EX075 Sales and Purchase Bonus

Sales and Purchase Bonus

Sales and Purchase Bonus

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Sales and Purchase Bonus) --> Dep0(Common Data Layer); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Sales and Purchase Bonus) --> Dep1(EOS Administration Library); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Sales and Purchase Bonus) --> Dep2(Analytics Library); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/3f5b43bf-7907-4d4c-a140-5d6f4eab9ead.html" Main(Sales and Purchase Bonus) --> Dep3(Trade common data layer); click Dep3 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/a1daf9d7-d09c-4919-9685-9705b6f17ec7.html"

Dependencies from



18059900EOS Bonus Management
18059901EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post
18059902EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post Batch
18059903EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post Line
18059904EOS Bonus Page Management
18059905EOS Bonus Settl. Management
18059906EOS Bonus Calculate Line
18059907EOS Bonus Calc. Management
18059908EOS Bonus Jnl. Management
18059909EOS Bonus Forecast Management
18059910EOS Bonus Event Handler
18059911EOS Bonus Install
18059912EOS EX075 SP Bonus Tests
18059913EOS EX075 Subscriptions
18059914EOS Bonus Filter Mgt
18059915EOS Bonus Allocation Mgt.
18059916EOS075 Bonus Reversal
18059917EOS075 Test Library
18059918EOS075 Logger
18059919EOS075 Upgrade


18059900EOS Bonus Document Type
18059901EOS Bonus Threshold Type
18059902EOS Bonus Base Calculation
18059903EOS Bonus Type
18059904EOS Bonus Value Type
18059905EOS Snapshot Type
18059906EOS Bonus Settlement Plan Status
18059907EOS Bonus Settlement Type
18059908EOS Bonus Header Status
18059909EOS Bonus Jnl Source Document Type
18059910EOS075 WD Start Periodicity
18059911EOS075 Logging Level
18059913EOS075 Settlement Grouping


180Reversal Entry Type


18059900EOS Bonus Setup
18059901EOS Bonus Line Card
18059902EOS Bonus Line List
18059903EOS Bonus List
18059904EOS Bonus Thresholds
18059905EOS Bonus Sel. Thr. Base Lines
18059906EOS Bonus Dimension Filters
18059907EOS Bonus Ledger Entries
18059908EOS Bonus Applied Entries
18059909EOS Bonus Classes
18059910EOS Bus. Bonus Groups
18059911EOS Prod. Bonus Groups
18059912EOS Customer Bonus Card
18059913EOS Customer Bonus Card Subf.
18059914EOS Vendor Bonus Card
18059915EOS Vendor Bonus Card Subf.
18059916EOS Bonus Journal Templates
18059917EOS Bonus Journal Batches
18059918EOS Customer Bonus Journal
18059919EOS Vendor Bonus Journal
18059920EOS Bonus Settlement Entries
18059921EOS Get Bonus Ledger Entries
18059922EOS Bonus Detail
18059923EOS Customer Bonus List
18059924EOS Vendor Bonus List
18059925EOS Customer Bonus Settl. Jnl.
18059926EOS Vendor Bonus Settl. Jnl.
18059927EOS Bonus Allocation Entries
18059928EOS Bonus Settlement Plan List
18059929EOS Bonus Ref. Period List
18059931EOS Vendor Bonus Doc. Matching
18059932EOS Vendor Bonus Journal Subf.
18059933EOS Bonus Doc. Matching Subf.
18059934EOS Cust. Bonus Journal Subf.
18059935EOS Cust. Bonus Doc. Matching
18059936EOS075 Bonus Summary
18059937EOS075 Bonus Item Buffer List
18059938EOS075 Log Entries


