Table 18059922 EOS075 Sched. Calc. Options
Provides a way to specify options for report 18059909 “EOS075 Sched. Bonus Calc.”
An arbitrary primary key.
(0) , "Bonus Header"
(1) , "Bonus Line"
Specifies how the calculation will be performed.
If specified, the calculation will stop after this number of records (header or line) have been processed.
If specified, the calculation will COMMIT after each record (header or line) that was processed.
If specified, only records with a last calculation older than this timespan will be calculated.
If specified, lines that fail to be calculated are skipped. Activating this will cause the calculation to be COMMITed after each line.
procedure ValidateOptions()
Checks if the provided options are valid.
local procedure OnAfterValidateOptions(Rec: Record "EOS075 Sched. Calc. Options")
Raised after the options have been validated. Use this to perform additional validation.
Rec Record "EOS075 Sched. Calc. Options"
The options record.
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