency feature was removed from the “Customer Statement” report and the current report was made using it, the field is therefore not necessary because the report will always print using the currency feature.


(not released)

  • 15998: EX063 FTE Remove obsolete objects for BC25


Released: On Premise: 03. July 2024 | SaaS: 30. July 2024

  • 15298: EX008 CVS In page ‘Advanced customer/vendor statements setup (CVS)', caption of field ‘Enable detailed aging from’ is misleading


Released: On Premise: 24. May 2024

  • 15135: FIX: fix the Customer Aging report in order to show the Salesperson name in the print
  • 15136: EX008 CVS In report ‘Customer aging (CVS)', Salesperson name isn’t reported: Development


Released: On Premise: 23. April 2024

  • 14963: EX008 CVS Add methods to check if a database is on italian localization
  • 14827: CHANGE: added report parameters variables to protected vars in all reports, to allow access to them during customizations
  • 14717: EX008 CVS Remove obsolete no series management BC24
  • 14442: EX008 CVS Lauching report ‘Customer aging (CVS)’ with filter ‘Salespersons’, no data is printed


Released: On Premise: 18. December 2023 | SaaS: 26. January 2024

  • 13566: EX008 CVS Add, in reports ‘Customer statement (CVS)', ‘Vendor statement (CVS)', ‘Customer statement - Currency (CVS)’ and ‘Vendor statement - Currency (CVS)', total of previous period
  • 13689: EX008 CVS In report ‘Customer aging (CVS)', total amounts between columns ‘Currency’ and ‘Currency (LCY)’ are inverted


Released: On Premise: 31. August 2023

  • 13120: EX008 CVS In report ‘Vendor aging - in column (CVS)': 1. field ‘Posting date’ wrongly shows vendor code. 2. In header is printed a superfluous text


Released: On Premise: 27. June 2023 | SaaS: 27. June 2023

  • 12708: EX008 CVS Make visible, in reports 18123350, 18123353, 18123355 and 18123356, variables ‘Posting Date Filter’, ‘Due Date Filter’ and ‘TempReportingBuffer’
  • 12778: EX008 CVS Core codeunit must check subscription status


Released: On Premise: 16. June 2023 | SaaS: 23. June 2023

  • 12708: EX008 CVS Make visible, in reports 18123350, 18123353, 18123355 and 18123356, variables ‘Posting Date Filter’, ‘Due Date Filter’ and ‘TempReportingBuffer’


Released: On Premise: 19. May 2023

  • 12361: EX008 CVS If report ‘Customer Statement - Currency (CVS)’ is lauched with flag ‘Show Linked Entries’ abled, then field ‘Remaining amount’ show details equal to 0
  • 11921: EX008 CVS Report ‘Customer aging’ (18123350) ShowRelatedEntries and OnlyOpenEntries not working properly
  • 11556: EX008 CVS In the report ‘Customer Schedule (CVS)', the content of the field “Name” of the table Company and not that of the field ‘Display name’
  • 11790: EX008 CVS Remove obsolete pending objects: Development

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