17G/L Account Card
21Customer Card
22Customer List
26Vendor Card
27Vendor List
30Item Card
41Sales Quote
42Sales Order
43Sales Invoice
44Sales Credit Memo
46Sales Order Subform
47Sales Invoice Subform
50Purchase Order
51Purchase Invoice
52Purchase Credit Memo
54Purchase Order Subform
55Purch. Invoice Subform
76Resource Card
96Sales Cr. Memo Subform
98Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
132Posted Sales Invoice
133Posted Sales Invoice Subform
134Posted Sales Credit Memo
135Posted Sales Cr. Memo Subform
138Posted Purchase Invoice
139Posted Purch. Invoice Subform
140Posted Purchase Credit Memo
259Reason Codes
279Source Code Setup
313Gen. Product Posting Groups
1351Posted Purch. Invoice - Update
1354Pstd. Sales Cr. Memo - Update
1355Posted Sales Inv. - Update
5159Sales Order Archive
5160Sales Order Archive Subform
5167Purchase Order Archive
5168Purchase Order Archive Subform
5600Fixed Asset Card
5800Item Charges
6631Sales Return Order Subform
6641Purchase Return Order Subform
18059990EOS Sales Snapshots
18059991EOS Purchase Snapshots


18059900EOS Bonus Calculate Line
18059901EOS Bonus Settlement
18059902EOS Bonus Calc. Alloc. Entry
18059903EOS Bonus Header Change Status
18059904EOS075 Duplicate Bonus
18059905EOS075 Proport. Bonus Matching
18059906EOS075 Insert Ext. Bonus Doc
18059907EOS075 Edit Doc. Amount
18059908EOS075 Reverse Settlement
18059909EOS075 Sched. Bonus Calc.


18059900EOS Bonus Setup
18059901EOS Bonus Header
18059902EOS Bonus Line
18059903EOS Bonus Threshold
18059904EOS Bonus Threshold Base Line
18059905EOS Bonus Dimension Filter
18059906EOS Bonus Ledger Entry
18059907EOS Bonus Application Entry
18059908EOS Bonus Class
18059909EOS Bus. Bonus Group
18059910EOS Prod. Bonus Group
18059911EOS Bonus Journal Template
18059912EOS Bonus Journal Batch
18059913EOS Bonus Journal Line
18059914EOS Bonus Settlement Entry
18059915EOS Bonus Allocation Entry
18059916EOS Bonus Settlement Plan
18059917EOS Bonus Alloc. G/L Register
18059918EOS Bonus Reference Period
18059919EOS Bonus Document Matching
18059920EOS075 Bonus Item Buffer
18059921EOS075 Log Entry
18059922EOS075 Sched. Calc. OptionsProvides a way to specify options for report 18059909 “EOS075 Sched. Bonus Calc.”
18059923EOS075 Bonus Line Totals


15G/L Account
36Sales Header
37Sales Line
38Purchase Header
39Purchase Line
81Gen. Journal Line
110Sales Shipment Header
111Sales Shipment Line
112Sales Invoice Header
113Sales Invoice Line
114Sales Cr.Memo Header
115Sales Cr.Memo Line
120Purch. Rcpt. Header
121Purch. Rcpt. Line
122Purch. Inv. Header
123Purch. Inv. Line
124Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
125Purch. Cr. Memo Line
179Reversal Entry
231Reason Code
242Source Code Setup
5107Sales Header Archive
5108Sales Line Archive
5109Purchase Header Archive
5110Purchase Line Archive
5600Fixed Asset
5800Item Charge
6650Return Shipment Header
6651Return Shipment Line
6660Return Receipt Header
6661Return Receipt Line
18059990EOS Sales Snapshot
18059991EOS Purchase Snapshot
18123709EOS066 MDI G/L Account

