Codeunit 70623873 EOS 070 IoT Hub Helper

Codeunit 70623873 EOS 070 IoT Hub Helper



procedure SetDefaultEndpoints(HubName: Text)

Procedure which inserts default hub endpoints.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HubName Text[]

    The name of the hub the endpoint should point to


procedure SetDefaultEndpoints(EOS070IoTHubSetup: Record "EOS 070 IoT Hub Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070IoTHubSetup Record "EOS 070 IoT Hub Setup"


procedure AddEndpoint(HubName: Text; Code: Integer; Uri: Text)

Procedure which inserts a new hub endpoint.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HubName Text[]

    The name of the hub the endpoint should point to

  • Code Integer

    The name of the endpoint

  • Uri Text[]

    The uri of the endpoint


procedure DeleteTelemetryEntries(DaysOld: Integer)

Procedure which deletes device telemetry entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DaysOld Integer

    The number of days to delete


procedure OpenHubSetup(NotificationContext: Notification)

Procedure invoked from Notification action. Opens “EOS 070 IoT Hub Setup” page.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NotificationContext Notification

    The notification on which the action was invoked



local procedure OnAfterInsertDefaultEndpoints(HubName: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • HubName Text[]

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