Table 18059901 EOS Bonus Header
Table 18059901 EOS Bonus Header
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bonusheader |
de-DE | Bonus-Header |
es-ES | Encabezado de bonificación |
fi-FI | Bonus-otsikko |
fr-FR | En-tête bonus |
en-US | Bonus Header |
it-IT | Testata bonus |
nb-NO | Bonus Header |
nl-NL | Bonuskoptekst |
sv-SE | Bonushuvud |
Code (1
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kode |
de-DE | Code |
es-ES | Código |
fi-FI | Koodi |
fr-FR | Code |
en-US | Code |
it-IT | Codice |
nb-NO | Kode |
nl-NL | Code |
sv-SE | Kod |
Description (2
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción |
fi-FI | Kuvaus |
fr-FR | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-IT | Descrizione |
nb-NO | Beskrivelse |
nl-NL | Omschrijving |
sv-SE | Beskrivning |
Type (3
Enum "EOS Bonus Type"
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Type |
de-DE | Art |
es-ES | Tipo |
fi-FI | Tyyppi |
fr-FR | Type |
en-US | Type |
it-IT | Tipo |
nb-NO | Type |
nl-NL | Soort |
sv-SE | Typ |
Status (4
Enum "EOS Bonus Header Status"
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Status |
de-DE | Status |
es-ES | Estado |
fi-FI | Tila |
fr-FR | Statut |
en-US | Status |
it-IT | Stato |
nb-NO | Status |
nl-NL | Status |
sv-SE | Status |
Contract No. (10
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kontraktnr. |
de-DE | Vertragsnr. |
es-ES | Contrato No. |
fi-FI | Sopimusnro |
fr-FR | N° contrat |
en-US | Contract No. |
it-IT | Nr. contratto |
nb-NO | Kontraktnr. |
nl-NL | Contractnr. |
sv-SE | Kontraktsnr |
At Exclusion (50
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Behandl kun den første gyldige regel |
de-DE | Nur die erste gültige Regel verarbeiten |
es-ES | Procesar solo la primera regla válida |
fi-FI | Käsittele vain ensimmäinen kelvollinen sääntö |
fr-FR | Processus seulement première règle valide |
en-US | Process only first valid rule |
it-IT | Elabora solo la prima regola valida |
nb-NO | Behandle bare første gyldige regel |
nl-NL | Alleen de eerste geldige regel verwerken |
sv-SE | Bearbeta endast första giltiga regel |
Settleable Amount Calc. (70
Enum "EOS075SettleableAmountCalc"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Berech. Abrechenbarer Betrag |
en-US | Settleable Amount Calc. |
it-IT | Calc. importo liquidabile |
Accrued Amount (LCY) (51
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"."Amount (LCY)" where("Bonus Type" = field(Type), "Bonus Code" = field(Code), "Entry Type" = const(Normal)))
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Periodiseret beløb (RV) |
de-DE | Antizipierter Betrag (LCY) |
es-ES | Importe acumulado (LCY) |
fi-FI | Jaksotettu summa (PVA) |
fr-FR | Montant accumulé (LCY) |
en-US | Accrued Amount (LCY) |
it-IT | Importo maturato (VL) |
nb-NO | Påløpt beløp (NOK) |
nl-NL | Opgelopen bedrag (LCY) |
sv-SE | Upplupna belopp (BVA) |
Remaining Amount (LCY) (52
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"."Remaining Amount (LCY)" where("Bonus Type" = field(Type), "Bonus Code" = field(Code), "Entry Type" = const(Normal)))
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Restbeløb (RV) |
de-DE | Restbetrag (MW) |
es-ES | Importe restante (LCY) |
fi-FI | Jäljellä oleva summa (PVA) |
fr-FR | Montant ouvert DS |
en-US | Remaining Amount (LCY) |
it-IT | Importo residuo (VL) |
nb-NO | Restbeløp (NOK) |
nl-NL | Restbedrag (LV) |
sv-SE | Återstående belopp (BVA) |
Settled Amount (LCY) (53
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"."Settled Amount (LCY)" where("Bonus Type" = field(Type), "Bonus Code" = field(Code), "Entry Type" = const(Normal)))
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Udlignet beløb (RV) |
de-DE | Ausgeglichener Betrag (LCY) |
es-ES | Importe liquidado (LCY) |
fi-FI | Selvitetty summa (PVA) |
fr-FR | Montant réglé (LCY) |
en-US | Settled Amount (LCY) |
it-IT | Importo liquidato (VL) |
nb-NO | Utlignet beløp (NOK) |
nl-NL | Vereffend bedrag (LCY) |
sv-SE | Kvittade belopp (BVA) |
Amount on Settl. Entries (LCY) (54
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("EOS Bonus Settlement Entry"."Amount (LCY)" where("Bonus Type" = field(Type), "Bonus Code" = field(Code)))
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beløb på Settl. Poster (RV) |
de-DE | Betrag auf Abrechnungsposten (MW) |
es-ES | Cantidad en Settl. Entradas (LCY) |
fi-FI | Settl.-summa Tapahtumat (PVA) |
fr-FR | Montant sur Settl. Entrées (LCY) |
en-US | Amount on Settl. Entries (LCY) |
it-IT | Importo su mov. liquidazione (VL) |
nb-NO | Beløp på Settl. Oppføringer (NOK) |
nl-NL | Bedrag op Settl. Inzendingen (LCY) |
sv-SE | Belopp på Settl. Poster (BVA) |
procedure TestStatus()
procedure SetHideConfirmation(NewHideConfirmation: Boolean)
Parameters / Return Value
- NewHideConfirmation
procedure Calculate()
procedure UpdateBonusLines(FieldNo: Integer; AskQuestion: Boolean; Default: Boolean)
Parameters / Return Value
procedure GetLastCalculationDate(): DateTime
Returns the last calculation date for the bonus header. This date is determined by the line with the earliest date.
Parameters / Return Value
- Returns
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