Build environment


Obsolete Items

24.0Table 18059906 EOS Bonus Ledger EntryFieldLog UserNameUse “SystemCreatedBy” instead.
24.0Table 18059906 EOS Bonus Ledger EntryFieldLog DatetimeUse “SystemCreatedAt” instead.
24.0Table 18059906 EOS Bonus Ledger EntryMethodDeclarationDeleteAttachedEntriesNo longer available.
24.0Codeunit 18059900 EOS Bonus ManagementMethodDeclarationGetBonusLinesForCustomerUse “Customer.EOS075_CollectBonusLines” instead.
24.0Codeunit 18059900 EOS Bonus ManagementMethodDeclarationGetBonusLinesForVendorUse “Customer.EOS075_CollectBonusLines” instead.
24.0Codeunit 18059900 EOS Bonus ManagementMethodDeclarationBuildItemBufferFor backward compatibility only.
24.0Codeunit 18059903 EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post LineMethodDeclarationDeleteEntryUse “DeleteEntry” on table “EOS Bonus Ledger Entry” instead.
24.0Codeunit 18059903 EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post LineMethodDeclarationDeleteEntriesNo longer available.
24.0Codeunit 18059916 EOS075 Bonus ReversalMethodDeclarationReverseSettlementEntriesYesNoUse “ReverseBonusEntries” instead.
24.0Codeunit 18059916 EOS075 Bonus ReversalMethodDeclarationReverseSettlementEntriesUse “ReverseBonusEntries” instead.
24.0Codeunit 18059916 EOS075 Bonus ReversalMethodDeclarationReverseSingleSettlementEntryUse “ReverseSingleBonusEntry” instead
24.0Page 18059936 EOS075 Bonus SummaryPageGroupItemsUse “Related Items” action instead.
24.0Page 18059936 EOS075 Bonus SummaryMethodDeclarationSetSourceUse “Initialize” instead.
24.0Page 18059936 EOS075 Bonus SummaryMethodDeclarationSetSourceUse “Initialize” instead.
24.0Page 18059937 EOS075 Bonus Item Buffer ListMethodDeclarationSetTempRecordsNo longer available
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldDate FilterNo longer available.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldSell-to/Buy-from No. FilterNo longer available.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldBase Amount (LCY)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldAmount (LCY)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldFc. Base Amount (LCY)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldFc. Amount (LCY)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldRemaining Amount (LCY)Use method “CalcRemainingAmount” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldSettled Amount (LCY)Use method “CalcSettledAmount” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldAmount on Settl. Entries (LCY)Use the method “CalcAmountLcyOnSettlementEntries” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldSett. Amount To Be Accr. (LCY)Use the method “CalcSettledAmountToBeAccrued” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldSettlement Amnt To Accr. (LCY)Use the method “CalcSettlementAmountToBeAccrued” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldRemaining Amount (LCY) (Base)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldExpected EntriesUse the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldQuantity (Base)Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldNet WeightUse the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldAccrued PointsUse the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldPoints in Settlement EntriesUse the method “CalcPointsInSettlementEntries” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldPoint Remaining Qty.Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059902 EOS Bonus LineFieldPoint Settled Qty.Use the field on table “EOS075 Bonus Line Totals” instead.
23.0Table 18059906 EOS Bonus Ledger EntryMethodDeclarationGetSettlementAmountLCYNo longer available.
23.0Report 18059901 EOS Bonus SettlementMethodDeclarationSetGroupByDocumentReplaced by “SetGrouping”
23.0Report 18059901 EOS Bonus SettlementMethodDeclarationSettleNo longer available, this was intended to be internal.
23.0Report 18059901 EOS Bonus SettlementMethodDeclarationRunFixedAmountSettlementNo longer available, this was intended to be internal.
23.0Codeunit 18059906 EOS Bonus Calculate LineMethodDeclarationSetCalcExpectedNo longer used.
23.0Codeunit 18059906 EOS Bonus Calculate LineMethodDeclarationSetExcludeSettledDocumentsNo longer used.
23.0Page 18059913 EOS Customer Bonus Card Subf.PageActionBonus Settl. Jnl.Replaced by “Bonus Matching”
23.0Page 18059915 EOS Vendor Bonus Card Subf.PageActionBonus Settl. Jnl.Replaced by “Bonus Matching”
22.0Table 18059913 EOS Bonus Journal LineFieldRelated to Bonus Line ContractNo longer used.
21.0Table 18059913 EOS Bonus Journal LineMethodDeclarationGetCurrencyNo longer available.
21.0Report 18059906 EOS075 Insert Ext. Bonus DocReportObjectEOS075 Insert Ext. Bonus DocMoved with Proportional Matching Report
20.0Table 18059900 EOS Bonus SetupFieldCust. Bonus Settl. Item Chg.No longer used.
20.0Table 18059900 EOS Bonus SetupFieldVend. Bonus Settl. Item Chg.No longer used.
20.0Table 18059906 EOS Bonus Ledger EntryFieldG/L Register no.Removed
20.0Table 18059917 EOS Bonus Alloc. G/L RegisterTableObjectEOS Bonus Alloc. G/L RegisterNo longer used.


(not released)

  • 15249: Bonus entries that have been allocated must be reversed and cannot be deleted


Released: On Premise: 06. September 2024 | SaaS: 06. September 2024

  • 15681: EX075 SPB After reverse, through function ‘Reverse settlement entry’ in page Bonus ledger entries (SPB)', of settlement entries…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 08. August 2024 | SaaS: 08. August 2024

  • 15754: EX075 SPB Improve extensibility of Page 18059936 ‘EOS075 Bonus summary


Released: On Premise: 06. May 2024

  • 15078: EX075 SPB: ‘Calculate bonus line (SPB)': if ‘Sell-to/Buy-from No.’ is a filter, it is not correctly applied


Released: On Premise: 30. April 2024

  • 15029: EX075 SPB In ‘Customer Bonus List (SPB)', selecting function ‘Calculate ledger entries’ with multiple lines selected gives error ‘Filter “(code 1)|(code 2)"…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14660: EX075 SPB Add a method, to skip confirm “if iGuiallowed…’ when inserting bonus journal line
  • 14430: EX075 SPB: Make enum 18059905 ‘EOS Snapshot Type’ extendible
  • 14433: EX075 SPB: Some of the calculated fields in table 18059902 ‘EOS Bonus Line’ are editable and not translated
  • 14439: EX075 SPB: Reversing a settlement for a credit document does not use the correct signum


Released: On Premise: 05. March 2024 | SaaS: 06. March 2024

  • 14439: EX075 SPB: Reversing a settlement for a credit document does not use the correct signum


Released: On Premise: 05. March 2024 | SaaS: 06. March 2024

  • 14430: EX075 SPB: Make enum 18059905 ‘EOS Snapshot Type’ extendible
  • 14433: EX075 SPB: Some of the calculated fields in table 18059902 ‘EOS Bonus Line’ are editable and not translated


Released: On Premise: 26. February 2024 | SaaS: 26. February 2024

  • 14307: EX075 SPB In ‘Sales order’, on free gift line created with SFG app, flag ‘Exclude from bonus’ isn’t inherited from item/G/L account line


Released: On Premise: 20. February 2024 | SaaS: 20. February 2024

  • 14307: EX075 SPB In ‘Sales order’, on free gift line created with SFG app, flag ‘Exclude from bonus’ isn’t inherited from item/G/L account line


Released: On Premise: 23. January 2024 | SaaS: 25. January 2024

  • 13875: EX075 SPB: FlowField performance and totals on bonus cards is poor


Released: On Premise: 08. January 2024

  • 13923: EX075 SPB Expose variables used on the request page in report ‘EOS Bonus Settlement’ 18059901 as protected


Released: On Premise: 28. November 2023

  • 13173: EX075 SPB In page ‘Customer Bonus Settlement Jnl.', filling by function ‘Insert external document’ the fields ‘Document type’ and ‘Document no.',…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 13. November 2023

  • 10623: EX075 SPB: Gestione residuo liquidabile basato su pagamento partita contabile


Released: On Premise: 16. October 2023

  • 12998: EX009 ADR Make possible to use field ‘Report setup code’ for reports


Released: On Premise: 12. October 2023

  • 8151: EX026 ALB: Miglioria setup ALB Generazione Snapshots


Released: On Premise: 11. October 2023

  • 12372: EX075 SPB In page ‘EOS Cust. Bonus Doc. Matching’ 18059935, with function ‘Edit doc. amount’ is obtained error ‘The new amount must be greater than the sum of negative items.’
  • 13176: EX075 SPB Add Event for adding custom field in filterbuilder


Released: On Premise: 04. September 2023

  • 13151: EX075 SPB Bonus settlement journals lose filters after posting


Released: On Premise: 21. June 2023

  • 12748: EX075 SPB: Add Events


Released: On Premise: 20. June 2023 | SaaS: 21. June 2023

  • 12721: EX075 SPB Launching request page ‘Calculate Bonus Line (SPB)’ from line is obtained error ‘Status must not be Certified in Bonus Header Type='Customer bonus’,Code='A099’.’


Released: On Premise: 08. June 2023 | SaaS: 09. June 2023

  • 12422: EX075 SPB Launching report ‘Calculate bonus line’ with filter on ‘Invoices/Credit memos’ is obtained error…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 11987: EX075 SPB Modify translations
  • 6201: EX075 SPB: Distribuzione premi fissi proporzionata

EOS Labs -